The old place has lost its luster
but the memories still hold their glow
this place — my cherished childhood home
kept me safe and warm so long ago
the mornings were a bustling din
dad off to work and me late for school
but together at evenin’ dinner table
clean hands’n face — as was the rule
then dad and I tinkered in his workshop
as mom and baby bro’ would play
then round the hearth to sooth our bones
all sharin’ stories about our day
now off to bed in clean pajamas
a bedtime tale to make us thrill
wrapped in blankets of our family’s love
to keep us warm against night’s chill
wonderful dreams, seldom a nightmare
we all slept tight — safe ‘n sound
though the world was having troubles
at our home they nev’r came around
yes — the old place has lost its luster
but every memory still holds a glow
this place — my cherished childhood home
that kept me safe and warm so long ago
Well I remember
the times we walked
our favorite old growth
canopied high above
most especially
I will never forget
that perfect june morning
we trekked deep
into that ancient wood
to our favorite spot
— our secret clearing
the morning sun
filtered softly
through the canopy
drifting down golden
into our sacred space
setting your handsome face
aglow with an angel’s radiance
a breeze rustled the treetops
whispering of eternity
casting a magic spell
awed by the splendor
we talked long and quietly
leaning on the downed Douglas
that slumbers there in repose
perhaps for centuries
peaceful in its earthen bed
you were eighteen
off to college soon
so very excited
as certainly was I
I was so in awe of you
my brilliant beautiful son
in that instant
time suspended
life aligned
for a perfect moment
for a perfect memory
my very last of you
three weeks later
you were tragically killed
this precious memory
lingers here at peace
under this forest canopy
in our clearing
where my heart still journeys
to talk with you.
you left in your summer years
I will leave in my winter
our clearing awaits patiently
quiet – save the echoed laughter
of a father and son
in love with the forest
in love with life
in love with each other
This video has nada to do with this poem, it’s just I really like it,
and Lindsey Stirling & ZZ Ward are my two current Queens of Music
— though Oregon black cherries do hold my heart!
Standing at the morning window
I watch the boulevard below
last night’s rain puddles
midst the chaos of metro-clutter
held hostage
by tire and curb
as if abandoned
by the waters of earth
it shoulders its way
through the labyrinth
of clutter and gutter
in search of mother sea
this day begins golden and crisp
bird songs echo empty sunrise streets
I sit by this sun-filled window
with chai tea and curiosity
quietly serenaded
by the flocking feathered choir
and by the mourning news
prattling on the big screen
my ipad next to me
I peck at it periodically
attempting to write
I glimpse the tv sporadically
growing troubled by the broadcast
our continuing human plight
we can’t seem to get it right
amazing how we just never learn
when the answers seem so clear
but our egos are so dear
that neither side can hear
what the other side is saying
so everyone keeps playing
these apocalyptic games
keep it up — the world will burn
why do we
blindly and so stubbornly
choose to initiate and navigate
this labyrinth of insanity
repeating these same antics endlessly
nothing will be changed
just the same picture rearranged
as round’n’round we stumble
“we’re seeking peace”
said in a mumble
feigning wanting to get out
when in fact we just stay in
then right back around again
my patience is growing thin
round’n’round’n’round we go
caught in our ignorance
trapped by our arrogance
gambling with our existence
addicted to the maze
we never leave
this labyrinth of greed and deception
in this moment
the tv drones
my frustration rises
reality grips
my spirit slips
my mind drifts
lifting on the vapor ribbons
wafting from my steaming cup
no longer looking up
I just stare
the news anchor looks absurd
the lips continue sculpting words
but not a single one I’ve heard
deaf to what’s being said
I’m deep into my thoughts instead
imagining how different it would be
“It is not enough that we do our best;
sometimes we must do what is required.”
— Winston Churchill
The human race is in the grip of deadly global pandemic that continues to evolve. The coming seasonal change impacts human life, as we are driven indoors. This increased encapsulation of daily life, increases the threat posed by this insidious COVID 19 Delta variant. We have worked hard to develop and distribute the COVID vaccine. It is the responsibility of every human to step up and be vaccinated — it’s free! This is how we will defeat this scourge. It is our duty to protect our fellow humans.
I’m vaccinated. Too many foolishly refuse to do their part to join in the fight. The vaccine is safe, and it works. So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. They are in far more harm, not being vaccinated. We all must ”vax up”! Be part of the solution, not an extension of the problem!
What your dark mind must conceal
from the spirit
of joy and forgiveness
from that which is pure
tested by time
and the wanting hands
of the sacred crone
the waiting one
who cowers
yet smiles
woman aged of wisdom
warrior soul
spirit eternally reborn
singing truth
through the hail and barrage
‘cross the bow mast
of freedom
seeking broad measure and berth
as all that you seem to desire
slips slowly away
like rain down a spout
as your nightmares plumb deep
the sphere of black dreams
this timeless crone
could be your miracle
your salvation — your way out
your frail breath
to carry you through your passing
My theatre’s now just empty red seats
the street out front — an empty avenue
no one comes view these cinematic feats
nor the celluloid fantasies I knew
the projector’s a beaut, still shine’n bright
casting cine-magic on the big screen
but the joint’s abandoned night after night
my theater’s now COVID’s haunted scene
sadly a victim of something obscene
we try to grasp why this horrible plague
how could we humans unleash such a scourge
when ask where it came from answers seem vague
as earth chants a bitter funeral dirge
arrogance serves to block true solution
as impatience helps continue the spread
is this the time we pay retribution
is this the end time as many have said
we must reflect as we bury our dead
Written to incorporate a derivation of: “I have left my signature on rocky shores, marked with hues and shades of fuchsia sin; each one a reminder of the kind of person I have been.” – Of the waters and wild.
…like a true nature’s child, I was born to be wild…
Left late
on a moonless night
my caddy shine’n bright
a wad’a dolla’s in my hand
visions of the promised land
enticing me ever onward
encountered some unexpected delays
unforeseen bumps in fortune’s highway
but obstacles weren’t turning me away
certainly had my fair share of scrapes
gotten real good at narrow escapes
had the all too frequent bad day
rubbed folks the wrong way
more than a time or two
scuffed my caddy too
lost me a little skin
paint n’patience worn thin
we took some pretty serious hits
saw well laid plans get blown to bits
and though tough times came in bunches
I learned to keep roll’n with the punches
kept the faith to follow my best hunches
my dream
and my caddy
have lost a little lustre
don’t you fret I don’t fluster
because I am on my way
along this highway
to my paradise
and I sure ain’t stoppin’
all signs still point to the promised land
despite having felt fate’s cold hand
been knocked down a time’r two
what I am telling you is true
yes I may be black n’blue
I’m still comin’ through
‘cause I ain’t beaten
ain’t retreatin’
I have left my signature written on the winds
marked in hues and shades of my past sins
each a reminder of the person I have been
and a clear vision of what’ll soon begin
with a promise to never go back again
I’m goin’ where the lights are bright
and miracles happen every night
good luck is in the cards for me
I’ll soon be on a winning spree
figure bad luck is behind me
not completely certain though
‘cause my poor caddy’s
big back window