My Surreal Art

N.B. all artwork on this post © rob kistner

My surreal work is a technique I call: Directed Digital Extrapolation™,

My DDE™ process is a 5-step process of manipulating my original digital images, utilizing both AI bots and final detailing software.

1st) I use visualization and loose digital sketching to conceive the core image concept for the piece
2nd) I use either my Wacom tablet, but more frequently, my iPad to render the core image, employing apps, tools, and plug-ins
3rd) write and enter the code command stream, URL, and prompt script to direct the AI extrapolation-bot process for the core beta
4th) execute the initial bot run layering deeper into this step of the process as may prove necessary until desired parameters (approx. 95%) are reached
5th) do final touch ups of master image with Photoshop/Illustrator

~ below are a few examples of my finished original pieces, all © rob kistner ~

Remembering Aaron today



“you’re forever on my mind”



Finish Line


(In loving memory of my son, Aaron Kistner: 11/4/76 – 7/3/95)

It is my favorite picture of you son,
the one I treasure most
since your passing.

A simple snapshot,
taken at the airport,
upon your return
from having run the New York City Marathon.

A gentle, triumphant smile,
eyes beaming behind those ‘cool’ shades,
jacket sleeves rolled in casual hip-ness,
bag gripped firm and steady in your left hand,
medal dangling proudly from your strong neck.

The victor: gentle, cool, hip, carefree, proud, and strong,
– fiercely handsome!

How profound this captured moment proved to be.

Taken just before the finish line of your 18 years,
it said it all.

Your race is run,
your bag is packed,
your reward’s in hand.

Fly my sweet angel – fly!


rob kistner © 7/23/05


Aaron Robert Kistner, 18th birthday, returning from NYC Marathon
Shortly before he was killed
photo edited by: rob kistner © 2008
