The Gift

The Gift


unworthy fool am I

to ignore it
to abuse it
to mistreat it
to misuse it
to mishandle it at every turn

no way am I deserving

yet over and over
you lay it at my feet
to protect each step
on life’s harsh road

time after time
you wrap it round me
as shelter
from sorrow’s storm

again and again
it nurtures and sustains me
on my journey through
the wastelands of the lonely

this light
this precious treasure

no way do I deserve
but forever will I cherish
your soul gift
of selfless love

would I could give you
such a gift in return
it would be my purest
my most unselfish gift

a gift golden as the sun
tied in a tinsel of stars
to nurture you always
to keep you radiant

my most precious gift
of a love supreme

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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27 thoughts on “The Gift”

  1. Rob, sounds like you have a lovely marriage. Bet Kath says the same about you. My uncle once said, “Marriage is not 50/50 – it’s 80/80, and when you’re in the 20% range, there’s plenty of room for your loved one to pick up the slack.” I like that thought.


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