Seeking the Mystery


Seeking the Mystery

a life halved
far from the familiar
beyond security of certainties
separated from the sheltering embrace
where truth is shadowed vague and ambiguous
it’s here I am searching for the elusive
seeking that which often hides
hoping to find insight
I remain open
to all

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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  • Sanctuary

    Tuesday’s dVerse prompt, my grandson’s approaching birthday, my father who died this time of year, my precarious health, the beauty of where I live, the blessings of my life — these all put me deep in reflection the past couple days. This haibun bubbled up from all that, so I want to share it here on dVerse OLN.

    Oregon Coast


    For 43 years I tried to find a place where I felt I belonged, where I could feel my heart and soul open, where I could draw close to the ones I love and truly feel that love fully unfold, with my new wife, and for my children. Where I could find peace of mind, and leave ugly, hurtful memories behind me.

    I found that in Oregon, the Pacific Northwest, in 1990. Quite unexpectedly, I also found the spirit of the man who adopted me from the orphanage, gave me his name, and was my rock during a traumatic childhood. This world, that is the Pacific Northwest, is alive with the same wilderness energy he introduced me to in Canada — to experience, understand, and come to love. That world, which we explored together every summer, until his death in 1983.

    I hadn’t understood how much I missed his presence, until I arrived here and felt it so vividly, all around me, this same energy that he loved. Wild lakes and rivers to fish, beautiful forests to hike, majestic mountains — clean open sky over pure pristine land! And I found something he would have loved — the incredible Oregon Pacific Ocean coast. This is more than just a place to me, and he was more than just my father. They both were my sanctuary!

    I found freedom here
    I found my father’s spirit
    I found paradise

    Clackamas River, Oregon Cascade Mountains

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Click either below to see what other poets are sharing at dVerse:

    Poetics- Purifying the Mind

    OpenLinkNight #248

    Time’s Window

    “This is the 4th anniversary of my wife Kathleen and I moving to Seattle to be with our grandson Alex. I posted this new piece containing mindful reflections on leaving our home in Oregon, and our new Seattle home. The photos are of our Oregon yard in the Cascade Mountain foothills. That is my wife Kathy standing under, and peering up into our 2 giant banana palms. The poem is just below the photos.“





    Time’s Window

    we now have a wonderful
    new Seattle home
    shared with family
    ruled by my little guy
    my precious 6-year-old grandson
    and I know sweet happiness

    but there are moments
    with eyes closed
    I can gaze back
    through time’s window

    I see my beloved Oregon home
    of 25 amazing years
    vividly alive this morning
    here in my memories…

    through my window this day
    I see the scurry of creatures
    warmed by the Oregon summer

    I hear nature
    in splendid voice

    the chuff
    of a tree’d red squirrel

    the song
    and trill of birds

    western bluebird
    and others

    and flit

    in a flash of orange
    a striking northern flicker
    momentarily eschewing insects
    is peck peck pecking
    cracking black-oil sunflower seeds
    that spill from our feeder

    a red-tailed hawk
    from atop a Sitka spruce
    in the crisp blue sky

    the muffled belling of a deer
    wandering the safety of old-growth
    through the foothills

    the distant bark
    of a neighbor’s dog
    echoing the basin
    up along our stream
    reminds me
    we have friends nearby

    my wife’s
    gentle laughter
    validates the friendship

    her tender smile
    validates our love

    the rustle of leaves
    stirred by the breeze
    wafting through the valley

    smartly punctuated
    by the staccato
    of conifer cones
    that fall
    from time to time
    wrested free by chickaree
    and chipmunk
    chattering high in Douglas fir
    busy with their forage

    wap wap wap

    they bounce off our roof
    striking the ground

    closely followed
    by the scamper
    of their liberators
    crunching their way
    to the heart-meat of the cone
    the delicacy
    that elicits this furious industry

    drifting in the window
    intoxicating fragrances



    and more

    a rich
    earthy bouquet

    caught in my reverie
    I breathe in
    to suddenly remember

    …I’m not in my Oregon home
    I am in my new Seattle home
    and it’s filled to overflowing
    with family
    and love

    for a moment
    I do not open my eyes
    I linger a bit longer
    in my beautiful dream
    of my Oregon

    my heart will forever be there
    but we will likely never go back
    not until my ashes are spread
    high in the Cascade Mountains
    on Mt. Hood
    across breathtaking Lost Lake

    but here
    on this day
    filled with memories
    and joy
    a solitary tear

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    This new write was a remarkably mind purifying write for me. Click to see how others are purifying their minds on dVerse:

    Poetics- Purifying the Mind


  • Click to check out the haps at Toads
  • Hour of the Beast

    “Look carefully at yourself America”

    “Emperor of the Dawn” — by: Quincy Washington


    Hour of the Beast


    when in our ignorance
    we begin to believe
    we’ve risen above
    the bloody birth
    of our origin

    when in our reflection
    we see perverse transcendence
    towards entitlement
    in which no allegiance
    or kinship to the natural way
    binds us to our center

    when we do not recognize
    the fumbling
    frightened flesh parade
    in which we all lock step
    shoulder to shoulder
    flailing for our survival

    when our insanity of arrogance
    so distorts our vision
    of our place in time
    blind to the sacred ancient truths
    removed from bone-broken reality
    of human failure and weakness

    when facts annoy and fiction comforts
    and we begin to eat our own
    while fornicating with false gods
    of greed, power, and prejudice
    on forsaken gilded alters
    of perjured cruelty

    then the hour of the beast
    is certainly at hand
    and we are
    by deed and apathy
    its deserving helpless prey

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out the Emporer’s influence at Toads
  • Regal Bird


    Regal Bird


    red tailed hawk cries out in the woods nearby
    his eyes focused sharp on the ground below
    when prey scurries by he will launch and fly
    a cunning predator he hunts solo
    takes his victim quick — swoops in fast and low

    talons like knives he’s a lethal machine
    the wound is deadly and delivered clean
    with stunning precision, power, and pace
    survival instincts impeccably keen
    a proud regal bird, true majestic grace

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


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    More Dizain

  • Lovesick




    your smile was so smug as you wrecked my life
    with your promise that we would never part
    your lips pursed in scoff as you plunged the knife
    I think I always knew you’d break my heart
    my starting this affair was just not smart

    you said you loved me — you seemed so sincere
    but your integrity proved weak my dear
    there was evidence that you might not stay
    it was plain as day — couldn’t be more clear
    but this lovesick fool simply looked away

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more dizain at dVerse:

    More Dizain

  • No Relief

    This is a memory of the 1940’s and 1950’s, when I grew up in the HOT HUMID STAGNANT 95/95 (heat/humidity) Ohio River Valley summers. OPPRESSIVE! We would offten have to sleep in screened-in “summer rooms” — porches with overhead fans trying to beat the heat, that soaked your bed, while protecting yourself from the hordes of July/August mosquitos.



    No Relief


    relentless din of crawling prowling night
    pours steaming through my window
    midnight intrudes damp and searing

    scalded air too hot and thick to breathe
    a heat to suffocate
    blades beat and drone overhead
    promising relief
    in vain

    sweltered darkness lays heavy upon me

    I toss in labored half-sleep
    gasping for cool relief

    I inhale deep to fill my lungs
    seeking satisfying breath
    only to bake them in cruel heat
    no relief

    salted droplets trace my spine
    baste my neck
    pool in the hollow of my fevered chest
    bloom and seep
    from beneath the smother
    of matted soak atop my head
    to weep their way ‘cross smoldering brow
    into my eyes
    and sting

    in this nocturnal furnace
    night clings and stifles
    even dreams are scorched
    simmering in summer

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out the hot times at dVerse:

    Hot time in ye ole pub tonight!

  • Blazing Passion

    WARNING: Not For Everyone!

    ~ a hot little poem about my “first time” ~


    Blazing Passion


    I will not forget you
    my memory still burns
    in smouldering recollection
    of the first time
    my eyes fell upon
    your luscious curves

    skin smooth as satin
    bathed in amber glow
    as you lay before me
    seductive in the summer sunset

    you torched my imagination
    ignited my spirit
    fired my soul

    I wanted you so badly
    to fondle you with fingertips
    caress you with trembling lips
    you promised such sweetness

    but I’d been warned by others
    who had dared partake
    of your fiery charms

    “it will end in tears” they said
    but I did not heed their counsel

    wholly and utterly seduced
    I fell upon you hungrily
    taking you passionately

    in the lust filled moment
    our union flared
    hot as lava
    scorching as an August sun

    I was swept away
    as I consumed your charms
    aflame with desire
    as I tasted sweet
    your forbidden fruit

    in a wanton blaze
    I took my fill
    but just as quickly
    it ended

    I should have listened
    they knew you all too well

    you burned me badly
    and left me crying
    but I never will forget you…


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    The habanero is one of the hottest chili’s on earth!


  • Click below to check out the hot times at dVerse:

    Hot time in ye ole pub tonight!

  • Freckled Charms

    “This is a Quadrille, a poem of 44 words.”

    My feisty “freckle-faced” wife, Kathleen Elaine McCullough-Kistner, a fine Irish lass!

    Freckled Charms


    hey there freckle face
    ya’ got freckles
    all over the place

    got ‘em on your face
    ‘specially on your nose
    you got freckles
    down to your toes

    got ‘em on your hands
    and up your arms
    and what’s even better

    you got freckled *charms!

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to see what the freckle is going on at dVerse:

    Quadrille #84

    * beautiful, bold, unpredictable, adventurous

  • Freckled Sterling

    “This is a Quadrille, a poem of 44 words.”


    Freckled Sterling


    I’ll never forget
    the bright copper stand
    reflecting fire-like
    ‘cross the mirrored lake

    mimicking the blaze
    scorching my heart
    my burning love
    for only you

    nor the night sky
    deep and vast
    freckled sterling
    above our heads

    that precious moment
    when first we kissed

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to see what the freckle is going on at dVerse:

    Quadrille #84

  • Wings of Trust

    “This is a Quadrille, a poem of 44 words.”

    “One Day I’ll Fly Away” — by: Hayley Roberts

    Wings of Trust


    I carry my dreams
    in open freckled hands
    so promise’s breeze
    catches them to soar

    I bestow my dreams
    wings of trust
    to carry me
    to wisdom’s shore

    I share my dreams
    with an open mind
    so resonant truth
    inspires me to be more

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to see what the freckle is going on at dVerse:

    Quadrille #84


  • Click to check out what’s taken off at Sunday Muse
  • Homesong





    late afternoon descends upon this land
    my homeward stride — ever brisk and steady
    held golden in the downing sun’s embrace

    early shadows fall softly ‘cross my face
    as peaceful vesper’s rich velvet blanket
    drapes its soothing comfort ‘round my shoulders

    eager I keep pace — as ends my journey
    drawn by the beauty rendered before me
    splendored by the rising moon in sunset

    I’m welcomed by the freshened eve’ning breeze
    as sundown’s amber wanes upon the lane
    last light slips slow over far horizon

    fog soon will rise and waft — full in moonlight
    as darkness falls quiet on the valley
    our home hearth’s glow will warm chill silvered night

    my heart soars — lifted by this wondrous sight
    our sterling stream cascades its serenade
    to enwrap my soul in tender homesong

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out the coming evening at Toads
  • In Stillness


    In Stillness


    sun sits low over the horizon
    dusk slowly advances
    the chill of night begins to settle
    all the dreams have gone to bed

    I sit quiet
    at peace in this stillness
    close by this fire
    soothed by its crackling glow
    warmed by the memories
    that huddle ’round me

    you are here
    quiet in my memories
    I like that you are still
    with me in my heart
    this recall is a sweet ache

    other memories come
    from near and far
    into the past

    they drift forward
    through the years
    to visit gently
    one by one

    memories of others
    I’ve been blessed to love
    a tender tear for every one

    there is a sweetness fills the air
    just a touch of soft regret

    my heart is full
    my spirit calm
    a peaceful surrender
    to fate’s embrace

    would that this evening never end
    but soon the flames will falter
    as the lingering embers die

    as darkness blankets my chamber
    I pray

    when I am called among the memories
    would that I be carried away
    in stillness
    in sleep

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out the stillness at Toads
  • No option

    Inspired by my near death experience and the current challenge of
    my cardiac rehabilitation, following the implanting of my pacemaker.



    No Option


    stopping is no option

    to lose the pace
    is to still keep going
    keep moving forward
    lest one be rutted in uncertainty
    rigid with the rigor of fear
    stalled in hopelessness

    by the giving in
    the giving up
    caught in anguish
    with the loss of belief
    when grip lets go of dream

    arthritic is loss of faith
    debilitates the spirit
    cripples the manifest light
    that shines forth
    at the sacred leap
    into the dark unknown

    but stopping is no option

    frozen is the doubting man
    withered in a worried cage
    terrified of the wrong step
    of the journey all in
    of daring the way unmarked
    to the destination uncertain

    thus he bleeds out
    loses the color of life
    to become cold and grey
    mired in regret
    for never having shone so brightly
    as to blind the eyes of death

    stopping is no option

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


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    Poetics: Movement 

  • Well Traveled

    The journey enriches the soul, wisdom makes the destination meaningful.



    Well Traveled


    from here
    the road ahead
    is traveled differently

    a shorter stride
    a stiffened gait
    a lessened pace
    guarantees it so

    but being long a traveler
    provides insight
    to match the bruise and scars
    of years and miles

    and the will to move
    can best the journey
    where wisdom is employed

    questions arise

    what destination now
    what provisions available
    what light remains

    with no destination
    there is no journey
    only aimless wander
    and provisions grow scarce
    the light more precious

    loss of purpose
    lack of focus
    hastens journey’s failure

    at this distance
    this late hour
    failure is not an option

    so I will continue forth
    eyes down the road
    one foot then the other
    in steady stride
    mindful of the journey
    holding to the dream

    to arrive with love
    spirit whole
    full spent
    from a road well traveled

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to see what’s movin’ at dVerse:

    Poetics: Movement