“Well do (you) know what it’s like to have a graveyard as a friend,‘cos that’s where they are boy, all of them. Don’t seem likely I’ll get friends like that again”.
Talking Old Soldiers — Elton John, Bernie Taupin
“Autumn By The Lake” — Leonid Afremov
L ife’s too short and passes fast
we hold on tight to make it last
the ones we love leave too soon
quickly as an afternoon
of a splendid day in fall
that we struggle to recall
life’s too short and passes fast
we hold on tight to make it last
as memory grows overcast
the heart longs for the times that passed
as life’s moments fade away
sadly nothing can belay
the fog that settles with time
dulling what was once sublime
as memory grows overcast
the heart longs for the times that passed
R elentless din of crawling prowling night
pours steaming through my window
midnight intrudes damp and searing
scalded air too hot and thick to breathe
the full moon — sweats
a heat to suffocate
blades beat and drone overhead
promising relief
in vain
sweltered darkness lays heavy upon me
I toss in labored half-sleep
gasping for cool relief
I inhale deep to fill my lungs
seeking satisfying breath
only to bake them in cruel heat
no relief
salted droplets trace my spine
baste my neck
pool in the hollow of my fevered chest
bloom and seep
from beneath the smother
of matted soak atop my head
to weep their way ‘cross smoldering brow
into my eyes
and sting
in this nocturnal furnace
night clings and stifles
even dreams are scorched
simmering in August
what’s with all this buzzing chatter
you’re bump and thump and all a’clatter
worrying with the frontporch light
steaming on this august night
such racket over a minor matter
Passion —
let it flare fire red
red as the doors
of back alley Paris
that conceal the carnal
on a star-burst night
in the velvet grip
of sweating conquest
ripe with release
coursing with hunger
for the tender flesh
of reckless youth
white hot
as a deflowered bride
burning with the lust
of an august first-night
impaled on the horn
of promise and desire
there will be no truth
in these minglings
only raw bleeding need
and the quenchless thirst
for bittersweet
forbidden nectar
so when you hear
the whispers whispered
know that it was so
and so it will remain
in the lithe loins
of the skin slaves
behind the Paris red doors
“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena” — Carl Sagan
There is a break in the tree line, behind my former home in Oregon, opening onto a secluded path, which winds up into the forested foothills of Mt Hood. I love to walk on moonlit nights, wandering up through the towering trees. About a half mile trek, along the trail, lit by moonlight, filtered dreamlike through the canopy, brings me to a hidden lake. It nestles captivatingly in a clearing, embraced by a stand of proud Ponderosa’s. Secreted loons eerily lodel. The absence of any light pollution, allows the night sky to explode brilliantly, full of stars.
I love to perch on the trunk of a downed cedar, fallen by the lake’s edge. I gaze up into the night sky, expanding out forever above me. The moon paints the intimate woodland dell in a soft sterling glow. It is a serene, almost sacred experience. And the stars, so many stars — billions and billions of stars, sparkling and spangling and glittering to eternity! It is absolutely breathtaking! And this spectacle is captured, in crystalline clarity, by the mirrored surface of the lake. Above me, below me, as far as I can see — star-clustered infinity. I’m transfixed in a dream, lost in time, mesmerized – adrift in the cosmos.
a night sky of stars
reflecting like diamonds
on a mirrored lake
This is a variation on looping. Stanza looping as compared to line looping.
There are days I still can feel
the breeze of youth gently stir my soul
days remembered of grace and lightness
when faith in truth sparked splendid dreams
those days of you
you and me
when all we touched was fresh and new
and the world was full of wonder
when we were certain we’d live forever
our strength made each day a great adventure
those carefree days
days we pledged one to the other
as we dreamed dreams of a magical life
full of promise and wonder
of golden tomorrows
that would flourish and rise
rise in spectral beauty
brightly gleaming
brilliant through sweet years
of accomplishment
of joy
but not now
now I’ve grown unyielding
rigidly braced
against the winds of time and fate
my soul rooted in life’s demands
demands and darkling demons
that find me searching
for life’s blessings
cursing its burdens
these brittle days
days bent by the yoke of worry
heavy with the weight of loss
haunted by the ghost of memory
the lonely days when I think of you
these days of emptiness
emptiness so great
that I know not
how this void can ever be filled
when those so rich in grace
have departed
departed too
such wit and wisdom
such honest kindness
so much pure love
has now been lost
lost forever
to the void
ones who understood the need for giving
in a careless world darkened by greed
tender hearts
truly unselfish
unselfish and all embracing
whose warmth was ever present
my aching heart questions how
how can this void be filled
when such brilliant light
has been extinguished
but not forgotten
because I will not forget
I will remember you
all of you
and all those days
days of joy and love
that’s how I will
fill this void
with the seeds of friendship
you planted deep inside my heart
now filled with memories
memories that will nurture
that will make these seeds grow
make me gentler
and me — the world to make better
better for your having been
good-bye my friends
you all are in my heart
now as ever
Across the chasm of time
and great distance
memories unfold
vividly rich
like elaborate origami sculptures
fragile as the paper of an old map
opened and reopened a 1000 times
they are creased deeply
with sepia memories
heading east
cresting the great divide
beginning the decent
into the past
through these soaring ramparts
of sky-piercing mountains
I envision what lies ahead
tier upon tier
of enormous sitka spruce
of scattered brewers
known as the weeping spruce
the most beautiful of the conifer
my mother loved them
whose branches in sunlight
following a summer rain
display raindrops
as a jeweler’s velvet
showcases diamonds
I hear the whispers
of wind-stirred
lawson cypress
towering ponderosa pine
and douglas fir
I inhale deeply
the tangerine-scented white fir
a heady fragrance
rivaled only
by the rough-tufted red cedar
the dogwood’s brilliant leaves
big-leaf maples
pendulous western maples
tight ranks of dark-green sadler oak
unfurl below me
still traveling my mind’s vistas
I see the golden shimmer
and I hear crisp crackle
of white-barked aspen
my father’s favorite tree
reminded him of Canada
his country of birth
these all still live and breath
in my younger-days heart
calling me forward
down into the valley
and across the planes
of a childhood long ago
this morning’s sun
came crisp and bright
enfolding my waking
in warmth
and vivid presence
as the world awoke
fresh and fascinating
I embarked early
after eggs
toast and jelly
the sweet and salty taste
of a homecoming
too long overdue
my soul is full
my mind is clear
my heart — overflowing
but my sprit is tentative
when dusk settles this evening
and early shadows
fall soft across my face
I will round Miller’s Corner
as it comes into view
but warm with recall
my wooden framed
childhood home
abandoned now to ghosts
specters of a youth
spent surrounded by love
by laughter
by learning
and by loss
one of the ghosts
in that old house
is my mother
who passed within its walls
on a summer day
not unlike today
as I sat sobbing
in my room
down the hall
my father kept me from her room
he feared the sickness that took her
might take me
so I never really
got to say goodbye to her
nor goodbye to the laughter
that died that day
nor goodbye to the smile
on my father’s face
for it was never seen again
it disappeared
as did my father
into deep debilitating depression
shortly after mother passed
I was moved away
to live with my aunt
in Oregon
today I will return
to say a long delayed goodbye
to my mother
and to lay my father to rest
in the cemetery
behind the dilapidated old church
where once they wed
he will at last
join with his dear wife
my sweet mother
the women he loved so
that his joy died with her
a cloud of sorrow
sweeps my mind
momentarily obscuring
my purpose and destination
then the fog wafts
and again I envision
across the veiled valley
of time and change
the hearth and home
of my birth
long faded
into yesteryear
sweet recall
and those distant memories
pull me onward
I am sad
but it’s a bittersweet sadness
my father
will again
be with my mother
in our old house
as I return
I pray his smile
will at last return
he deserves to smile
my mother loved his smile
I love them both
down out of the mountains
into the twilight
of final goodbyes
I redouble my pace
This is a poem of mine from 2008, published in the 2010 RWP Anthology. It incorporates 3 Lines from Norman Dubie’s “Of Politics & Art”. The borrowed lines are italicized.
on the farthest point of the peninsula
an office building is burning
ignited by a single match
careless or criminal
not yet known
that such a structure
can be so wholly engulfed
but the fire was too fierce
and the distance too great
for rescue
but what of the fury
in that single first flame
to have leapt so viciously to consume
to ravage
to devastate so absolutely
it is always there la nature du feu
like the rage of a repressed
and violated being
too long held down
unjustly deprived
all potential denied
where there is great potential
spirit squelched
where there is great spirit
sometimes a whole civilization can be dying
until finally a single incident
the spark
unleashes a righteous inferno
that has no bounds
it is always there la nature du feu
all around the good people gather
stare in disbelief
how is this possible here
out here on the peninsula
not realizing that such power to combust
to blaze so brilliantly
can only be suppressed for so long
it is always there la nature du feu
ready to explode
like the fury in the head of that match
and when the smoulder becomes full flame
all will burn
out here on the peninsula
and in here at the still and protected center