Born Wild

“A gift for my brilliant, beautiful, 47-year-old, financial-planner daughter.”



Born Wild


a gift of freedom for you daughter Jeni
though it’ll be one among many
hope this one stands apart
hope it revs your wild heart
and boundaries — you won’t have any

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

Gift: Ducati 73hp M797 motorcycle

Daughter: Jeni, Summer 2019


  • Click below to check out more gifted poetry at dVerse:

    Meet the bar with gift rhymes

  • Your Eyes

    “Otherworldly love poetry”

    artwork by Kazeyo Fuyutama


    Your Eyes


    I have watched
    golden clouds
    waft the emerald climbs
    over Telure’s cerulean seas

    heard the haunting calls
    fill Droon’s violet skies
    as coral-winged Lellurts
    took to flight

    seen the copper hues
    of Parmus fronds
    fire indigo mists
    ‘neath Gemin’s crystal trees

    beheld exquisite beauty
    of bright new worlds
    but none so enchantingn
    as your eyes — tonight

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    Cerulean blue and emerald of Telure

    violet sky of Droon Cluster

    a crystal tree of Gemin


  • Click below to check out more poetry at dVerse:

    Poetics: New Year – New World

  • December Memories

  • A flashback for OLN #256:

    OpenLinkNight #256



    December Memories


  • pine boughs sparkling
    yule log crackling
    full hearts brimming
    drawn close this night

    on bright papers
    gifts bestowed
    one at a time

    round and round
    the kindred circle
    unveiled affections

    and cheerful laughter
    precious times with family

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2018


    Go here to dVerse to get cheered up:

    Quadrille #70: Poems of Good Cheer


    “This is the sad year I bow out as Santa”


    My wife and I as “singing” Santa and Mrs Clause. We visit several families each year at Christmas as a special surprise for the children. When we visit, I lead the children, and the entire group, singing Christmas Carols. Been doing it for a number of years. BTW, that is my real beard. And Mrs. Clause carries the watering can because she delivers a fun, low-key environmental message for the children. But my declining health may see this year as my last journey as Santa Claus. It has been rewarding beyond measure to see the excitement and love in the eyes of the little ones, especially in their years 2 or 3 until 5 or 6. It’s been such a wonderful gift to have been Santa. I will miss it! ;-(

    The Missing


    The Missing


    without warning they were simply gone
    we were left bewildered, to carry on
    the entire family strangely disappeared
    what happened here is truly very weird

    they were taken in an instant long ago
    to where, we will likely never know
    midst this kitchen clutter, it abruptly ended
    was life concluded, or just suspended

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • To check out more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • Note By Note


    Note by Note


    music music is everywhere
    the sound of music
    can fill the air

    it can slip right through the tiniest hole
    it can fill a room
    it can fill your soul

    the power of music has great potential
    its power to fill
    is exponential

    feeling deflated — hope won’t float
    music will fill it up
    note by note

    it can fill the void in an empty life
    it can obliterate sadness
    eliminate strife

    it can flow into the remotest part
    filling full
    a lonely heart

    score or lyric in your favorite style
    will fill your face
    with a bursting smile

    music is powerful and invasive stuff
    but in this angry world
    can there be enough

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more poetry at dVerse:

    Poetics: Sylvia and Ted

  • Gratitude & Balance

    “Hybrid haibun with dual haikus.”

    digital rendering: ”Gaia Provides” — by: rob kistner © 1997

    Gratitude & Balance


    Precious mother Gaia, you embrace us with your love. You carry us safely as we hurtle thousands of miles, every hour, of every day, through infinite space. You provide for us our every need. You sustain our bodies with your abundant bounty. You nurture our spirits with your beauty and endless wonders.

    seeds push seeking sun
    sky pulls with precious spring rain
    gaia yields new life

    Your need is simple. That we live in balance with your rhythms, and with our fellow travelers on this amazing journey. You ask that we know gratitude, as humble stewards of your countless gifts. That we live in harmony, attentive and reverent. But we’ve grown arrogant. Foolishly we believe we have dominion over you, over all in your realm. In pursuit of intellect, feeding ego, we have lost our sense of equilibrium, lost our way.

    Now we suffer, as we watch you suffer. Please forgive us. Be patient, do not forsake us. We can learn, as we must learn. Precious mother gaia, grant us time to again find our way, our humility, our center — to again find the gratitude, the balance.

    we seek dominion
    frail balance has been disturbed
    gaia is weeping

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more haibun of gratitude at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday 11/24/19: Gratitude

  • After The Rain

    ”After the Rain” by: Cyril Rolando
    After the Rain


    you hit like a downpour
    a thunderstorm of love
    your kisses hot as lightning
    striking from above

    your passion was a tempest
    I was swept up in its force
    but now the winds have died
    this storm has run its course

    your moods now chilled and cloudy
    no warmth after the rain
    my heart puddles in sadness
    this bad weather’s bringing pain

    the fair winds may return
    as might the clear blue skies
    but my heart will ever yearn
    to see the sun rise in your eyes

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • To check out more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • Wordless

    This was not a moment in my life when I was speechless, searching for the right words. I had no awareness of words, nor even of language. I was suddenly completely untethered, falling through a frigid void, with a building primal scream, roaring through my soul, fighting to escape.





    I still remember
    when I got the strange hollow call
    informing me my son had been killed

    the disembodied voice on the other end
    asked into the silence that followed
    “sir, are you there?”

    all that finally came forth
    emanating from the pit of my being
    was a coarse choking guttural wail
    like the keening of a wild animal


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more poetry at dVerse:

    Tuesday Poetics: Less is More, more or less

  • Day Breaker

    “stream-of-consciousness rant”

    ”Drinkin’ Thinkin’” by: rob kistner © 1997


    (hard-drinkin’, jazz-lovin’, workin’ man’s lament)

    day breaks
    a new week’s

    as the stains
    on my

    as my sour
    of fevered

    as my


    merciful dusk
    delivers me

    jack and coke

    don’t obsess
    in sorrow


    a bottom-dive
    to comatose

    no virtue

    mad goes
    the struggle
    saved by
    48 over

    the hissing
    of monday
    the mindless
    6-6 grind
    120 n’out

    cruel numbers
    round round
    and ever round
    the tombstone’s

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to see what’s being imitated at dVerse:

    Imitation Practice

  • I’ve Had It!

    Modified Tennyson imitation — nine lines with a rhyme pattern AABBCCCCC, and using four trochees per line, with a touch of surrealistic humor.


    I’ve Had It!


    don’t just stand there looking lazy
    while this bunny thumps like crazy
    help me fry it golden brownish
    stuffing it in uncle’s sandwich
    never liked that purple rabbit
    acted poorly — now I’ve had it
    sang off key each time I’d pet it
    stole my shoes and uncle let it
    now it’s lunch — and uncle ‘et‘ it

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to see what’s being imitated at dVerse:

    Imitation Practice

  • Drifting Dreaming

    SURREALISM: Pure psychic automatism by which it is intended to express, either verbally or in writing, the true function of thought. Thought dictated in the absence of all control exerted by reason…


    Drifting Dreaming


    I read minds
    but pieces of me
    stick to whomever
    I deep delve

    you may have seen me
    silhouetted against your sky
    in coldest January
    with the frozen moon

    a duet
    to make coyotes
    cower in their dens

    then moon and I run
    from room to imaginary room
    your whole world
    close enough to touch

    we eat a midnight lunch
    perfumed with foreign lands
    and your thoughts
    onion layered

    your thoughts
    are too heavy to hold
    show mercy
    peel back the layers

    peel me away
    thin by thin
    skin by skin
    to my quivering soul

    my thoughts

    bonewhite lies
    of morality plays
    open for you to see

    hope they’re not hideous
    in your sight

    hope they do not
    make you cry
    as you peel back
    all the layers

    onioned thought layers
    held firm
    like a carapace
    to which
    I’m stitched
    and welded
    and can no more leave
    than you can enter

    they tie me down
    but sometimes
    barely so
    survivor that I am

    the inescapable optimism
    in my barebones grin
    in the brittle moonlight
    exposing forgotten creases
    and clandestine gateways
    to your mind

    someone can learn
    a thing or two tonight
    if someone
    will ignite the light

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to see what’s surreally at dVerse:

    Poetics: Surrealism in Poetry