

…inspired by a prompt at Sunday Scribblings, this is essentially a spontaneous first draft of a piece I’ve written featuring a current ‘self’ talking to a past ‘self’ seeking union as a better future ‘self’…

…I will continue to edit this work in place here until I am satisfied with it…

…here is edit #1 in which I create a one-on-one conversation between ‘past self’ (bold) and current ‘self’ (italics) – the original draft of the piece follows this edit #1…


edit #1 draft


there is a darkness
in the corridors of yesterday

you have known its presence
encountered its essence
felt its grip

it frightens me
because it is me

a bygone you

but it frightens me
because it is

because it is so devious

if granted license

it lurks in shadow

collecting the dark matter
that steals into my life

Continue reading Union