Sunset Sails

Original DDE™ surreal art: “Sunset Sails” by: rob kistner © 1/17/25

Like drizzled honey
the sun through the treetops
paints the tall conifers
that embrace our meadow
in golden warmth

in that moment
my thoughts drift to you
and the tall ships in Beaufort Harbor

their massive sails aglow
painted in sunset shadows
their masts and riggings
set in fired relief

you had commented how the patterns
reminded you
of abstract charcoal sketches
the artist in you
always interpreting your world

this day
sunshine makes radiant your gentle face
your green eyes sparkle

I reflect back once more
to seeing you squinting in those rays
of that past North Carolina evening

your smile
had shone brighter than the sun

I remember staring
watching your eyes dance
among the docks and ships
in that beautiful little harbor
that unfolded like a still life before us

I had watched your lips
sculpting your words
in gentle excitement

you’d said yes
accepting the engagement ring
I offered you
there by the tall ships

I had wished that moment
would last forever
knowing that it would not
could not

it was a singular precious moment
anchored forever in time

here now
on this anniversary evening
my thoughts amble sweetly
back through time

I find a joyful peace
lying here with you
in the cuddled light
of this sunset-drenched meadow

my heart adrift
long ago
in the deep harbors
of my memories

rob kistner © 1/17/25

Poetry at: dVerse

25 thoughts on “Sunset Sails”

    1. Thank you Sanaa. I have been struggling with my memory at times, but this came on so powerfully. I became so in touch with what falling in love with her felt like. To recall so vividly those special feelings was a wonderful gift tonight! 🙂

    1. Thank you Helen, always am touched by your kind words, my friend! That was a most memorable day for me, 38 years ago… my memory still holds fast to the moment, the look in her eyes, her smile, her sweet excited manner, the energy of her youth, her beautiful sexy way — it is an endearing, vivid, powerful memory for me. After two marriages that had not ended the way I had wished, having been single now for several busy years building my business, my being 16 years her senior — I had massive butterflies of uncertainty that she might say no… but she said yes! We have been together since that summer of 1987!! 😉

    1. Thank you Björn. It is a life story, filled with triumphs and tragedies that any couple has endured who have entered 4 decades of life together. I am quietly thankful she is still with me. The good times with her are indelibly imprinted in my heart, and the tears of sadness and/or fear have nurtured my soul. Not perfect, but beautifully imperfect. and captivatingly human.

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