Ever Evolving

Silky Owlet / Photographed in Papua New Guinea / Michael Sammut

Even in chaos nature finds balance
violent floods beget fertile fields
one thing ends — another begins
when life insists death yields

life is a cycle of birth and death
untamed wildfire creates forest ash
the ashen remains nurture growth again

forged in the fires of living
born is the miracle of expanding life
one thing ends — another begins
nothing beautiful comes without struggle

hammered from the pain of learning
emerges the power of wisdom
it is there in the teaching hand

evolution is not a revolution
it is the byproduct of time
one thing ends — another begins
nature ever seeks the best design

in between the was and will be
is the chaos realm of rearrange
the molten crucible of change

one thing ends — another begins
in the caterpillar lives the butterfly
one thing ends — another begins
now and forever the Mandala spins


Original DDE™ surreal art: “Great Mandala — Still / Moving”
by: rob kistner © 1/8/25

rob kistner © 1/9/25

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry at: dVerse


16 thoughts on “Ever Evolving”

  1. There are those things that can only born from fire… but judging from the news there are a lot of houses burning too.

  2. One thing ends – another begins for better or worse. It takes courage and resilience to carry on.

    Your repetition works well as it loops throughout the cycle of life.

  3. a wonderful rendition of metamorphosis and especially in those last lines
    (but you linked to the Palinode prompt and this belongs to Tuesday’s prompt – could be saved for OLN though!)

    1. Sorry Laura. I have been deeply involved in neuropsychological testing as a result of my declining memory and interpretive skills. I’m very high cognitive, 95+ percentile for my age. but low 70- percentile on interpretation… and too easily distracted. Which means I can be merrily off on a tangent, and with quality enthusiasm, before I realize I have gotten off course… but on a fascinating path, well defined in my mind — so I follow to a conclusion. In short, good writer, artist, and esthetic designer — not a good engineer. Wonderful at creating blueprints for my creations — not good at following other’s blueprints. Explains why I do not gravitate to preconceived poetic forms. I did not correctly interpret what you were looking for my friend, I apologize. I will try again.

  4. I love this stanza, Rob, and feel we are right there in the chaos.

    in between the was and will be
    is the chaos realm of rearrange
    the molten crucible of change

    Really love the mandalas you created also. They and fractals are endlessly fascinating to me.

  5. “one ends and another begins”

    The repetition of this line works beautifully in this thoughtful poem, Rob.

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