Bionic Lover


You have a wonderful heart my angel. It is filled with love, joy, and care for others. It is a splendid heart, shared with me, and our family. It beats with love for us all.

I have a high milage heart. In fact, it has been broken, and I mean literally, not metaphorically — and more than once my dear. But despite congestive heart failure, and the numerous stents — it beats perfectly, electrified by my Pacemaker. I am now a bionic man!

I am not sure you want this bionic heart of mine? But know, if you do, it pulses just for you, now and forever — just change the battery.

Rebuilt as it is
my heart is yours my darling
battery powered
let us plug in together
be my bionic lover

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse


d’Terminal Dirge

The future is completely open
we are writing it moment to moment.


D o you
see the salt-tears
fallin’ like cold rain
from d’sterling horn’s bell

or feel the hit-bottom bass
of the fine wooden upright’s
thunderin’ swell

do’ya weep with the wound strings
of a hollow-body gibson

or ache to d’bent reed
of a lush broke-heart sax

ya throb’n with the rhythm
of the skin-taut drum’s beat
got’cha movin’ ya’feet

I am the rock band
playin’ crazy insane
rip riffin’ my guitar
roar’n like a fast train

I am the jazz band
the improvin’ cool hands
turnin’ d’melody ‘round
makin’ it my own sweet sound

I’m also the blues band
play’n careful n’clean
t’mellow the mean
playin’ my sad soul’s hand

I play at the light’s edge
that pools in the night
in a joint on the bleak streets
of the sad brokenhearted

I play to the anguish
of the loveless who cower
in the dark nightmare alleys
of the lost and forgotten

I play to the grief
of the sinners who moan
alone in their heartbreak
in the ruins of love

I play hot as a shot pistol
on the barroom slat-floor
in a puddle’a justice
that sent a po’fool to jail

I am the angel of miz’ry
that falls you flat down t’cry
a voice melt’n ‘round midnight
sing’n wings that can fly

I am a broke piano
in a dead drunk’n bar
squaller’d in shambles
sheddin’ mo’tears

I am the rattle of glasses
on shelves in d’back bar
when the band’s pumpin’ hard
on a packed Friday night

I am the true madman
sometimes d’sideman
in d’dark beautiful chaos
un’da joy’s tearful sky

I am the tambourine’s jangle
in a sweet delicate hand
in a hard poundin’ sextet
on a stage reekin’ reefer

I am the music and anguish
poured deep ina’m’soul
‘til I’m only the both
so to wring your pain dry

I am the storm in the vinyl
v-burned to catch tracks
of m’tears and m’sorrows
and m’fears for tomorrows

are ya’ blind
do ya’ see
are ya’ deaf
do ya’ hear

I am rock
jazz ‘n blues
and a lone angel cryin’

all that fuckin’ music
playin’ angry n’loud
maybe quiet n’proud
or dire and avowed
in earth’s terminal dirge

play’d for all’a us dyin’

You say we can’t kill it
you better think through it
I say your a fool
while I pray we don’t do it.

rob kistner © 2023

Mo’ Po’tree at: The Sunday Muse


~ a little gift to you — Aurora live in Brazil (full concert) ~

Pure Golden

~ jabberwocky fantasy bendin’ the bonds of time ~

James Dean, NYC, 1955 photo by: Dennis Stock


Me and the crew
was poundin’ it true
on a skin tight
be-bop night

man we was cookin’
in the zone
rhythm flushed
n’ flamin’ righteous

I was on my chops
pulse never stops

slap’n clap
rapity rapity
tapity snap

my fingers
was truly smokin’
urgently strokin’
caressin’ the key-taut hide

like a velvet touch
on the round bare flesh
of a fine-ass’d dame
hot’n fresh
we was all aflame
finely sussed
and fully percuss’d

uptown dudes
beatin’ it get-down

we laid it way down
some bitchin’
damned cool bottom

this big joint
was thumpin’ thunder
rollin’ under
bles-sed wonder

the scene was more’n jake
a rhythm quake
we was jammin’smooov

our stick man caps
rocked his traps
like thunder claps
with a beat tight
as a steel trap
while big roy
rolled the ivories

we kicked our tunes
tore up the house
lo-ridin’ the night
was true far out

skirts’a flirt’n
legs was freak
stone fox sleek

we all were stoked
prime’d and smoke’d
so to my pad
ta’ave what we had

but first
chateau blanc
like blissed lo-riders
to down some slyders
sweet 3:00 am
belly bombs
lo-life filet mignons

then single malt
to wash it down
side’n with kingers
the skirts sippin’ slingers
all dis a mellow mood

then down the rabbit hole
full blow’d away
to clutch’n’such
n’wrap this beautiful night
pure golden

rob kistner © 2022
rob kistner © redux 2023

Poetry 2023 at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry 2022 at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: earthweal

Poetry at: dVerse



When the last tree is cut down, the last fish caught, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money.Cree Indians

All scenes above from Oregon


W hen
in the spring of my life
I called to the wilderness

to the forests
to the rivers
to the lakes

and later
to the mountains
and to the high cliff’d
remote ocean shores

they always answered

they came to know me well
as my friends

they welcomed me eagerly
invigorating my spirit
soothing my mind
warming my soul

they shared their beauty
and their bounty
generously with me

the wilderness became
the blood of my life

Oregon Coast

in the winter of my days
they no longer
seem to know me

they do not seem
as welcoming

not as welcoming
to wander and roam

to hike
to camp
to fish

to just be
in their embrace
drinking of their energy
awed by their magic

this change of relationdhip
it saddens me greatly

Oregon Black Tail — doe

but it is I
who have spoiled the connection
the deep friendship

that is to say
my age
and failing health
have made me too awkward
too uncomfortable
too absent

to my wilderness
I’m no longer recognizable

my face
my eyes
my stature
my gait
all different

I have changed so

now a feeble stranger
bent and slow

3 Sisters Mts. — Central Oregon

I still love my forests
my mountains
my rivers and lakes

my high cliff’d
ocean shores

I do not blame
any of them

it is not their fault
we are estranged

it is definitely I
who changed

I will return again
carried by my son

to be forever joined
with this wilderness I love

please love her too

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse


Man Amazed

The future is completely open and we are writing it moment to moment. Pema Chödrön


Who am I

I’m father
three times blessed

I’m fire
a lover possessed

I’m ice
oldest son’s death

I’m joyful creativity

lyrical voice
artist’s eye
poet’s pen

I’m fragile nature

lofty mountains
old growth forests
wild water’s bend

man amazed
praying at land’s end

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse





Virgin papers
spread before me


no burden of remorse
no weight of mystery
do they bear

no sting of anger
no wink of mirth
no blush of passion

coin of phrase unspent

nothing clever
nor profound
this night

icy void
my thoughts


rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse


Love Takes Wing

“Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing.”Dolly Parton

Image by Vee Speers

Like a flash of startling color
like mystical midnight dreams
butterflies will materialize
from love’s pure heart it seems

like fragile fleeting fairies
this love-bound woman is the source
they flit and flutter dazzlingly
such a breathtaking tour de force

so frail and so diaphanous
such bold and brilliant wings
like true love they float on air
enchantingly beautiful things

they dart with such abandon
they dance more than they fly
so weightless — so very joyous
a lovers’s ballet in the sky

OH… don’t fret our lovely lady
she’s tucked tight and very comfy
she’s evolving in love’s chrysalis
to the butterfly she soon will be


rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Nature of Fire

~ this is a poem about freedom ~

Image by Jocelin Carmes

So inconceivable
he thought…

that such a structure
can be so wholly engulfed

the fire so fierce

but what of the fury
in that single first flame

to have leapt
so viciously
to consume

to ravage

to devastate
so absolutely

it is always there
the nature of fire

like the rage
of a violated being
too long held down

unjustly deprived


all potential denied
where there is great potential

spirit squelched
where there is great spirit

an entire people
can be denied

until finally
a single incident

a single first flame

unleashes a righteous inferno
that has no bounds

it is always there
the nature of fire

the power to combust

to blaze
so brilliantly

can only be suppressed
for so long

it is always there
the nature of fire

ready to explode

like the fury
in a single first flame

like the fury
in a suppressed people

and when the smolder
becomes full flame

all will burn

it is always there
the nature of fire

~ Ukraine will be released ~

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

More poetry at: dVerse


Crossing T’s

This poem deals with my long time dream to create a book of my poetry, lyrics, and art; and to share some interesting life experiences. The dream has been hampered by my lifetime struggle with acute ADD and depression. In past few decades — diabetes, four heart attacks, congestive heart failure, declining hearing and sight. In past couple years with debilitating arthritis in both hands. But I stumble forward with the dream.



Veiled in promise
it beckons me
the elusive dream
upon my heart embossed

yet there is a storm
can rage within
to churn at times
my weary mind
focus turned and tossed

the way grows foggy
direction blurred
the path unclear
the purpose slurred
this journey can exhaust

to stay the course
I cast and chart
and reference often
in handmade note
but not every “t” gets crossed

I fire my dream
on electronic pages
share it with the world
progress at times freezes up
I pray it will defrost

so my life gets lived
in bits and pieces
scribbled on scraps
of random papers
so many soon so lost

in losing them
confusion rises
chaos threatens
hopes can scatter
my elusive dream the cost

failing health presses in
as does ravaging time
can I ever finally
get my dream to rhyme
before my clear thought wafts

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse

More poetry at: Poets & Storytellers


My Wild Youth

~ in loving memory of my father, Robert T Kistner, Sr ~



Wilderness forests have always been part of my soul. I was first introduced to the wild natural world by my adoptive father in 1951, when I was four years old. We’d go deep into the Canadian forests of Ontario twice every year, 3 weeks each time — to explore and enjoy the remote lakes and streams… fishing, hiking, camping, totally off the grid. No phones, no TV, no electricity — it was glorious.

We’d have to portage through a chain of pristine lakes and narrows, to the small, private island that dad co-owned with a Canadian family. Hand-built, self-cut log cabin, with huge wood burning black iron stove for cooking the fish we caught, and small game dad hunted, and to heat the cabin. Small log and sawdust ice house out back. Double hand-built docks, one on each side of the stone island. It was a bit over an acre in size, covered in tufts of scrub grass, moss, wild lowbush blueberries, and originally with a good stand of white pine, mostly felled to build the cabin. Later a small lawn of Kentucky bluegrass was maintained in front of the cabin porch. Pure glacial drinking/cooking water came right out of the lake.

Chilled mornings, meant waking up to meet the sunrise, cabin falling into a Canadian morning chill, the sound of lake loons echoing across the water, through the morning mist. Then into my boots and fishing jacket, then flashlight in hand to the outhouse, the chill nipping at my ears and cheeks. Back to the cabin, the smell of bacon, eggs and potatoes, beginning to permeate the warming air inside. Intoxicating.

With the rising sun, just nearing the horizon, it was grab the Coleman kerosene lantern, put on two new mantles, then pump and light, so we could maneuver the early morning dark to the low hiss of the lantern. We then grab the rods, reels, nets, stringers, and tackle box, and into the boat. Crank up the Evinrude for a morning of mythical fishing — which we also repeated every evening, the old Coleman, reaching its glow cross the twinkling ebony water, helping us locate the dock, coming home under the crystal clear, billion-star Ontario night. We were often treated to the arora borealis (northern lights).

Afternoons were for cleaning fish, swimming in the cold northern water, hiking the forests that came right down the the bouldered shores, across from our island, sometimes going to the beaver lodges and gig the mud for little green frogs, with which to live fish for large mouth bass and northern pike — pike also loved the chub and shiner minnows we’d seine for. Some afternoons found us pole navigating the narrows through the lake chain to get to the small wilderness store at Lehman’s Landing, to pick up basic supplies, and block ice from their big sawdust-filled log ice house. Amazing memories.

When I started my music performance career, launching the first of my numerous bands at age 16, those incredible Canadian days ended for me. Broke my heart, but my life was moving on, about to enter a several-decades long chapter of writing lyrics and poetry, designing home theaters and contemporary furniture, and creating art that continues today. The years that followed that, found me ultimately crossing the country, to help innovate and elevate the home entertainment industry, ultimately becoming part of the George Lucas creative group at Lucasfilm LTD. But that is all another story — and it ain’t rated PG.

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse





in this moonlit
pacific northwest forest
midnight’s snowfall shimmers
through the boughs
of old growth

standing tall
their stately silhouettes
paint the powdery canvas
in niveous abstract

the forest feeling
deep and still

it is alive
it is my soul

its pulse
my pulse

this January night
sparkling snowflakes
as if stardust
have drifted to rest
from the heavens
casting a silent spell

high-mountain meadows
in crystal down

this night
fell quiet and crisp

a great white owl
echoes hauntingly
through frosted cedar

as in reply
the low belling
of a white-tail deer
head raised
to the stars
drifts dreamlike
down the mountainsides
resonant in the canyons

a gentle stream
murmurs softly
‘tween crystalline banks
of sculpted ice

further up the mountain
these streams are rushing
churning whitewater
roaring forth
their power and presence

as gorgeous trout
browns brooks rainbows
and feisty cutthroat
muscle their way upstream
traversing the rapids
to settle in still edgewater

moonbeams sparkle
on snow-draped conifers
like diamonds
necklaced enticingly ‘
round the supple shoulders
of fair lithe ladies

it is a deep night
to linger and listen
mesmerized by chill silence

a magic enchants
the sleeping earth

gently it slumbers
encloaked in winter white
adrift in time and space
the fragile fall of snow
its restful blanket of peace

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse




You may have seen me, silhouetted against the sky, this coldest January night — howling with the frozen moon. Moon and I conspire, the whole world close enough to touch. We eat a midnight banquet, seasoned with colors of my guilt.

Show mercy. Peel back the layers to my authentic soul. I hope I’m not ugly in your sight. That thought becomes too heavy to hold, to tough to chew or swallow. My thoughts, bone-white lies of morality plays, open for all to see.

The grey of my indifference , the black of my sins, hope they are not frightening. My purple of betrayal, my red of anger, my green of vengeance — hope they do not make you weep. They’re a carapace to which I’m stitched. Everything I do is stitched with its color, and will no more fade, than I can wash it away.

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse


~ Utterly breathtaking performance of an astoundingly beautiful song by Peter Gabriel. ~

Feathered Friends


Hello my friends
so nice you visit

strutting round me
stretching out
in a flutter
of feathered wings

your flits
and chirps
and twitters
and coos
bring this old man
great joy

your vitality
soothes my soul

here grounded

but for a few steps
painful steps
with cane always in hand

mostly confined
to my favorite chair

with my needles
and vials
and constant
bloody finger pricks
glucose test strips

my mechanics of survival

at every waking
every sleeping
and every meal

and punctured

6 times total
every day

but also
my daily joy
with my favorite friends
when you visit

I know my feeding you
is your prime motivator

but you kindly linger
moving easy and gentle
‘round me

know for certain
my feathered friends

this lonely old man
appreciates it

I love you for it

but I’ll tell you a secret
I want so to fly
it’s my fantasy
my freedom dream

arms spread straight out
feeling the lift

and to feel
the thrill of the swoop
caught up in my freedom dream

to pierce through the clouds
like a laser beam

feel the wind
ruffle my feathers

zoom high — above rooftops
to be weightless
to feel no stress
so high — above rooftops

riding the thermals
as all my fear stops
swept up in happiness

so much I’d see
I’d feel so free
soaring in giddiness

oh — could I but glide
through the clouds
like you do

in free flight
lifted on mighty thermals
no longer earthbound
not a captive of gravity
relieved of anxiety
free of my agonies

but I am captive
to my failing heart
to my cane
to my chair
to my bloody pricks
of my fingertips

to my needles
so many many needles

but each day
when you leave me
it is truly thrilling
to experienc you
flap your wings
and fly off to freedom

I envy you your freedom
I envy you your feathers
and your hollow bones

I envy you
but I love you
I wish I were you

so fly
fly my friends

my heart is with you

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Soft as Petals

~ Painting by Richard Burlet “Woman in Blue” ~


M ysterious lady in blue silk wrap
a bewitching beauty as to mesmerize
sculpted by aphrodite’s hand
so seductive as to scandalize

a wilding stare of icy blue
floats above a dangerous pout
spellbound by her magic eyes
she holds your soul with no way out

her smile will ignite and hypnotize
lips soft as petals on a new spring rose
she prowls with a leopard’s grace
to be certain fool — yes, she knows

you are now her helpless captive
held hopelessly soul addicted
her immortal heart is cerulean flame
is she an angel — or truly wicked

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse