
  • inspired by the first day I met my wife in 1987…




    had she not appeared in that clearing
    so lost

    had she not crossed my threshold
    on that september day

    had not her voice
    drifted like silk on a summer breeze
    to wrap sheer and sweet
    around my heart

    had not I been drawn
    like a bloom to the morning sun

    had not I been captivated
    as a hummingbird
    by a drop of nectar
    crystal on a velvet petal

    had not my love come down
    soft as a rolling mountain meadow

    had not this dream been born

    had not my life begun again

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012

  • Ferryman



    The Wondrous Dream…


    sailing on a skiff of dreams
    the ferryman standing watch

    you soar untethered
    ‘mong the clouds of wonder

    to magical mystical ports of call
    where all imagined is in your grasp

    if only you could stay the course…
    but fast – daybreak approaches

    • • •


    The Final Dream…


    caught in the final dream
    called forth by the ferryman

    spirit stirs to the distant voice
    readies for the journey

    one foot still in this mortal realm
    soul resigned to embarkation

    time folding in upon
    as slow you approach the light

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    …this piece inspired by readwritepoem
    …and by sunday scribblings

    photo collage entitled: “charon” | by: h.koppdelaney