New Song For Leonard

”Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.”
Leonard Cohen


Your clarity
blazed bright
a flame of logic
a vivid light
pierced the darkness
of ignorance
its radiance
sparked inquiry

your blazing light
turned to ember
then fell to ashen
but you still ignite
those who remember
your philosopher’s passion
we stir to fire
your dark wisdom’s desire

you’re moved on now
but you’re not gone now
you’ve taken manhattan
you’re no longer
the bird on the wire
but your true soul
was not extinguished
on your funeral pyre

those who heard you
we now bear you on
you’ll never be gone

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse



Heart & Mind

“We are stardust, we are golden and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”
Joni Mitchell

L ady blue is musical magic
her songs possess timeless wisdom
illuminating those who truly listen
they are truth — even when tragic

a poet deeply in touch with her soul
keenly aware of her frail humanity
pursues honesty and societal sanity
paints herself in a story teller’s role

she shares valuable lessons of life
yet reflects moments of indecision
but her self awareness and vision
offers hope midst the daily strife

“Drive your bargains,
push your papers,
win your medals,
fuck your strangers,
don’t it leave you on the empty side?”

Joni Mitchell

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Day 22 at: NaPoWriMo 2023



Wild Love


I remember you, as the spring blooms erupt
you felt winter, made them wait long enough
those gorgeous mavericks, always lifted us
new wildflowers, crazy colors blowin’ up

I remember the beauty, you saw in those weeds
for you understood, how a wild heart bleeds
to grow free, but as were their untamed needs
indiscriminately, they dispersed their wilding seeds

I remember wildflowers, embracin’ hills n’glades
hundreds o’brightly hues, and many stunning shades
n’painting steepen’d slopes, in color rich cascades
I remember you so loved, those raucous renegades

I remember you, in our special park in May
in the cool Spring breeze, at the end of day
on the silvered beach, of the white-capped bay
ever so especially, along our moonlit waterways

I remember sunny days, as it was growing dark
reclined on the soft matt, of fallen aspen bark
to the day’s final song, of the lilting meadow lark
oh — I remember you, in that wonderful arbor park

I remember you my love, by the ivy’d garden wall
on those crisp and heady days, of the waning fall
laying languidly embraced, on a golden leafy sprawl
in the dappled shade, of that weeping willow tall

I remember you, sitting by the old oaken mill
‘neath autumn’s changing trees, high on that grassy hill
when we would make sweet love, in the early morning chill
I remember with joyful tears, our wild lover’s thrill

how we’d embrace, and laughing, run wildly downhill
free as those wildflowers, I remember you still
your bright eyes flashing, as tears of joy spill
even as I leave you love, you know I always will

~ Last Lines ~

New wildflowers, crazy colors blowin’ up
indiscriminately, they dispersed their wilding seeds
I remember you so loved, these raucous renegades
ever so especially, along our moonlit waterways

oh — I remember you, in that wonderful arbor park
in the dappled shade, of that weeping willow tall
I remember with joyful tears, our wild lover’s thrill
even as I leave you love — you know I always will

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: dVerse


Sweet Recall

T onight
careful hands
peel back cracked
and yellowed protectant
from dark and aging pages
of long-ignored
dusty albums

compelled in the moment
my wife is liberating memories
of other life moments


faces and places
call from another time

a beautiful young bride
a proud new husband

our sweet children
and not

family and friends
here and gone

other visuals
strangely vague
yet hauntingly familiar
draw us in
spark warm recall

remembered laughter
and tears
gratefully of joy

captured images
unfold on our coffee table
like a cornucopia of time

insistent emotions
cascading one by one
and all together

the grand thief
thwarted by lens and film

who would steal
the treasures of our heart

who would conceal
cruely holding hostage
the moments of our journey

that unrelenting thief
is now at our door
once more
threatening to steal
what precious time
we have left

deeply moved
by our situation
we embrace

tears well and glisten
stirred by heartfelt gratitude
for this proof of life before us
this proof of love

tears also of hope
for more

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: dVerse


Time In Flux

…on holding fast to hope…


We exist
in a fragile sphere
of suppressed possibility
gripped in the freeze
of a dark time

this slag-shattered
glass of the future
moves frail and slowly
through the arc of the ages

midst those who’ve waited
and watched
at the waning of truth
‘neath the uncertain moon
of deliberated ancients

this fractured orb
revolves in the void
of lightless null

not hearing
what we knew to be
the plaintive cries
of the lost

our echoed cries

blind to the light
of the dawning
that heralds a new word
for a possible world

a new word
for this time that’s upon us

this brittle critical time

I am the bud and the blossom
I am the late-falling leaf
I am the arc fulfilled
I am the time come

come to the here
and the now

where we’re held
firm in the fire
of visions and longing
for what we were

and for all
that we are to be
here in our heart
at this moment eternal

even as
we gaze forlornly
across pooled hatred
through a divided curtain’s fall
at a fractured mirror’s reflection
a reflection of a waking nightmare

a glaring hallucination
of a polarized reality

dual worlds
close enough to touch
but too far apart to engage

dual worlds
through which truth
stumbles blind

beyond reach
or reason

no connection ’tween either

we walk as wraiths
through fevered empty streets
moving in these dual worlds

to the bone-white lies
of both

in the low voice
of dark deceit
implied in their toxic grins
of inflexible conformity

lethal tradition
revered in mindless trance

shackled to the instrument of fear
with grip rough as rope

bound at the shadowed edge
of dark and light
of plague and cure
of repression and justice

the edge of lethal ignorance
and profound knowledge


yet possible

but still seeking to flee
like a squandered teardrop
forever away from
our failing grasp

but hold fast

beckon the unfolding dawn
summon the emerging morn
herald the yellow-gold sunrise

there is far to go
and much to learn
rising from this dark night

but someone needs first
release the light

hold fast
perhaps torchbearers emerge

original publication: rob kistner © 02/18/21
revised publication © 04/07/23

Poetry at: dVerse

NOTE: This is the 4th and final edit of a piece I began writing on my 74th birthday, inspired by both my “Dual Worlds” piece. and my “Hold Fast” piece.



T he seed of a poem lay dormant in my heart. Mostly always true, and usually that seed is planted by something I’ve seen, maybe heard. That then sparks recall of feelings, maybe other visuals, related feelings. I string them together, editing until an emotional thread appears — then I translate that visually to a poem.

Visuals are one of my favorite inspirations. Writing to a preconceived form is repressive to me. I create visual impact to elicit emotions. Poetic forms are secondary in my writing. When chasing a form, I build a puzzle — reshaping my true poem so it fits.

My fundamental purpose for writing poetry, is the same when writing song lyrics — which for me came first, at age 16. I want people to visualize with me, to have them feel something emotionally. Joy, sorrow, love, anger, loneliness, recollection, longing, comfort — all are good.

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: dVerse


Poem Closed Down

The seed of a poem lay dormant in my heart. When the lads planted it, weeds overgrew it — the damn city closed it.

We must take it slow.
Don’t want any injuries to occur during the rebuild.

By order of the city.
And the city are real sticklers,
so we are going to error on the side of caution.

This has been a real damed bugaboo right from the start.
I feel the foundations might require examination.
We plan to move carefully.

Some poor fool got in here with a thesaurus
and did a real number.

Nothing to add here.

Need to tie up loose ends.


Hope To Upgrade & Reopen This Poem — Very 😉 Soon…



See you when…

144 words

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: dVerse


Of This Time

…on holding fast to hope…

DIGITAL ART — “Folding Time” by: rob kistner © 2007


W e cannot hide
from the great orb
of unquestioning fate
that spins in the spaces
of destiny’s light and dark

we cannot avoid
the days of falter and fear
held in this approaching void
that moves unsteady
in the fog
of unquenchable doubt

your mind must conceal
in a spirit of forgiveness
and joy

for that which is pure
tested by time
and the wanting hands
of the waiting
who cower

yet smile

singing truth
through the hail and barrage
‘cross the bow mast
of freedom

who seek broad measure
and fair berth

as all that you dream and desire
seems slipping slowly away
like rain through a downspout

and nightmares plumb deep
the sea of black dreams

as the fragile sphere of possibility
is gripped in the freeze of time
compressed and cracked

this slag-shattered
glass of the future
moves frail and slowly
through the arc of the ages

who’ve waited and watched
at the waning of truth
‘neath the brittled moon
of deliberated ancients

this fractured orb
that revolves in the void
of the others not hearing
what we knew to be
the plaintive cries
of the lost

blind to the light of the dawning
that heralds the new word
of this time that’s upon us

of this critical time

I am the bud and the blossom
I am the late-falling leaf
I am the arc fulfilled
I am the time come

of the here
and the now

where we’re held
firm in the fire
of visions and longing
for what we were
and for all that we are to be
here in our heart
of this moment eternal

even as
we gaze forlornly
across pooled hatred
‘tween a diseased curtain’s fall
at a fractured mirror’s reflection
of a waking nightmare

a glaring hallucination
a pulsing passion play
of a polarized reality

dual worlds
close enough to touch
but too far apart to engage

through which truth
stumbles blind
beyond reach
or reason
or connection with either

we walk as wraiths
through fevered empty streets
moving in these worlds
captive to the bone-white lies of both
implicit in their toxic grins
of inflexible conformity

lethal tradition
revered in mindless trance


shackled to the stone of fear
with a grip rough as rope


bound at the shadowed edge
of dark and light
plague and cure
repression and justice
ignorance and knowledge


but possible

yet still seeking to flee
like a squandered teardrop
forever away from
our failing grasp

but hold fast

beckon the dawn
summon the morn
there is far to go
and much to learn
rising from this dark night

someone needs first
release the light

hold fast
perhaps torchbearers emerge

original publication: rob kistner © 02/18/21
revised publication © 04/07/23

Poetry at: dVerse

NOTE: This is the final edit of the complete work, written on my 74th birthday, that inspired both my “Dual Worlds” piece. and my “Hold Fast” piece.

I Will Return

When the last tree is cut down, the last fish caught, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money.Cree Indians

All scenes above from my Oregon


W hen
in the spring of my life
I called to the wilderness

to the forests
to the rivers
to the lakes

and later
to the mountains
and to the high cliff’d
remote ocean shores

they always answered

they came to know me well
as my friends

they welcomed me eagerly
invigorating my spirit
soothing my mind
warming my soul

they shared their beauty
and their bounty
generously with me

I so love my forests
my mountains
my rivers and lakes

my high cliff’d
ocean shores

I praise their majesty
their power to transform

for my soul
these are my home

the wilderness became
the blood of my life…

top — Oregon Coast
middle — Oregon Sockeye Salmon
bottom — Oregon Black Tail Doe

…but now
in the winter of my days
they no longer
seem to know me

they do not seem
as welcoming

not as welcoming
to wander and roam

to hike
to camp
to fish

to just be
in their embrace
drinking of their energy
awed by their magic

this change of relationdhip
it saddens me greatly

I do not condemn the wild
for it is I
who have spoiled the connection
the deep friendship

that is to say
my age
and failing health
have made me too awkward
too uncomfortable
too infirm and absent

it is definitely I
who changed

but not my love
for the enduring beauty
and profound majesty
of the natural world

I pray human stupidity
human careless arrogance
does not ruin this
amazing miracle

because someday soon
I will return again
carried by my son

he will carry me home
to be forever joined
with this wilderness I love

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse

* This is a new style of poetry I created as a derivative of the Contrapuntal style. I call it the VERTICAL POLARPUNTAL style, in which the first half and second half of the poem each deal with the same multiple points of the same subject matter, but the tone reverses from positive to negative – or – negative to positive, yet reads as a single poem.


Tears Like Rain

“Sorrow, like a raven perched, leaves at times, but returns at its whispered name.”
Dean Koontz


G athered by the stoney wall
the ever curious crows carous
they bob and caw as they creep
then fly up to birch tree boughs

nearby a young girl sits quiet
by the open window of her room
distracted by this crowish riot
she’s weaving grief with her loom

the silken yarn ensnares her dreams
she stops the shuttle’s pull and shove
the crow’s shriek in pitiful screams
as she cries thinking of her lost love

she is so lonely here in her room
tears like rain fall in the gloom

be gone now noisy birds of black
clustered in this chilling rain
her lover’s never coming back
her broken heart is drenched in pain

be gone crows you’re causing sorrow
with your heartless crazy clatter
she knows her love has no tomorrow
as she’s feeling her world shatter

she mourns here in her lonely room
her tears like rain in heavy gloom

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: dVerse


The lady dropped the gaga schtick here as Stefani Germanotta sang from her heart



”Walkin’ the Jabberwock”


A starletically fine mirrormiz
with softical smile
swings a steply swell stutlybounce
in rare girlygood style
zoomening sultrification
that erosinates awhile

but I won’t slobbernly droolenate
on her poutifuss chubens
nor tenderliciously ogglenate
her mygodli bububbin
cause it’s time to upenleavenate
the husbandalical‘s comin’

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: dVerse



“Descent Into Madness” by: Rob Kistner


D arkness traps
my drumthrummed head
in this black nocturnal nest

this perversely born fantazury

midnight’s mad menagerie’s
zoomzooming in
this blueblack world

disgusting curiosities
bruteflung to hideousity

perverted serendipity
swarms in crazed horrorifity

mind ghouls shake
and shiver me

oh gentle morne
deliver me

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: dVerse


So Cold

~ revenge is the confession of a broken heart ~


B eware this lethal beauty
the bewitching queen of ice
she may once bestow her charms
but it will not happen twice

her chill lure is deadly
she’s feared in all the land
the finest poets of the realm
tell her tale in lyrics grand

she seduces her victims
with an ice-hot pout
once inside her chamber
they never again come out

this icy queen is killer cunning
her victims never see her coming

she has a sweet magic apple
even the wisest cannot resist
one bite of the tender part
willpower ceases to exist

you become her spineless puppet
to do with exactly what she will
to freeze your beating heart
this is ice queen’s biggest thrill

abandoned at the altar
on a frozen winter day
since that cold betrayal
she lashes out this brutal way

this icy queen is killer cunning
her victims never see her coming

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Soaring Silken

”Poppies fuel the flight of dreams”John Keats

A whispered zephyr
tosses my hair
brushes soft my cheek
flutters my dress

hope gently stirs

a promising breeze
blackspot fragrant
begins to freshen
headily potent

it wafts
and builds
gathers strength

heartbeat quickens

spirals anew

the building currents
fill flush my wings

an urgent lurch
as the moment arrives

my wings fill
then billow out
sculpted taut

caught full
by this mounting gust
it lifts with grace

rises with purpose
carrying me gently aloft
into a sky of dreams

I grip firm
with deft hands

with crystalline eye
I guide my crimson
sendal wedge
safely airborne

sailing upwardly loosed
of earth’s constraints

ever higher I ascend

I can see
for miles
and miles

far as
the fires
of the future

close as
the frozen

my visions
carried skyward
on sweetest drafts

by bolstering
winds of fair fortune

this day my silken span
has taken flight
boldly aloft
into the clear bright sky

with an uplifting wind
my craft
of red red wings
— fragile as a fantasy
soars strong
and steady

a sudden gust

I am jostled

but my nimble grasp
keeps my scarlet glider
on the rise
ever skyward

should winds
like fortune
and the sky grow still

my silken wings
in the faces of fate
will falter

like life
makes no guarantee

but such is the thrill
and wild abandon
of soaring

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse