Indigo Nightmare


The murder of crows
rain from the skies
swarm the earth
caw and crowd wildly
a chaos of cacophony
a frenzy of undulating black
tearing at a shadowed heap

drawing more closely
I see the object
of their mania

a body
a lifeless body

my body!

my eyes jerk open

waking with a start
shuddering a fevered sweat
I’m tight
in this nightmare’s grip

no alarm
need bid me awaken
this day

a fumbling for the lamp
follows moments of confusion

sitting upright
I slow my breathing
wipe dry my brow

throwing my leges
over the edge of my bed
I stumble my feet
into my slippers
and slowly rise
from the soak of my mattress

still shaking slightly
I tug on my robe
amble to the kitchen
take a cup from the shelf
and pour chamomile tea

it’s brewed ready each morning
by the wonders of technology

retreating to my office
to my chair
where it waits
in a pool of soft light
buffering the pre-dawn dark

I sit
sip my steeped motivation
quietly peeling away fog
that lingers still
clouding my mind
residue of this fitful night

I’m pleased to be awake
to be alive

grateful for the peace
for the deep quiet
of early morning

my thoughts
begin to un-blend
to gather

slowly they sort
in colors of my dark mood

melancholy greys
fear’s dark ebony
the purples of pain
blood red of anger
the violet of regret
and sorrowful blues

it’s an incomplete spectrum
stirred by this morning’s
reflections on death
on my mortality

recently threatened twice
by my failing heart
then under the surgeon’s knife

these bleak colors
shoulder in coldly
crowding my reverie

pondering my plight
cursing this recurring fate
I struggle
‘neath the weight of my uncertainty
of my heavy insecurity

a riot of emotions
overcome me
crowding in
like this morning’s madness
of the imagined murder of crows

I seek clarity

I reach for my laptop
my escape
my refuge of resolution
my canvass of language

I slowly lay fingers
on keyboard

in the spreading saffrons
and corals of dawn
I begin painting
deep indigo

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at: dVerse


Soon Summer



At last fair summer soon arrives, just in time to resuscitate my sense of humor. The winter rains still stubbornly linger. But soon the sky will remain sunny and clear, as will my lifting mood, stirring summer dreams in the golden warmth. I celebrate this season of plenty.

The seeds push sprouts through the rich warm earth, as nature cycles to this time of birth. New buds pop forth through ready limbs. Mountain streams run fast and clear as nature’s curtain lifts on this magical time of year — as the veil lifts on my sweet recall.

Bird songs will echo through the greening trees to serenade my reverie. The heady fragrance of summer will carry on the gentle breeze, as the bold hues and rich sounds of this beautiful boisterous season fill my soul to bursting! Rockin’ my Adirondack — joyous is my heartsong!

green leaf on blue pond
turns in golden summer sun
red bird softly sings

rob kistner © 2022

* Some bonus summer tankas >> HERE

More poetry at: dVerse


Who Am I

This piece deals with the strange duality we all carry with us through life, the unique contradiction between the person we think we are, and the “many” varying persons others perceive us to be, from their experience of us, as filtered through their differing individual perceptions. Fair or not, convenient or not, we are “judged”. Our lives are impacted, to one degree or another, every day by how we measure up to each of these interpretations of the “I” we are thought to be. This includes the “I” we perceive ourselves to be. Which one is real? Which is valid? Or is any one of them truly definitive? The phrase “I am” presents a fascinating philosophical quandary.


”Ask not, who are we — existentially, we are me.”


When another
tells you of yourself
you’re shown the dance they see
your outward choreography

they hear not the music
that rings true within your mind
that leads and drives your steps
to your inward dance — they’re blind

others see a reflection
not the light that shines inside
that illuminates your soul
to guide your steps and stride

so, are we the “I” we know
the self that we so treasure
or are we in fact — another
the one the others measure

if the authentic “I”
be the one outward shown.
then we are in fact — the “I”
to ourselves — not known

for surely when compared
the majority story shared
is of the outward other
the one seen by another

and so we live our life
cloistered in this outward other
and live this life alone
even when by many known

for the “I” that’s outward shown
is likely the “I” that’s not our own

to be truly known is an unlikelihood
we are all so easily misunderstood

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse





The eyes are so familiar

the nose
the mouth
the chin

staring back
the one they think I am
the one I want to be

but a longer look
deeper into the stare
there is another

one only I recognize

caught in the reflection
my other self
inner self
the one I truly am

the dark one
the pretender
the imposter

born in another place
born with another name
in another reality

I was an “undesired”
an inconvenient child

I was labeled — MISTAKE!
a problem

to be left behind

in a cold metal orphanage crib

in a big
cold room

by strange
amorphous figures


I had been tried
and sentenced
for my early life
to know confusion
know shame

know the sorrow
of the unwanted

and through my early years
I did not understand
I struggled
felt so alienated

felt condemned
guilty only
of the crime
of inconvenience

someone else’s

but that is yet another life
another story
that will finally include a hero
that will eventually resolve

I’m just tryin’ to get by

so I shudder
break my stare

now a brief tug of insecurity
a twinge of fear
hoping that my guise holds fast
that I’m not found out

my imperfection
my duality
this masquerade

I blink wide my eyes
and check my teeth
lift my paw
to stroke my fur
making certain my “mask” is tight

best face forward

a final glance
I purr away the doubt

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


So Wicked


G olden lady — just who are you
a beauty sure to mesmerize
so seductive as to scandalize

your my every dream come true
I’m spellbound by your magic eyes
I’m in a trance — you hypnotize

a stare of comely crystal blue
floats low above a sensual pout
you hold my soul — I’ve no way out

tongue-wet lips smolder passion’s hue
blush painted by your master hand
such masterstrokes you understand

I’m captive — nothing I can do
I’m quite hopelessly addicted
my sweet angel — you’re so wicked

golden lady — just who are you
your my every dream come true
a stare of comely crystal blue
tongue-wet lips smolder passion’s hue
I’m captive — nothing I can do

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at: dVerse


Moon Rider

Escape with me, into this nocturnal fantasy!


Gaze upon
the mythic moon

light your spark of wonder
with a brightened moonbeam

drink up
the mystery moon

let it fill you
full and good

is the time of promise

the elusive moon

walk closely

find its secret place

of crystal dreams
of fractal visions

the wilding moon

its sterling spirit

let it set free
your fantasies

then ride
the magnificent moon


to the realm
of midnight magic
that glistens
for you there

like stardust
in the folds of time

* *

Ride the moon
light the poet’s lamp
explore the secret realm of rhyme

ride the moon
to seek the magic
that glistens there

like stardust
in the folds of time

rob kistner © 2022

~ moonlight — goodnight — moonwalk ~

More poetry at: dVerse


Bangkok Blues


Ruby’d facets sparkle
clutter on
tugging me along

of headlights
bunch diamond bright
nudging me onward

the precious chaos
jumbles for miles
to disappear
beyond sight
front and rear

Bangkok traffic’s tight
this midnight
as I creep

only two thoughts

and sleep

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at: dVerse


Cosmic Ghia



This is the last known photo
of my amazing inter-galactic
multi-dimensional flying Ghia
and surf buggy supreme

it was taken immediately prior to it
hurtling into the milky way
leaving on its journey
‘cross the crystal galaxy
to travel to Talurus
to mine the golden god tears
that puddle and collect
very near the lapis covered
temple of temporal fire
at the cliffen’d base
of the pearl forests of argus major

all I know for perplexing certainty
is that following the day
my legendary magic Ghia
was to have reached its cosmic destination
star trader — after star trader — after star trader
began delivering me cases — upon cases
of gilded crystal teal tear fall
with notes to count clearly — and index
then prepare them for the prophesized return time
when the wealth of our small band of ghiaphytes
will be shared with joy and life-changing impact
among the fair and faithful who served well
despite incredible improbability
by waiting — believing — and holding to the truth
passed down ions upon ions by the ole volks
foretelling the coming
of a mysterious wonder wagon of dreams

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


So Luscious

first published 10/1/2019
reprised 5/12/2022 …homage to Misky’s 5/10/22 prompt



My warm mouth
upon you

I bite you
feeling your flesh
firm on my teeth

your juices glisten
trickle from my lips
heady rich
and sticky thick

your taste
tantalizingly tart
tingling my tongue tip

I bite you
my savoring breath
swoons softly

your texture
is exquisite
and bouquet

your succulence
like love’s nectar

such a luscious pleasure
my sweet strawberry!


rob kistner © 2019

10/1/19 poetry at: dVerse

rob kistner © 2022

5/10/22 poetry at: dVerse
5/12/22 OLN poetry at: dVerse

Time’s Portal

~ tomorrow at 5:30 AM fate deals my hand ~

At tomorrow’s sunrise, I submit to the knife. My faith in the wielding hand has before been tested, and found reward, and the hand capable. But time’s a stream. With it the essence of everything flows in flux. I’m not who I was when last I acquiesced to the skill and demeanor of this healer. And this healer’s endured the impacts of time, to be here now, in this new place.

How’s this all to be held? Only fate ultimately determines what situation will bear presence in this new light of day. Am I wise casting my lot with this evolved reality? Has fate moved favorably through the portal of time? For how can I be sure I shall see again the world on the first of May, year next? I cannot, yet again I’ll close my eyes, to ride the great wheel.

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Goin’ Down

~ existentially speaking ~

Abandoned from the beginning
turned loose alone
down the slide of life

no preparation
no explanation
no true identification

just — baby go…

off you sailed
mini mr tieke

enduring and surviving
each unexpected turn
each unseen bump
each unsettling drop

faster and faster
as time flashed by
in a hurry
kinda blurry

as you picked up speed
you picked up vague images
collecting them
clinging to them

embracing them desperately
turning them to realities
at least
to the best of your abilities

lil’man alone
you made them your own
you made them your life

you smiled
you shed tears
you just held on
battling fears

a real dad stepped in
got better then

you made time
you lost time
you made love
you lost love
you made no excuses

and now
here you are lil’ lawrence
very near the bottom

squeeze those dreams
if ‘ya still got’m

soon it will end

how will it end

only the verse of poets
or the dogmas of priests
dare venture a posit

and they got no clue
no more than you
little freefall lad

but soon you will know
if you end up glad
or if you been had

you might just find

as perhaps
it is meant to be

we’ll see
won’t we

well now
hope the hell now
you enjoyed the ride

the terror
the thrills
the speed

in the end
my friend

the ride
is all that’s

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: earthweal

bottom picture by: Robert Doisneau “The Ghost Train,” 1953


is it this,

or this,

who really knows?



This day
despite my fear
calm settles over me
the warm embrace that is my love
for you

the fog
of foolish thoughts
that would disrupt my peace
cannot enshroud me — for you are
with me

I see
with clarity
how real our love to be
our true bond of fidelity
gives strength

it’s now
when life seems dark
and fear seeks to consume
I have the love and comfort of
your heart

I know
when this has passed
you will be waiting here
knowing this — I face fate fearless
this day

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Hands of Grief

Having it been confirmed I’m entering stage 4 CHF, with preparation for yet another heart operation underway this week for me, my thoughts fall to my father, whom we lost to a heart condition. He was my hero, and to this day, I miss him so very very much.

~ For all fathers/husbands long passed, recently deceased, or about to die ~


Deep in nightfall
the darkness now descends
the hands of grief extend
terror is knocking at the door

it’s nightfall
words of sorrow stain my lips
slip through my fingertips
and scatter ‘cross the floor

it’s nightfall
the shadows hide my tears
but I am haunted by my fears
I am broken evermore

here in this nightfall
dark waves of misery
are rising like the sea
I am stranded on the shore

it’s nightfall
I am lost — I am alone
confusion grips me to the bone
grief chills me to my core

it’s nightfall
the darkness still descends
the hands of grief again extend
terror is knocking — knocking at the door

as this knocking echoes in my night
I hear you call my name
“be brave my son — for sure
you have been here before”

I whisper through tears and pain
”father — help me again endure”

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Facing Truth


At the sorrowing hour
in deepest night

alone with my thoughts
my terrors
my dreams

sculpting words into wedges
that pry open my psyche
expose raw emotion
bare my soul

here I might glimpse
static free
who really I am

here is my truth

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Silent Screams

“Running Time” by Victor Bezrukov


After the brutal way you departed
after the forgotten goodbye’s never said
after horror’s realization would not go away

after there was nothing left to enjoy
after the laughter fell silent and mute
after the sadness collected day upon day

after the spaces fell hauntingly empty
after the familiar grew distant and dead
after our time together faded far to the past

after the bitter taste of grief stung my lips
after the loneliness mounted unbearingly
after your memory spilled through my fingers too fast

I did not think you could go deaf in the quiet
I did not think sorrow would burrow in so far
didn’t think the screams in my head would turn to riot
nor did I know how deeply this silence would scar

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: earthweal