into the cool night air
is really no big deal
to face a barrage
of flying knives
isn’t really that unreal
to leap through the fire
of a flaming hoop
the warmth is kind’a nice
jumping giant chasms
on two-wheeled fury
sure – let’s do it twice
to be blown up
in a speeding car
sort’a turns me on
falling 20-story
from a skyscraper
I’m up over and gone
riding upside down
on an airplane wing
it’s the only way to fly
the high trapeze
without a net
I wouldn’t bat an eye
buried alive
in a padlocked tomb
count 10 and I’ll cheat death
chained in steel
tossed in the sea
no need to hold my breath
the sphere of fear
the dome of doom
the bungee-cord freefall
to walk blazing coals
swallow deadly swords
no sweat — I’ve done them all
almost nothing scares
this bold daredevil
I am very proud to say
save the single thing
of which I’m terrified
to give my heart away
~ ~ ~
(revised © 2018)