Original DDE™ surreal art: “The White Dragon” by: rob kistner © 11/20/24
He had such a great laugh
and talent 100 fold
he was a keyboard wizard
who conjured hard won magic
on a daily basis
riding persistent sentry
over his mighty
sleeping white dragon
keeping it at bay
protecting himself
and loved ones
from its ravaging fire
the white dragon had held him captive
for over seven years
having overtaken him one day
in a careless moment of weakness
when this wizard had been foolish
and let down his guard
but the brave wizard
Sir DaVied as he was known
had again found his courage
and fought back the white dragon
driving it into submission
difficult and tentative as it was
sadly though
the cunning dragon
would not be held down
and in a moment
when the wizard’s vigilence
had sadly waned
the white dragon pulled Sir DaVied
once more under his evil spell
on this fateful day
the wizard’s infectious laughter
had become infected lunacy
his beautiful dreams
had again become dread
as the nightmares returned
the evil white dragon
imprisoned the wizard
in its dark and haunted lair
it was reported
Sir DaVied’s rants
could be clearly heard
above the bustle
of the homeward privileged
that passed unaware
of the wizard’s dilemma
the battle had raged long
coarse rants and ramblings
rose from the rancid shadows
until in final desperation
fetid hands lit the fateful fire
that brought to boil
the white magic potion
of the wizard’s deliverance
he’d slipped the cold steel
into the froth of sweet promise
still warm with transformation
and drew the white magic potion
into the glassen’d vessel
of ultimate escape
tied and tapped into submission
distraught from battle
this magical musical wizard
impaled his demons
with the white dragon’s dagger
hoping the potion
would drive back the monster
saving himself yet again
but not this time
no deliverance this time
the cunning white dragon
broke down the wizard’s defense
and claimed the brave wizard
as silver-white sleep
carried him away
the wizard was gone
gone on his silver steed
for his final ride
to the realm of no return
now the wizard’s castle
is in abandoned disarray
no lights to stave off darkness
the piano is broken-keyed
caked with time and neglect
no more does the wizard
descend the marble stairs
and glide back
the black lacquered bench
nor lay hands
on the polished ivory
to control the mighty Steinway
no more does he confidently caress
and coax those keys to his commands
no more do the beautiful strains
of the gold-framed
spiral-string soundboard
waft tenderly up the staircase
nor ring gently
in the empty atrium
no — the wizard DaVied
has passed
but in my soul
in my heart
his spirit
his music
(((echoes on…)))
Photograph by Romain Thiery
rob kistner © 2021
revision © 2024
Poetry at: Sunday Muse
Poetry at: dVerse