My Cusp Runneth Over

When I saw Amaya’s prompt today for dVerse it put me in touch with a fun poem I wrote in 2007. I had no opinion of astrology, but I decided to get a personal astrological reading back then from to support what I originally wrote for this poem. To update the poem, I got another reading today from Astrology Online.

I posted today’s reading at the bottom of this post. I blended info from this current reading into this revision of my original poem. I hope you enjoy this!

This is the new zodiac sign for Aquarius/Pisces cusp.


My Cusp Runneth Over

Some tongue-in-cheek astrology.


I am Aquarius
a child of water
with equal splash of Pisces too

a lover of freedom
all tethers rejected
all constraints are broken through

I am strong of will
firmly resolute
none dictate what I should do

my mind is my own
not some follower
my path mine only to pursue

my life is unique
it’s of my construct
its purpose is mine to construe

tradition is shunned
my life’s avant-garde
the leading edge never taboo

I’ve an artist’s spirit
and a writer’s voice
my soul’s palette is multi-hue

I am just and fair
quite compassionate
open minded to all that’s new

I am sensitive
with an inventive mind
a philosopher’s vision too

tech is my friend
and the natural world
from both of these I take my cue

my intuitive sense
gives me future vision
to raise the world a notch or two

this all must be real
it has all been revealed said it’s true

…Astrology Online did too

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2007
revision © 2019

My birthday is February 18th.
I am a pure cusp child born exactly between February 15th – 21st.
This is my reading today on: Astrology Online.

* As an Aquarius/Pisces you are selfless and spiritual, often strongly intuitive and receptive to the collective unconscious.
* You reflect the dual nature of life, reality and non reality, consciousness and the unconscious. You represent consciousness through the flowing of ideas. You work hard to bring your ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up your causes.
* You are peace loving and friendly, and are the chameleon of the Zodiac, receptive to the needs of others but sometimes getting lost yourself.
* You tend to be strongly spiritual (not necessarily religious) and artistic. You are idealistic, but sometimes your dreams are vague and impractical.
* When reality intrudes, you can become pessimistic or lethargic, but you are very adaptive and broad-minded, so you can rework your ideals when necessary.
* You are tolerant and open-minded, but tend to stick to your beliefs. You are compassionate, sensitive, imaginative and sympathetic to the feelings of others. You tend to be romantic and sentimental, but you may give in to escapism.
* You are devoted to your goals, but you can be disorganized or procrastinate when faced with difficulties.
* Your intellect makes you logical and self-confident, but it may also makes you aloof from people around you.
* You are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but you are also rather bored by detail. Reformist and experimental, you may seem cold toward people who don’t share your intellectual orientation to life.
* You may become withdrawn if your emotions are abused too often.
* You are multitalented, both in scientific and creative endeavors.
* You are unique and rebellious, and are driven to change the world. However, you can be shy, quiet and sometimes elusive, refusing to show your true self.
* You are modest, thoughtful, and display remarkable musical talent. Freedom is important to you, and you are often driven to help others become free, as well.
* You alleviate your emotional stress through contact with others and exercise.
* Your great strength is in your visionary nature and your compassion. You will likely take the world to the next level; and make others see things in a new light. Your ability to break the rules and help others reach their fullest potential make you a most understanding individual.

  • Check the elements on dVerse:

    Poetics: In My Element 


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • 56 thoughts on “My Cusp Runneth Over”

    1. I read somewhere that according to Linda Goodman there is nothng like cusp.

      Read Linda Goodman’s “Love signs”. Not for astrology but for the sheer use of words. It is a pleasure to read the way she use the great English language.

      I like your poem.

    2. Gautami

      Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed my poem! 😉

      I can’t speak for Linda Goodman, but in astrology, there is a cusp period between each pair of adjacent astrological signs.

      The cusp period between Aquarius and Pisces is February 15th to February 21st. I was born on February 18th, the precise center of the Aquarius/Pisces cusp period — the water bearer meets the fish.

      The manifestations of this particular cusp show by the individual presenting as highly philosophical, extremely sensitive, actively inventive, profoundly dreamy, and acutely visionary — possessing peak creative ability and remarkable acumen.

      Or so says the general astrological community — but then again, astrology is so subjective… who really knows?

    3. I loved the poem. It does describe how I am .. once again proving I am near and far, but where ever I am I am always around and being creative.


    4. My son is also in the cusp period between Aquarius and Pisces, and your poem describes him perfectly. Hmmm…perhaps there’s something to this business after all 🙂

    5. Becca

      Pleased you for this work resonated for you!

      …never know what moves in the cosmos… 😉

    6. I love the very last lines of the poem.

      It’s nice to see cusps explored – I am a decantes Sag myself with an Aquarian moon.

      The illustration you chose is beautiful.

      Waving at you from New York,

    7. Frances

      Thank you — glad you enjoyed!

      I love the fact that the illustration combines the two signs that bracket my cusp… 😉

      Waving back…

    8. Very cool, Rob. The last stanza of your poem made me laugh. And I love the line “the leading edge is not taboo.” The picture is really nice, too.

    9. Tammy

      I appreciate your kind words!

      Here’s to all us blended personality ‘cuspers’… 😉

    10. I don’t like the things Linda Goodman says about my zodiac sign! Liked the way you tackled your sign…made me think about how I don’t agree with the characteristics that are supposed to describe me. But some of them are true.

      I liked the way you ended the poem as though you were being skeptical. Nice.

    11. Sorceress

      Thank you for your kind words! 😉

      I am extremely skeptical because I believe completely in free will. Many factors may weigh in with regard to our potential ‘being’ as a human, but the person we ultimately ‘are’ is the one we choose to be — by both our responsible actions, and our irresponsible lack there of.

      The ‘belief’ crutches that people surround themselves with, such as astrology, religion, cults, isms (racism, sexism, nationalism, etc.), and the like — are ways in which individuals essentially surrender their free will. At their core, they are manifestations of a person’s fear — a ‘security blanket’ to help them cope with the unknown, the uncertain, the things that are different from themselves.

      These ‘crutches’ do act with considerable impact upon the individual, shaping them — but they are prime examples of the ‘lack’ of action I refer to above. To be specific, the lack of action to be ‘personally responsible’ for what they think, do, and say — and the consequences thereof.

      These ‘belief crutches’ serve to isolate and segregate individuals, limiting understanding and personal growth at best — or, at worst, acting as the catalyst for the most brutal, barbaric treatment of a human by another human… killing, torture, enslavement… acts of unspeakable depravity!  The most horrible, if not all wars humankind has ever waged against each other have these ‘belief crutches’ as the root cause!

      So Sorceress, I am way more than skeptical when it comes to humans embracing any type of ‘belief crutch’ — no matter how innocent it may appear. These ‘belief crutches’, these types of ‘mind sets’, are the seeds that breed the ugly, dark side of humanity — our inhumanity! History, since the beginning of our recording of it, proves my point.

    12. i never believed in very much about divination, but as my spirituality incorporates nature, i see how when everything is in sync a miracle is happening…and then i wonder if something like astrology is a valuable tool (of course are the experts, lol!)

    13. Annie

      Thank you for visiting! 😉

      I am profoundly moved and lifted by nature as well, but it is important, as a sentient species with free will, that we not allow ourselves to become controlled by ‘believing’ — or we surrender our will to a belief system, and are then controlled by a set of human constructs… no matter how complex or historic they might be.

      You hit on the correct word in your comment above — ‘wonder’… all we can do is wonder… we cannot ‘know’, as we are only finite, temporal beings. That is why I am agnostic.

    14. That’s a lot of information! By the caveat in the beginning and the ending of the poem, it sounds like you don’t believe any of it lol

    15. Thanks for your insightful comment at my site. This is both a dynamite poem, but the dark humor shines through like a black light over a Queen ballad. Reading your attached chart is fascinating, juxtaposed to your witty poetic. Of course there is a lot of you recognized in the chart. I’ve concluded that there is a shred of credibility to the notion, as the planet spins, every person born in a finite space, at a specific time has something in common with everyone else born within those parameters; ie: your musical talent.

      1. Thanks Glenn! I have often wondered, but it feels as though they say enough positive stuff that our egos maybe allow us to find something of ourselves, or our image of ourselves. But it’s a strange world…

    16. New meaning to “on the cusp.”
      I’ve often wondered about astrology…..and notice that there are never negative, horrible statements made about one’s personality, abilities, future etc. Although I guess in Tarot cards there are “bad” cards that can be turned over.
      You’ve risen to the occasion of the prompt! Nicely done.

    17. Your title made me chuckle. And I never knew I was considered a cusp child (I’m Feb 17) though of course not as pure as you;)

    18. I enjoyed the punning title, Rob, and the background to your revised poem. I love the opening stanza, which sets up the rest of the poem well. Well done for keeping up the rhyme scheme, and I love the phrase ‘my soul’s palette is multi-hue’.

    19. I wonder if anyone has ever had an astrological reading that tells them they are small-minded, mean-spirited, verging on the pathologically unstable, inclined to gross behaviour of all kinds, endowed with every negative -ist there is. Somehow I doubt it. People generally would rather hand over the strings of their own existence to some specious entity than take responsibility for it for themselves.
      Nicely put 🙂

      1. Yes, I think that much cold honesty would put the American Federation of Astrologers membership out of business Jane. The AFA is all about “warm and fuzzy” news. Only fortune tellers and tarot card readers can introduce negative elements, used to string their clients along for return readings.

    20. I so admire the way you express yourself poetically, Rob … with humor, with rhyme and rhythm, with intelligence and a tad of sarcasm. Now I see we are fellow Aquarians and perhaps that’s why your words usually resonate with me! Great write.
      (By the way, have you read “Riverhorse” yet?) Anxious to hear your opinion.

      1. Thank you Bev, you are always most kind. Yes, we Aquarians are just special people. I have begun reading “Riverhorse”. I put it in my iBooks on my iPad 10 days ago, along with a Clive Cussler novel, and one from Dean Koontz. I started reading all of them simultaneously. I will give you my report when I finish, probably a couple weeks to get through all three. Thank you for pointing me to the Heat-Moon book! 🙂

    21. What an amazingly creative genealogy / rebirth of this one thread in your life, Rob – and it must be true, right? Yes, love the humor! 🙂

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