
This is Seussian Tetrameter…

I am high on romance
cause I’m caught in your trance
cannot breath cannot think
my poor mind’s on the blink

I am gone this I’m sure
and I doubt there’s a cure
is this joy is this bliss
was that simply a kiss

will I wake I can’t tell
I am under your spell
is this all what it seems
am I lost in my dreams

if it’s true then it’s fine
these sweet dreams are divine
here’s a wish I now make
hope I never awake


rob kistner © 2010

More tetrameter poetry at: dVerse

Open Link Night at: dVerse


~ A live bonus from Brandi! ~


I greatly admire this fellow Washingtonian.

She is bold she is fierce
it’s her depth that appeals
ev’ry song that she sings
are the thoughts that she feels

while her heart she emotes
it’s her soul she reveals
she brings tears to my eyes
while my logic she steels

speaking truth she stirs hope
shattered dreams so to heal
and she gives of her self
her love rolls like a wheel

she is grit she is style
she is humble and real
she is Brandi Carlile
and she lives her ideals


Hanseroth twins: key to Brandi’s sound & success.

rob kistner © 2010

More poetry at: dVerse


I cordially invite you to experience here, this master at her craft.
Especially if you appreciate a heartfelt cry.

…and for a two-song encore…

Li bai Reimagined

1.) “Crows Calling at Night” by: Li bai
Yellow clouds beside the walls; crows roosting near.
Flying back, they caw, caw; calling in the boughs.
In the loom she weaves brocade, the Qin river girl.
Made of emerald yarn like mist, the window hides her words.
She stops the shuttle, sorrowful, and thinks of the distant man.
She stays alone in the lonely room, her tears just like the rain.

2.) Reinterpretation of “Crows Calling at Night” by: Li bai
Yellow clouds near the walls where crows are roosting.
They are cawing as they fly into gingko tree boughs.
The Qin river girl is creating brocade with her loom.
The emerald yarn is mist like, the window hides her words.
Sadly, she stops the shuttle, and thinks of her far off love.
She is lonely here in her room, her tears just like the rain.


3.) A fully original poem inspired by Li bai’s “Crows Calling at Night”


A Crystal Tear

Sun-gold clouds fade in dimming cerulean
a lone raven’s black eyes stare steadily
loudly cawing, he effortlessly alights
perched in the striking autumn yellow
of the ginkgo’s lovely fanned petals

a lonely woman works in deft rhythm
rich silk gleams taut in her drawloom
she carefully raises the brocade patterns
learned as a child in her Shanxi province
sure hands pull the fine emerald threads

prayer on her lips — she stares far off
a closed window holds fast her whispers
sadly she falls quiet — pauses the shuttle
thinking longingly of her distant lover
wondering — will their lips again touch

she sits alone — unmoving — head turned
a crystal tear falls like a first rain drop


rob kistner © 2010

More poetry at: dVerse


Time Master

Hidden deep
in the darkest recesses
of my infinite mind
my spiral synapses
like resonant bells
ring with perfect clarity
calling forth enlightenment
revealing the secrets of eternity

on this black velvet night
my brilliance shines
like crazy diamonds

hidden thoughts
soar untethered
to shine on brightly
illuminating the darkling
mysteries of time

I am the time master
I fold reality

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: Sunday Muse

Day 18 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers


Salmon Fishing

Nice catch!

The great wheel of time
turns ever slow and steadily
its ponderous mass unstoppable
relentless as a steady bear
prowling the forest
or stationed patiently
in a chill mountain stream
ready to snatch a salmon

the prowling
is familiar to me
I understand
the continuous hunt

but patience
that too often
escapes my grasp
as do many salmon
elude the mighty bear

but still
he stays his task

in my imperfect way
I feel I understand
this relentlessness

we both
ride the great wheel
‘round and ’round we go
the bear and I
uncertain in our quests

yet still he flashes his paw
at the ever-leaping prey
in his relentless hope
to finally snag a salmon

so too have I reached out
time and again
with the relentless hope
to grasp the ultimate answer
verifiable evidence
to finally solve
my lifelong mystery

just who am I
how did I get here
where did I come from
who were my birth parents

none easily answered

in our ongoing endeavors
success is not guaranteed
for the bear
nor I

and yet
we both continue fishing

rob kistner © 2010

More poetry at: dVerse

N.B. Still waiting final verification, but it seems my birth mother is Evelyn Tieke and my birth father is Joseph Perrmann. The name first given me is Lawrence Tieke. After 74 years of wondering, and frequently searching unsuccessfully, my daughter solved the mystery last month. Awaiting certification of my original birth certificate.

So Blue

I wrote the very first draft of this homage to Shel Silverstein 22 years ago — 1999

Where The Sidewalk Ends — Shel Silverstein

From down there, down there,
it’s coming from down there,
that’s where — down there
yes Sis, I swear!

That horrible smell
that’s filling the air,
the one that’s most certainly
impossible to bear,
is coming from that women
with the massive blue hair
sitting alone on the patio chair,
on the deck of the house,
that’s below us — right there!

What a putrid aroma,
you’d think that she’d care,
that there’s simply some things
that one never should share,
like the stink that is rising
from that patio chair,
on the deck of the house
that’s below us — down there.
the smell is outrageous
it’s terribly crass
look, it knocked our poor Rover
right flat on his ass.

And the hideous color
of that mountain of hair —
I can’t help it, can’t help it,
I can’t help but stare.
it’s tangled and horrible
and it’s disgusting too
an eye-blinding nightmarish
shade of bright blue —
and it’s causing a feeling
of nausea too!

I must look away
my heads starting to whirl,
and I feel that my toes
are beginning to curl,
I fear over the edge here
I’m going to hurl —
and I don’t want to do that
in front of a girl.

Maybe I’m wrong
but I would assume,
if one’s going to bathe
in a noxious perfume,
they’d at least have good manners
and exhibit some pride,
and not foul the ozone,
instead — stay inside,
and not be the cause
of such a mind-numbing fume
but keep the eco-disaster
contained in one room.

And if you’re chromatically challenged my friend,
consider the others that you might offend.
A monumentally grotesque rat’s nest of blue,
is not something I care to look at on you!

Look Sis, look look, look quickly down there,
that woman is getting up out of her chair.
oh joy, for joy, that’s all I can say,
thank our lucky stars, she is going away!

I hope away she will stay
for the rest of the day,
or as long as the damned wind
keeps on blowin’ this way.

rob kistner © 2010
revision © 2021

More poetry at: dVerse

OLN poetry at: dVerse


Sheldon Allan Silverstein: September 25, 1930 – May 10, 1999

Dream Dream

”Beware what you dream” — Morpheus

I see you staring in the door. Welcome. This is The Shoppe of Dreams — I’m Morpheus. I have many types of dreams, so no matter what you desire, you can find it here. Whether you seek a special fantasy, or just some everyday wonder, I do my honest best to have it available. One thing that my shop is well known for — everything here contains an element of truth, even the nightmares.

You seem very curious about this unusual dream I hold here. You can examine it, if you’d like. I designed it as a thing of vivid rarity — oddly dark, constructed of angst, but as strong as youth. This one belongs to Billie Eilish. Not to worry, I do have others

So please, if you are a dreamer, come in, look around. You just might find the exact dream you are looking for.

rob kistner © 2021

More poetry at: dVerse

Red Red Wings

”Poppies will put them to sleep” — Wicked Witch

I will leave the earth today
air currents warm and soft
will fill my red red wings
lifting me excitedly aloft
carried off in free flight

I will feel the rush
as I’m swept up high
into the azure sky
lost in this thrill
spellbound — I fly

I will soar fast and free
above the trees and sea
undulating far below me
listening as I feel
the warm winds’ whisper

I will watch the world
roll silently to infinity
over the far horizon
floating upward rapidly
climbing further skyward

I will now be on my way
so I must close my eyes
then sail off far away
dreaming deep and still
‘midst these sweet poppies’ sway

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: Sunday Muse


”FLYING” high with the Beatles

Day 9 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021

Power & Grace

She is sculpted strength
she is pure balanced grace
head to her amazing toes
a work of athletic art
finely lathed
performance perfection

see the powerful slender neck
the defined sinewy form
of her athlete’s body

tuned muscle
connects tuned muscle
they enwrap the reach
of her strong graceful arms
firmly span her solid shoulders
empower her straightened back
ripple her taught stomach
tapering to a tight waist
down long lithe limber legs
of cut carved precision power

she is stunning
she is breathtaking
she is a prima ballerina

in this moment
she is anxious
but she is also
filled with excitement

she knows she need not be frightened
she knows the fluid moves
sees the precise steps
clearly in her mind

she knows the stride
the position of her body
just before elevation

she understands the speed
the run up
the lead foot
the plant angle
the knee bend
the thrust

she has done this
thousands of repetitions
no need for trepidation

she knows the energy
of the moment
of the crowd
as they anticipate
as she anticipates
the lift off
the rise

the glorious weightlessness
the thrill of flying
the feel of returning to earth
to her toes

she intimately understands
how to offset the momentum
to snap to a graceful stop
come to point
straight and strong
arms raised and extended

she remembers well the applause
that exhilaration

she knows this all
to her bones

she can do this
in her sleep

she has this mastered
she is a master dancer



she squelches the flash of doubt
she grows quiet in her mind
she is ready
she is in the zone

her body is coiled
she hears only the orchestra
there is now only they
and she

with the first note
she leaps
to her joy
to her glory

she is invincible
swept up
in the consuming fire
and magnificent fury
of her honed body
in the dance

rob kistner © 2021

More poetry at: dVerse


Day 8 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021



I watched
as generations
moved forward
as civilization
set foothold

I observed
the millenniums
of human endeavor
as they awakened
to self-reliance
less dependent
on hive mentality
mastering machines
eliminating conflict
striving for truth
ever evolving

I saw
the world

I stand tall
a mighty tree
heaven’s tether
thrusting skyward
much further indeed
than any rooted thing
the constant sentinel
a perpetual presence
witness to triumph
of the humans



I watched
unable to help
so utterly horrified
as generations receded
as empires crumbled
greed ran rampant
wisdom ebbed

I observed
of human folly
misguided logic
flawed reasoning
poor decisions
ever flailing
in a cold

from one another
from the environment
serving their machines
serving their avarice
perfecting violence
racing to ruination
becoming aliens
in a mad eden

I watched through tears
as the natural world
slowly declined

toxic air
burnt terrain
to far horizons
and now I stand
thrusting skyward
in this decaying hell
praying for a heaven
the only living thing
the pitiful survivor
the final sentinel
time’s witness
to tragedy
the end


…which comes true — we decide…

rob kistner © 2021

More poetry at: dVerse


To Us

To all d’Verse poets — Salùte!

L et us drink deep
this wine of friendship
ripened well with time
aged to a vintage true

may this nectar rare
sweeten all our days
may its heady warmth
linger long and lush
lighten life’s burdens
and ever lift our spirits

here’s to us!

rob kistner © 2021

More poetry at: dVerse


Tanka Tragedy


I am a lion
I want to maul you to death

not me — I’m a lamb

but I’m just a reflection

so I’m sorry — you are …screwed!

rob kistner © 2021


Can you please sing, while you — RUN?!


Poetry at: Sunday Muse

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers

Day 4 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021