Last Light

“The bittersweet sorrow when a loved one’s memory is slipping away”

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Last Light” by: rob kistner © 9/25/24


I remember you love, by the ivy’d garden wall
on those crisp copper’d days, in the waxing fall
laying languidly embraced, on a golden leafy sprawl
in the dappled shade, of our green willow tall

I remember you sitting by the greying oaken mill
‘neath autumn’s changing trees, on that grassy hill
where we’d make sweet love, in the pearl morning chill
with love’s tears of joy, I remember the thrill

we’d embrace laughing, fall’n’roll down the hill
your blue eyes flashing, shouting, “let’s take the spill!”
bold as brilliant wildflowers, I remember you still
yes, I’m leaving you now love, but hear my heart trill
I always will, always will — remember… I always will

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse