”A fractal is a way of seeing infinity” — Benoit Mandelbrot
Ever folding in upon itself
in an infinite replication
as it expands to infinity
pattern upon pattern
in a complex unity
of cacophonic
of like form
differing layers
amorphous balance
in an eternal fracture
of evolving perfections
occurring simultaneously
on micro and macro planes
of mystery and comprehension
both appearing and disappearing
in the same linear moment of time
This is metaphorical. Perhaps if we felt more deeply the impact left behind, as we move in and out of relationships, of any kind — maybe we would conduct ourselves differently.
This day
I come upon a stranger
standing by the road
looking sad
heavy box held in her arms
clutched close to her breast
she stares into my eyes
her gaze stops me still
fixes me in place
her face
tired and drawn
any light in her eyes
is gone
I draw close enough to see
a vague familiarity
she lifts her eyes to mine
and deeply sighs
before you ask
I am sworn
a sorrowful task
a collector of tears
shed in moonlight
tears caused by one
who‘s not contrite
guilty of love’s betrayal
who’s inflicted painful strife
and staggering sorrow
into another’s broken life
she concludes
and offers out her hands
that open on the box
filled with apprehension
I reach and grasp the case
lift it cautiously from her grip
lower it to my feet
gently as I place
opening it slowly
hesitant and tense
to reveal its strange contents
a small dull crescent moon shape
suspended in a most beautiful
dark cerulean jar
mute with wonder
I behold
staring into the beautiful blue
haunted as I do
this is yours
she explains it is the moonsoul
of the loversmoon
under which you fell in love
and under which again
you later broke your lover’s heart
she continues
every moon casts its spell
quite differently
this special loversmoon
belonged to you and she
but now this loversmoon has died
I am the shadow
of your lover’s sorrows
I will be gone tomorrow
but this night
I visit you
I collected this moonsoul
long ago
the night you broke her heart
kept in this jar of cerulean blue
I present it now to you
for you see
your lover’s soul
has passed on
she is gone
she need no longer carry
this heavy burden
she was a technicolor
wish-upon big-eyed dreamer
when first you met her
but she was cry-alone
stay-at-home broken
when you turned and left her
you are guilty
of the death
of the love you shared
snuffed by your cheating ways
now you must carry this moonsoul
until your end of days
her words fall heavy upon me
bring tears to my eyes
as I realize
the burden of this moonsoul
is mine beyond the grave
there is no one who can save
me from this awful plight
a pain that’s mine by right
eyes lowered in fatigue
she sighs
and gently cries
it was on a moonlit night
like this
the painful burden
of this moonsoul
was set upon her broken heart
I have carried it
since she passed
but for too long
it’s now come to you
at last
looking into my eyes
as though my dark soul she can see
she points accusingly at me
you must now atone
for your destructive lies
for your lover’s broken heart
it is written
in the fool’s book of sorrows
what were her yesterdays
will now be your tomorrows
now you must bend and lift
and clutch this burden to your breast
to struggle with its weight
to feel its sad unrest
you now understand
what was your abandoned lover’s fate
your debt can no longer wait
the guilt that surrounds this moonsoul
the guilt you’ve avoided ‘til tonight
is now brought into the light
karma has caught up with you
as eventually it does
for the hurtful things we do
you slowly slayed
your special loversmoon
those times you were untrue
your lover’s been set free
now this guilt and sorrow
passes on to you
where certainly it should be
it’s now you must feel sad
and deeply sorry too
~ The human heart is always magical, always beautiful, though sometimes blocked by fear. But it will always rise, like a glorious sun, if supported by peace, love, and understanding — and when joined together with listening, patience, and sharing. That is the inspiration behind this mixed media fiberart piece, and this Eleventh Power poem. ~
The surest path that can lead the heart to peace
is the embrace of a true uplifting love
it will allow fear and mistrust to release
the heart will rise and soar — peaceful as a dove
and one’s confidence and joy will then increase
as one feels the warmth of love — and strength thereof
an open mind is a step to find the key
to unlock an honest love that sets you free
to seek such treasure requires a willingness
to share your life — giving more, expecting less
these are the keys to find love and happiness
~ Inspiration: living in the Pacific Northwest, part of the Pacific Ring, knowing we are very susceptible to a first strike — this awareness, and the instability on the Asian Continent, combined with these ‘4’ juicy quotes I used, proffered by Linda, drew this out. ~
When did it happen
the all-defining fire mark in time
that forever divided then from now
alone again today
lost in time
walking through the forest
wading the stream
sorting my thoughts
recalling in horror
the instant of the startling sound
the strange light
that drew my disbelieving eyes
to the very tops of these Douglas Firs
that surround me now
and then came the second blinding flash
lighting the entire sky
“oh my god” I had gasped
“the damned fools have finally done it”
I was traumatized
by the horrible realization
she trembled
as we held each other I thought of the future
and spoke of the past
terrified of the present
what a fool I was
what really did I know
of the times
that bookended my life
or in which I was currently immersed
knew little useful
and understood less
I was feeling old
and so unaware
I’d become obsessed
always staring into the clouds
mumbling beneath my breath it’s better to look at the sky
than live there
such an empty place
so vague
just a country
where the thunder goes
and from which death rains
more than obsessed
I was becoming untethered
maybe the older you grow
and the less easy it is
to put thought into action
maybe that’s why
it gets all locked up in your head
and becomes a burden
makes you crazy
and angry
and I certainly was
seeing clearly my uncertainty
feeling the weight
of my growing pessimism
she left me
I just stood
watching her go
civilization now in upheaval
infrastructure has collapsed
I am isolated here now
day after day
very alone
home is where you feel at home
I’m still looking
since she is gone
it’s been too long
since I have seen a human face
or looked into another’s eyes
looked into her eyes
or even found my voice to speak
This is a poetry form I created. It is called a VERTICAL ENTWINE, and is 3 poems in one. Consists of 10 lines. The 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th line should be made up of several words each (5 or more) and when read descending are a complete poem number one. The 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th should be lines of one or two words, when read descending together are brief second complete poem. All ten lines, when read together, are a 44-word Quadrille. It does not have to rhyme, and should be center justified. Perhaps a short name for the form could be ‘Quatwine’.
Oh the peace, wandering the ancient old growth
my spirit is alive embracing the magnificent forest
my heart settles and slows its beating so quiet
my thoughts expand to see the timeless truth deeply
in this transcendent moment I celebrate all of life sacred
Oh the peace, wandering the ancient
my spirit is alive embracing the magnificent
my heart settles and slows its beating
my thoughts expand to see the timeless truth
in this transcendent moment I celebrate all of life
it’s definitely a tough world
a fractured world
a frightening situation
feels like it’s all
coming completely apart
hard to keep going at times
damned difficult
keeping your head above water
makes one crazy sometimes
the constant bad news
climate degradation
ecological collapse
runaway gas prices
political turmoil
lies masquerading as truth
sometimes it’s just too much
almost makes you wanna hide
but remember
no matter how overwhelming
no matter how disheartening
even terrifying
things might be
you always have me
my love
and if we
as mindful inhabitants
of this fragile planet
will extend each other
and love
this fractured world
can be nurtured and healed
and darkness will sustain no grip
Stand of Oregon old growth.
Oregon Lakeshore Trail #656, at Inlet Creek.
My footfalls
drum the root chambers
of the old growth
each step
cushioned by centuries of needle-drop
deep in this ancient forest
enjoying the rise and fall
twist and turn of the trail
I’ve circled a portion
of the cerulean mountain lake
crooked walking stick
smooth in my right hand
rounding a bend in the trail
brushing through waist-high fern
when to my left
in my peripheral
glimpses through the old-growth
flashes of rippled sterling
sparkling in scattered sunlight
lost lake
old as time
steel deep
glacial cold
seductively enchanting
a few more steps
I crest a knoll
come upon a restless brook
and stop
I have arrived
wandering into my wonderland
filtered by the towering woodland canopy
light drifts down dreamlike
settles golden
into the natural cathedral before me
a downed giant redwood
the perfect natural alter
sacred and serene
were it a manmade cathedral
or a grande ballroom
truly gorgeous
might describe it
but this is so much more
falls short
even magnificent
feels wanting
a cool lake breeze
enfolds me
filled with the heady scent
of the living earth
cascade red cedar
douglas fir
ponderosa pine
ionized mountain air
I grow very quiet
with my soul
to the majestic still
breathing in the ancient
I become this moment
in touch with my spirit
with all of existence
with the eternal
in this paradise
Mt Hood seen from Oregon Lakeshore Trail #656 just before old growth stand.
This is the natural gateway on Trail #656 opening on the old growth stand.
Both well over 200 feet tall, and hundreds of years old.
1/2 mile ahead you leave the path, wandering into the heart of the giants!
mighty sentinels
guardians of the old growth
may ever you stand
This is a compilation of a few of the number of ecstatic pieces I have written since I started this blog 16 years ago. At age 75, I am in irreversible Stage D of CHF, and I have already had two near-death experiences. These reasons have drawn me to the question of the BIG WHY — and to pondering the essence of the infinite. There are more similar pieces I’ve written over the 16 years. You are welcome to further explore my Image & Verse to find more, if you are drawn to this ‘wondering’ as I am. The inspiration threads of all these pieces intertwine and evolve — as my perceptions grow and morph. They are point-in-time personal observations, not presented as any form of universal truth — other than to me in that moment.
I offer you this brief back story, to provide insight to these pieces below. I personally embrace the First Law of Thermodynamics, namely: “Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another.” I believe we humans are just one possible form energy takes. The “I/Me Awareness” we each experience personally, is an element of each of our ‘human hosts’, and does not travel with the core energy we individually embody, as it moves to its next form.
I agree big buddy
the world has become confusing
with the planet’s ecology teetering
the constantly evolving global pandemic
the brutal war in Ukraine
the near insurrection in the US
women’s rights under attack again
insane gasoline prices rearing up
economic struggles everywhere
major corporations imploding
Marvel’s standard of excellence
slipping — badly
it’s all such bad news
almost un-bear-able
ah c’mon
quit yer growling big guy
I was just being pun-ny