W e cannot hide
as comes an unquestioning fate
that breaths in the space
of destiny’s light and dark
in the days of falter and fear
of divisive polarity
in this vital odyssey
descending unbridled
with critical momentum
a duality
that moves
unsteady in the ether
of unquenchable doubt
yet your heart must embrace
in the spirit
of truth and forgiveness
that which is pure
tested by time
and the wanting hands
of the waiting
who cower
yet smile
singing truth
through the hail and barrage
‘cross the bow mast
of freedom
seeking broad measure and berth
as all that you seem to desire
slips slowly away
like rain down a spout
and nightmares plumb deep
the sphere of darkest dreams
break free
of this duplicitous error
and see
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: Sunday Muse
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