Jabberwock’n Luv (phonetically)
A ghost-lee fine look-er-miz
with a sof-ti-cal smile
swings leg-nous-lee swell
in rare girl-lee-ghost style
such a score-chi-ful bo-di-face
as might burn-lee-bad be
en-stokes sul-tri-fi-cay-tion
that e-row-za-nates me
my steam-lee-ful brigh-ten-blinks
are max-fi-ren-ly day-zened
by the beau-ti-fa-li-ci-tee
she or-bi-nous-lee blay-zened
I shoun’t slah-bern-lee droo-le-nate
over her pow-ti-fuss chu-bens
nor ten-der-li-cious-lee og-gla-nate
her my-god-lee bu-bub-bins
it’s lew-day-cious-lee nix-i-cated
to stare-zing luv-lus-ting-lee
so as girl-lee-ghost swing-you-lated
I mine-da-filed my biz-nes-si-tee
but in drea-me-ton’s rel-men-hood
as my mem-or-a-ti-cus re-mem-ber-ated
I ree-zoo-ma-fied sweet gur-lee-good
as my blood-pum-pi-nay-tor en-thraw-bi-nay-ted
when more-nin-sun ree-tur-ni-fied
I wo-ke-nay-ted all in-fa-chew-cay-ted
and im-me-dee-ous-lee pled-ji-fide
girl-lee-ghost-’d be re-a-ni-may-ted
~ ~ ~
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”
Melancholy’s grey
the black of loss
fear’s dark ebony
the violet of regret
the purples of pain and anger
sorrowful blues
peaceful greens
golden joy
laughter’s bright amber
love’s ruby red
the scarlet of passion
the white of knowledge
these are the colors
of my life
painted by the brushstrokes of time
blended in the palette
that defines my essence
T his epiphany
incandesces my essence
burns deep my soul
stirs my spirit
unsettles my being
ignites my wonder
and whets my seeker’s vessel
with need to be filled full
at once familiar
yet exotically foreign
strangely boxed
but exquisitely wrapped
in longing
and infinitely more
it reachs to a hollow place
deep within
echoing a past
awakening a myth
exposing that which I embrace
in the moment
as truth
stirring my pain
my loneliness
my hope
offering just enough answer
that I combust with questions
sacred uncertainties
suspended in inquiry
in memories of neverwas
recognition of evermore
enrapt in blissful cognizance
of that which was once not known
but now love breaks like a golden dawn
once transfixed by this mystery
I am now elevated by insight
impaled by love’s vision
aflame in ecstasy
the portal is thrown open
love rises like the sun
it is a good day
… “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” — Gary Snyder
Clackamas River — Oregon
~ inspired in part, by Gary Snyder’s “How Poetry Comes to Me” ~
Peering over cliff’s edge
into the glass-green stream
down river
from the cascading falls
I watch trout
slide in
then out
of the soft break of a bolder’s shadow
across the stone canyon
cut by this persistence of current
an Osprey alights
a focused sentinel
measuring the timing
and tactic
of his imagined next meal
drawn by this breathtaking canyon
down the steep stone face
through the White Aspen
Douglas Fir
giant Golden Chinquapin
and Oregon Madrone
I descend
keeping a steady pace
bent-knee’d and cautious
with boot tread
and leather palm
I throttle and steer
through an ample incline
of base gravel
I’m followed
by a fine dusted slide
of clattering pebbles
and dry conifer needles
down down
I come
to a stream-side grass patch
then alertly
hop — rock to rock
‘cross the dance of crystal chill stream
to a small clearing
Pearsony Falls — Oregon
in this wilderness canyon
midst the quiet rush
of the Clackamas waters
the hushed murmur
of breeze
through tall Ponderosa bough
and the ambiance
of living breathing nature
I make camp
here to rest
and meditate
in this sacred realm
of the 4 directions
mesmerized by this eden
Vale’s Bend, Clackamas River — Oregon
an unburdening begins
in commune with the 4 elements
with the forested earth
the brisk mountain air
the pure clear waters
of glacial melt
and I
have brought the fire
The Narrows, Clackamas River — Oregon
night falls
star-cast and chill
settled by this night’s fire
I sense spirits approaching
rip’ling ‘cross the crisp white water
hesitant over the moonlit boulders
staying just outside my campfire’s light
just out of clarity
my muse invites them
to come
to join
inside the ring of light
in my heart
I feel words
whispering like a song
I listen openly
peacefully surrendering
to the inspiration
for which I’ve come
I breath out
a quiet thank you
then I write
as these words
begin falling to my paper
“ And the seasons, they go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down — we’re captive on the carousel of time” — The Circle Game, Joni Mitchell
“The Carousel” — Anne Wipf
Sitting, lost in a daydream, when through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings — “we’re captive on the carousel of time, we can’t return, we can only look behind…” Briefly disoriented, I remember that I’ve been listening to music, to Joni Mitchell’s live album. She is singing “Circle Game”.
I fall again, deep into thought, now contemplating my life, how the years have spun by, wild as a top — faster ever faster. It’s left its patina etched deeply into my face. I’m no longer a young man. At 75, I’ve known triumph and tragedy, both left their mark. I’ve borrowed, bought, and sold — strayed through several shades of grey. But have I leveraged away my soul, just to play this fleeting game? Is all I’ve lost worth what I gained? Am I happy? Questions begin spinning round, and round, and round.
“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then”.
Through the Looking Glass — Lewis Carroll
Photo by Brooke Shaden
When Nancy seeks worlds fantastic
beyond wonderland she’ll go
her imagination is so elastic
her spirit so enthusiastic
she opens and lets her mindscape flow
to magical fanciful ports of call
no longer merely earthly mortal
she floats high above the dreamer’s wall
in wing-ed fantasy’s enthrall
she flits through mystery’s portal
she sees visions quite enchanted
worlds her rich dreams beget
marvels she takes not for granted
forever in her soul implanted
wonders she will not forget