Such Wonder

This challenging form is called a sestina. This is the second I’ve written in response to a dVerse prompt. This one is focused at the beauty and power of the Pacific Northwest, the land that I embrace, and dearly love. My home! The region is a soul stirring, life transforming miracle! I’ve opened the door — take a look! You can click at the bottom of this post if you would like to listen to the soothing sound of the stream, and bird songs.

  • I highly recommend headphones for full immersion in the natural energy!


    Such Wonder


    I find peace wandering these mountains
    my searching spirit slips along its rivers
    spellbound by the vastness of its forests
    its ancient secrets whisper on the breeze
    echoing in the treetops like quiet song
    to resonate forever my beating heart

    to this mystic realm I lost my heart
    awestruck by these majestic mountains
    rushing whitewaters serenade with song
    roaring over rocks in crisp wild rivers
    ‘round each bend stirs a freshened breeze
    wafting through timeless emerald forests

    breathtaking — these pristine forests
    unspoiled natural beauty steals your heart
    fragrant conifers intoxicate the breeze
    sun rays fall dreamlike on the mountains
    sparkle diamondly on cold chop-water rivers
    beauty so glorious as to celebrate in song

    bles’sed mornings I wake to nature’s song
    cradled joyful beneath the canopy of forests
    dreams dance crisp clear waters of the rivers
    nature’s energy excites the rhythm of my heart
    resonant as root-chambers in old-growth forests
    “be glad” breaths the quiet voice of the breeze

    a treetop osprey’s cry echoes in the breeze
    beautifully eerie this raptor’s haunting song
    it seeks prey in the waters of these mountains
    as the airborne master fisher of these forests
    doing battle with a wild trout is in its heart
    I use a wooden boat to fish these rivers

    my imagination flows free as these rivers
    life’s become light as a soft evening breeze
    I hold this special place close to my heart
    my spirit soars like the melody of a song
    ever captive to the mystery of these forests
    enchanted by the wonders of these mountains

    the rush of wild rivers is like a brightening song
    carried on the breeze through these ancient forests
    my heart’s song resonates in these mighty mountains

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    “listen to the sounds of nature while you read — be relaxed”


  • Click below to read other sestinas at dVerse:

    Poetry Form: Sestina