Awakening Song



Awakening Song


silver moon in black satin sky
bare your sterling soul on high
shimmer ‘cross this sleeping world
enchantment be this night unfurled
’til all dreams are dreamed tonight
’til pure hearts are lifted light
then new hope awaken strong
let peace be awakening’s song

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below for more quadrilles at dVerse…

    Quadrille #112: The Sky’s the Limit (in 44 words)

  • Immortal Heart



    Immortal Heart


    mysterious lady in blackened silk
    a bewitching beauty as to mesmerize
    sculpted by a darklord’s hand
    so seductive as to scandalize

    a wilding stare of icy blue
    floats above a dangerous pout
    spellbound by her magic eyes
    she holds your soul with no way out

    her tongue tip teases her top lip’s edge
    like a supple paintbrush flowing
    her smile will ignite and hypnotize
    then wrap around you knowing

    you are now her helpless captive
    held hopelessly soul addicted
    as her immortal heart combusts to flame
    is she an angel — or truly wicked

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020

    Image: Brooke Shaden


  • To read more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • Silence!





    are you traveling with me to the coast
    if so, we will be leaving at first light
    the need to be on time is uppermost
    I want to be there, settled in tonight

    the party promises to be a blast
    cool people, drinks, and food of ev’ry kind
    these soirees have been epic in the past
    if we are late, we will be left behind

    tomorrow it is breakfast on the beach
    it’s there we meet our hostess for the week
    she’ll have the masks she’s chosen, one for each
    remember, after that we do not speak

    then to the yacht, where wondrous games are played
    magic – this high seas silent masquerade

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020

  • Click below for more poems at dVerse…

    Open Link Night #274 – Live Again!

  • Very Best Year Yet

    A nonet, borrowing a first line from Lawrenson.
    This one is done in a John Donne “Song” format (ababccddd).
    He is considered a pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets.



    Very Best Year Yet


    summer has erupted in yet another disaster
    is there no let up in this misery and strife
    leaving this horror behind, please, can‘t it go faster
    too much terror and grief, rips the heart like a knife

    exchanging today’s deadly disease for wildfire tomorrow
    its not fair to be trapped on this dark trail of sorrow

    gold and joy in 2020, it was to be my very best year yet
    for my dreams were to flourish, I’d have all that I could get
    brassy fire ‘n tears are what happened, oh, such burning regret

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Listen to Van Morrison perform his “Rave On John Donne”:

  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse Poet’s Pub:

    Poetics: 9 across for a count down

  • Goblins be Wan’drin

    2 nonets, borrowing their first lines from Merwin.



    Goblins be Wan’drin

    …goblins, witches, and ghosts are very active in the Northern Hemisphere throughout all of Autumn, the season of the dying of the light — so beware…


  • broken shadows across the cracked ground
    trees — gold, orange, crimson, brown
    leaves down, lay mottled ‘n crisp
    rustle’n crunch, winds brisk
    goblins’ be wan’drin
    witches in flight
    ghosts rise’n


  • broken shadows across the cracked ground
    trees turn — gold, orange, and crimson
    leaves down, lay mottled ‘n crisp
    rustle, crunch under foot
    goblins’ be wan’drin
    witches in flight
    ghosts arise

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse Poet’s Pub:

    Poetics: 9 across for a count down

  • Paradise Ravaged

    Mourning the unprecedented wildfires currently destroying Oregon & California.




    Paradise Ravaged


    There’s peace, night-wandering these slumbering mountains, spellbound by their vast forests. In their dreams they sleep with the moon. I search their peaceful rivers. My spirit carries buoyant over their boulders and falls, my soul listening to ancient secrets whispered by their waters, echoed hauntingly in the treetops by great white owls.

    These pristine mountains are breathtaking, unspoiled natural beauty. The fragrance of conifers intoxicate the night breezes, as moonlight drifts down dreamlike to blanket the forest’s canopy, to dance diamond-like on the chill mountain lakes. This special place is sacred, so close to my heart.

    But this night, the breezes have become unbreathable, blistering winds, choked with soot and poisonous smoke. The rivers black, strangled with char and smoldering debris. Wild fires continue to rage and ravage. I weep — but will there ever be tears enough to again cleanse pure my defiled paradise.


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    fire dragons consume
    poisonous vapors strangle
    eden is dying


    span style=”color: #808080; font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;”>NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click to read more dVerse poems:

    Prosery Monday: Moonbeams and Moon Dreams

  • The Fox & The Feather



    The Fox & The Feather


    oh to glide
    in buoyed flight
    soar skyward
    in sweeping circles
    lift high on mighty thermals
    never again earthbound
    not a prisoner of gravity

    this day would be soaring
    and swooping
    and diving
    giving thanks for feathers
    and hollow bones


    I have no hollow bones
    I’m just a little fox
    with only this one feather

    I found it
    over there

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • To read more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • The Chill



    The Chill


    Three reasonable edits of a single concept:


    keeps dark at bay
    pressing in

    night wind stirs
    mocking breath
    of life now lost
    to lightless realm
    beyond this chill
    encircling me

    worn stone step
    where rail eluded
    grasping hand
    as ankle bent
    held oranges spilled

    moon caresses
    tender neck
    once softly kissed
    from which no voice came
    to futile cry

    those lips
    will not know again
    sweet fruit

    nor love

    blackness presses in


    keeps dark at bay
    pressing in

    night wind mocking
    life now lost
    beyond this chill

    no emotion
    save grief

    a worn stone step
    a grasp-less hand
    an ankle bent
    held oranges spilled
    tender neck
    once softly kissed
    now broken

    a futile cry

    those lips
    will not know again
    sweet fruit

    nor love

    darkness presses in


    keeps dark at bay
    pressing in

    oranges spill
    on worn stone steps
    rail eludes
    grasping hand

    night wind stirs
    the futile cry

    the breathless life
    lost to the lightless realm
    beyond this encircling chill

    these lips
    will not know again
    sweet fruit

    nor love

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, some “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click to read more dVerse poems:

    MTB, Write like a dog, edit like a cat…

  • Who Am I



    Who Am I


    I am my memories
    that huddle ’round me
    soft and gentle
    some dim
    some vivid
    through all my days
    and all my nights

    though you are gone
    left much too soon
    just in your springtime
    you are here
    quiet in my memories

    I like
    that you are still with me
    in my heart
    this recall is such sweet ache

    other memories
    from quite near
    and far into the past
    drift forward
    mingled rich
    through the years

    their embrace
    is soothing
    warm as the sun

    memories of others
    I’ve been blessed to love
    a tender tear
    for every one

    the places
    this 6’ frame has been
    the wonders
    these hazel eyes have seen

    the joys
    that painted me
    so brightly

    the sorrows
    that taught me
    the depth of life

    in these memories
    there is a sweetness
    it holds my heart
    by just a touch
    of soft regret
    that at times
    bowed this silvered head

    my heart is full
    my spirit calm
    a peaceful surrender
    to fate’s embrace

    that precious
    unfurled strand
    from there to here
    from then to now

    would that these memories
    never end

    but soon
    the flames of recall
    will falter
    as the lingering embers die

    it’s then I’m prayer

    when I am called
    among the memories
    would that I be
    carried away
    in stillness
    delivered off
    in sleep
    forever wrapped
    in all it is
    I am

    I am my memories


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, some “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

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    Come and take a selfie!

  • Eavesdropping




    sun sits low on the horizon
    dusk slowly advances
    night’s chill is settling
    all the dreams have gone to bed

    I sit quietly
    close by this fire
    soothed by its crackling
    eavesdropping on my wife
    reading our child
    bedtime stories

    soul’s settled
    heart’s full


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020

    span style=”color: #808080; font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;”>NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click to read more dVerse poems:

    Quadrille #111 – What’s That Rustling in the Eaves?

  • Up a Tree


    Up a Tree


    the king of beasts has gone up a tree
    says it’s a better vantage point to see
    the evil that’s happening everywhere
    yet much of the human herd don’t care
    that lies and disease are running wild
    it seems that they have been beguiled
    prudent folk seem to have been struck blind
    the other fools have simply lost their mind
    the king says he is not coming down
    ‘til Trump and Covid are chased from town

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • To read more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • Lauria at the Speed of Light

  • remembering a great performer, good friend, former bandmate, lost to Covid-19


    Lauria at the Speed of Light


  • did I ever tell you about Lauria
    living at the speed of light
    blazing through the midday sky
    rocketing through the night

    she was a natural wonder
    a miracle to behold
    soared through time like a lightning flash
    unwilling to ever grow old

    streaking through the universe
    a meteor of flesh and bone
    racing high above on wings of dreams
    like a shooting star she shone

    mystery sister of Aoede & Terpsichore
    she’s a goddess of dance and song
    she’d cast her beguiling lyrical spell
    and hold captive her mesmerized throng

    the news came late last weekend
    Lauria was nowhere in sight
    last seen circling a midnight star
    moving at the speed of light

    people who knew Lauria well
    were sure it was what they’d feared
    she had finally outdistanced time
    and mystically disappeared

    never ever to be seen again
    no way — no how — nowhere
    she’d lived life at such velocity
    she blazed out like a beautiful flare


    oh, would her end have been such magic
    whirled away in an enchanted gust
    sadly she was felled by a virulent evil
    smaller than a speck of stardust


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click to read more dVerse poems:

    OpenLinkNight #273

  • Hedone’s Lovers

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines erotic as: “of, relating to, exciting, or expressing sexual attraction or desire”

    ALERT: Erotic poetry for adults only…



    Hedone’s Lovers


    radiant vision silken skinned
    translucent alabaster blaze
    you’re torrid as a teen’s temptation

    I’m a kindle’d lover’s pyre
    tinder poised
    with slightest spark
    near to burn

    wrapped steaming
    in eager hungry arms
    achingly we yearn

    your graceful face
    wanton aglow
    comely raised and tilted back
    my fingers tangled in your hair

    swept away in lustful swoon
    you’re Hedone’s daughter
    lush with nectar
    afire in ardor’s golden flame
    that folds upon you soft as satin

    down glistening back
    that tempting tapers
    to the tender
    warm and sultry

    a wonderland for fingertips
    mine touch
    and tease
    and tantalize

    we explore
    full measure
    our quivering bodIes

    mine chiseled firm
    hammered hard
    smooth as stone
    with Himeros’s brand

    your divinely-pleasing
    sculpted vessel
    brought forth
    by Aphrodite’s hand

    flesh-fruit swells full and ripe
    a silhouette to hypnotize
    enticing in the candle’s flicker
    we fondle freely with wanting eyes

    I twist and tweak
    your blossomed berries
    that burst
    engorged with passion’s heat
    my teeth to nip and tug
    draw to my lips
    to taste

    your tender touch
    soft loving stroke
    drawn slow ‘n steady
    ignites my need
    now full ready
    to firm express

    my willful hands
    of pleasured probing
    wrap slender waist
    then slowly slide
    ‘cross pleading hips
    of sensuous rise
    to fall in frail folds of eros
    molded from the charms of Venus

    ’round dual swells of burning myth
    that writhe
    atop two lathen’d stems
    long and lithe
    as liquid love
    turned by pleasure’s gloried angels
    tempered in a sacred fire

    stretched taut
    arched high
    in carnal roil
    we entwine
    god and goddess buff

    beyond delirium
    I enter rough
    we thrust and thrust
    in randy lust
    ’til passion’s seed
    has turned to dust

    and our wanton
    are snuffed

    love’s raging madness
    at last rebuffed

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click to read more dVerse poems:

    Poetics: Exploring Erotica as a Literary Genre (what makes a poem erotic?)

  • Click to read Even more dVerse poems:

    Haibun Monday 8/31/20: Take a Hike!

  • Hiking Paradise

    …a hike in the Oregon mountains…


    Hiking Paradise


    Filtered by the towering woodland canopy overhead, sunlight drifts down dreamlike to settle radiant, igniting the breathtaking forest cathedral before me. Suddenly, a young doe bounds onto the trail ahead, stands proudly, pausing in the warmth of the rays. She considers me briefly, then disappears as quick as a stolen glance, quiet as passing time.

    I dart my eyes here, then there, in a vain attempt to follow. Its then I catch a glimpse of silver-blue, reflecting resplendently, where massive old-growth trunks part — Lost Lake! This is the prize I sought on my hike today into this Cascade wilderness paradise.

    I step through the opening, to climb a huge boulder. A deep expanse of chill mountain lake unfurls before me, sparkling cerulean and sterling, in the crisp quickening breeze. I sit, pull my legs under me, and lean forward — enthralled. Elbows on knees, I marvel, mesmerized by the energy and splendor of this natural wonder.

    crystal on blue lake
    dances in gilding sunlight
    crisp breeze stirs old growth


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click below for more hiking at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday 8/31/20: Take a Hike!