
“Wisdom is the patina of aging.”




from here
the road ahead
is traveled differently
with shorter stride
lessened pace

there is no shame
being a traveler slowed

wisdom grows
to match the nicks
of years and miles

the virtue of sacrifice
begets the courage
to best the journey
that remains

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more poetry at dVerse:

    Quadrille #87: Quick! Nick us a poem!


  • Click to check out more poems on Toads

    3 IGWRT words: shame, virtue, sacrifice

  • Yes!




    the transcendency of poetry
    the rapture of music
    the joy of children’s laughter
    the power of kindness
    the beauty of nature
    the softness of a gentle touch
    the magic of a child’s kiss
    the tenderness of love
    the miracle of tolerance
    the wonders of life
    to all of this I say – yes!


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more lion-like poems at Sunday Muse
  • Fluxxling

    “Seamstress” by: Cat Schappach



    I’ll not be confined
    always in motion
    eternal ebb and flow
    perpetual like the seas
    my spirit is flux
    seeking balance that’s mine
    to change at will

    I’ll not be defined
    my nature’s fluid
    my essence — turbulent
    reach not for me
    I will not be held
    do not name me
    I will not be yours

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more poems inspired by Cat on Toads
  • Stirred

    “The leaf of the gingko tree is found in fossils dating back 270 million years. Native to China, the tree is said to possess biological properties effective in the treatment of memory disorders, such as dementia.”

    “Golden Gingko” by: Beverly Dyer




    memories are stirred

    by the golden gingko leaf

    since the ancient times

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more poetry at dVerse:

    Poetics: Art as Inspiration ~ Introducing Beverly Dyer

  • Still

    “About a cat, and his mistress.”




    it sits

    atop the bench
    by our garden wall
    just where she left it

    our cat Taja
    hides inside at play
    pokes up his furry head
    to look my way

    he knows
    it is her can

    he waits every day
    for his mistress
    to tenderly pat his head
    to reach her gentle hand
    and lift her can

    how many lilies
    has it nourished
    how many daisies
    how many morning glories

    it dispenses
    its life giving waters
    so gracefully in her hand

    a delicate hand
    gentle in its loving touch

    gentle in its task
    of planting
    gentle in its tend

    but rugged on any weeds
    threatening her garden

    the giver of life
    the guardian
    of her realm

    but she could not stop
    all that threatened
    and I had not
    her gift of giving life

    and so it rests
    atop the bench
    just where she left it

    no longer is it lifted
    by her tender nurturing hand

    that hand now
    is still

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019



  • Click below to check out some other cats on dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics: On All Things Feline!

  • Tranquil Center

    “Seeing the world for what it is makes one smart.
    Seeing the world for what it could be — makes one wise.”


    Tranquil Center

    there are conflicts
    in our daily toil
    to sustain the body

    keep these
    from your inner being
    these do not feed the spirit

    lift someone in need
    seek the components of peace
    create enduring possibility

    with these
    feed your spirit
    sustain your tranquil center

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    pink water lily in rock garden - meditation of soul


  • Click below for more beautiful words at dVerse:

    . . . and the most beautiful words are . . .

  • Beautiful!

    “Human beings have dominion over nature.” How absurd! Beyond smoke&mirrors, this is an absolute lie of a devastating magnitude. Human’s have inflicted inconceivable abuses on the natural world, as a result of this most self-destructive belief. For example, it has given birth to these abominations we call zoos. These institutions of cruel incarceration are a horrifying tragedy of perverse human arrogance.



    from rippled sinew black as midnight
    bores a stare of molten gold

    searing deep to burn your soul
    a beautiful, furious, calm inferno

    unyielding is this panther’s pace
    held captive in this foolish zoo

    brutalized by human arrogance
    denied the freedom that is its soul

    cold eyes rivet snarled contempt
    unfathomed pools of quiet rage

    on this panther paces paces
    turns and paces back he paces

    graceful stride of brute resolve
    presses on to test his bounds

    proud this captive soul just paces
    frustration turns anger retraces

    this brutal prison of false environ
    does not fool this mighty beast

    observe how he continues pacing
    instinct certain this is not home

    his piercing gaze fixed well beyond
    his suffered fate of cruel confine

    see the panther pacing pacing
    his nature steeled his spirit strong

    relentless sorrow wild longing
    drive on and on his constant stride

    this will not break his fierce resolve
    he tracks freedom he stalks life

    imprisoned he will forever pace
    and he will pace
    and he will die

    ~ ~

    caged beast close your eyes
    have no fear of letting go
    dream of wild freedom

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below for more smoke & mirrors at dVerse:

    Poetics: Smoke and Mirrors

  • River Whispers

    This is a 144 word flash fiction piece written in response to a dVerse prompt. This one is focused at the beauty and power of the Pacific Northwest, the land that I embrace, and dearly love — my home! You can click at the bottom of this post if you would like to listen to the soothing sound of the river while you read.

  • I highly recommend headphones for full immersion in the natural energy!

    CC BY-NC-ND Bruno Monginoux

    River Whispers


    I’m at peace wandering these mountains, spellbound by the vastness of their forests, searching their rivers, letting them carry my spirit over their boulders and falls. My soul hears ancient secrets whispered by their waters, echoed in the treetops by birds’ quiet songs. The tumble of their current is the lifeblood of my heart.

    These pristine mountains are breathtaking, unspoiled natural beauty. They ignite my imaginings. The fragrance of conifers and wild flowers blend to intoxicate the breezes, wafting all around me, as sun rays drift down dreamlike from their emerald forest canopies, sparkling diamond-like on the chill chop-waters of their wild mountain rivers.

    This special place is close to my heart. Here my spirit soars like the melody of a song. When I’m lost, the mystery of this magic place finds me. Here you will love again the stranger who was your self.

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    “listen to the river while you read”


  • Click below to read other’s self discovery at dVerse:

    Prosery #3: Love After Love

  • Such Wonder

    This challenging form is called a sestina. This is the second I’ve written in response to a dVerse prompt. This one is focused at the beauty and power of the Pacific Northwest, the land that I embrace, and dearly love. My home! The region is a soul stirring, life transforming miracle! I’ve opened the door — take a look! You can click at the bottom of this post if you would like to listen to the soothing sound of the stream, and bird songs.

  • I highly recommend headphones for full immersion in the natural energy!


    Such Wonder


    I find peace wandering these mountains
    my searching spirit slips along its rivers
    spellbound by the vastness of its forests
    its ancient secrets whisper on the breeze
    echoing in the treetops like quiet song
    to resonate forever my beating heart

    to this mystic realm I lost my heart
    awestruck by these majestic mountains
    rushing whitewaters serenade with song
    roaring over rocks in crisp wild rivers
    ‘round each bend stirs a freshened breeze
    wafting through timeless emerald forests

    breathtaking — these pristine forests
    unspoiled natural beauty steals your heart
    fragrant conifers intoxicate the breeze
    sun rays fall dreamlike on the mountains
    sparkle diamondly on cold chop-water rivers
    beauty so glorious as to celebrate in song

    bles’sed mornings I wake to nature’s song
    cradled joyful beneath the canopy of forests
    dreams dance crisp clear waters of the rivers
    nature’s energy excites the rhythm of my heart
    resonant as root-chambers in old-growth forests
    “be glad” breaths the quiet voice of the breeze

    a treetop osprey’s cry echoes in the breeze
    beautifully eerie this raptor’s haunting song
    it seeks prey in the waters of these mountains
    as the airborne master fisher of these forests
    doing battle with a wild trout is in its heart
    I use a wooden boat to fish these rivers

    my imagination flows free as these rivers
    life’s become light as a soft evening breeze
    I hold this special place close to my heart
    my spirit soars like the melody of a song
    ever captive to the mystery of these forests
    enchanted by the wonders of these mountains

    the rush of wild rivers is like a brightening song
    carried on the breeze through these ancient forests
    my heart’s song resonates in these mighty mountains

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    “listen to the sounds of nature while you read — be relaxed”


  • Click below to read other sestinas at dVerse:

    Poetry Form: Sestina

  • Cruel Verse

    I am not a big fan of strict-form structured poetry. This form is called a sestina, and was written in response to a prompt at dVerse Poets. This form was quite challenging, so I wrote a tongue-in-cheek sestina in response. Please read lightheartedly.


    Cruel Verse


    this poet slumps before you soul in chains
    my witty sense of humor quickly waning
    trying to pursue this poetic violation
    this form of 6 times 6 plus 3 is cruelty
    it’s a soul-debilitating stifling threat
    it traps my free-thinking in consternation

    how can I avoid this creative consternation
    and free my poet’s soul from these chains
    I must resist this frightful pending threat
    I fear my will to fight is slowly waning
    as my poet’s spirit suffers this cruelty
    can my true voice survive this violation

    I must stand strong against this violation
    stimulate my voice ‘midst this consternation
    shield my free expression from this cruelty
    my soul must not falter ‘neath these chains
    resolve must be steady — be never waning
    it’s imperative I withstand this awful threat

    is it fair a poet be subjected to such threat
    why must I confront such heartless violation
    you see why my resistance might be waning
    entangled in this creative consternation
    and the pressing weight of these heavy chains
    you must admit that this is unusual cruelty

    I know that others here now face this cruelty
    and must also stare down this unseemly threat
    others here endure the heft of these same chains
    I am not the only one who feels the violation
    many victims here caught in this consternation
    likely feeling their courage is ever waning

    my love of pure free verse is never waning
    I steadfastly rebuke this attempt at cruelty
    I will not be swayed by foolish consternation
    nor will I cower to this mean but failed threat
    my poet’s voice will overcome this violation
    I’ll wield my poet’s pen to break the chains

    free of poetic consternation, my creativity’s no longer waning
    chains on my poet’s soul are broken, I am beyond the cruelty
    no more threat to my free thinking, I’ve survived the violation

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read other sestinas at dVerse:

    Poetry Form: Sestina

  • Two Bodies

    This poem was inspired by the late Octavio Paz poem of the same title. Though they are certainly different, I used an essence from of each of Octavio’s 5 verses to influence each of my five verses: ocean, desert, roots, sparks, and stars. Click at the bottom here to read the Octavio Paz poem at dVerse.



    Two Bodies


    turning I reach across
    this ocean of desire
    to wrap her in my arms
    as moonlit passion’s tide
    slowly starts to rise

    I begin to run my fingers
    slowly down her trembling back
    as it tapers ‘neath my touch
    flesh warm as twilight sands
    at desert’s coming nocturne

    in firm but gentle grasp
    I cup the tender swells
    atop taut velvet thighs
    as we urgently entwine
    tight as fresh young banyans

    skin to skin we smolder
    our bodies firing sparks
    lover’s flint and steel
    until we ignite to blaze
    an inferno of molten bliss

    our lust consumed and spent
    we collapse body to body
    in love’s sweet intoxication
    the embers of our passion
    rise to mingle with the stars

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read other poems at dVerse:

    Tuesday Poetics: Lost in Translation

  • From Her Lips


    From Her Lips



    like a voice
    in a canyon
    I hear her calling
    in memories

    my name
    rolling sweet as nectar
    from lips
    soft as orchid petals

    glistening crimson
    as they wrapped softly
    ‘round each precious syllable

    that night her voice
    was forever silenced

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to hear he voices at dVerse:

    Quadrille #85 – Raising our Poetic Voices

  • My Dream

    “ My ecstatic vision ”


    My Dream


    reach to touch
    my splendrous dream

    a place of beauty
    pure as light

    of goodness
    strong as sterling

    a place of plenty
    where no one wants

    precious gifts
    freely bestowed
    to those
    that dwell in truth

    whose voices rise
    in sensuous song
    of celebraton

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to hear he voices at dVerse:

    Quadrille #85 – Raising our Poetic Voices