Moon At Our Window



Moon At Our Window


In this moonlit forest, midnight shimmers through the mist-covered boughs of old growth, as if star clusters are dancing on the branches. Deep and still, mirroring the moon in the night sky, our high-mountain lake glows like cerulean satin. This night holds a sacred silence, save for a great white owl, echoing from the cedars, across the water.

We are lover and beloved, entwined in the pre-dawn, half awake, entranced by the spectacle outside our window. I turn to her whispering, “how long have I been awake?” I don’t really want to know. I’d rather lie here in her arms, falling again into gentle slumber.

Snuggling against me, her head on my shoulder, in her sleepy voice she says, “I awoke enwrapped in this wonderful moonlight, feeling filled with love!” Smiling, I say softly, “last night, my love, I dreamt I was the moon.”

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below for work by other moonstruck dVerse poets:

    Prosery #2


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

    Edgrrr offers you this special bonus moon tanka.

    Moon Moon


    moon moon bold and bright
    silver in black satin sky
    bare your sterling soul

    your pre-dawn morning magic
    shimmers ‘cross this sleeping world

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Lil’Queen’s Warning

    ~ Lil’Queen’s humorous Dizain of disdain ~



    Lil’Queen’s Warning


    I’m bad as brass knuckles and smooth as silk
    I’m lush and lazy — and I ain’t no fool
    my name’s Lil’Queen and I’m cravin’ fresh milk
    I prance like a royal — regal and cool
    I prowl like a panther — ‘cause those cats rule
    I take no lip from no-bo-dy-no-way
    get on my radar and you better pray
    I’m a hip kitty and I got no fear
    so sit back, shut up, and hear what I say
    betta’ steer clear dear — whenever I’m near

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read more dizains at dVerse:

    Poetry Form: Dizain


  • Click to check out Lil’Queen & Ziggy
  • Lil’Queen & Ziggy

    ~ best read with a rollin’ juke-jive rhythm ~



    Lil’Queen & Ziggy


    look at me — here, on this beautiful silk
    I’m black as midnight and I’m cravin’ milk

    I prance like a royal — regal and lean
    I prowl like a panther — deadly and mean

    I’m lush and lazy and I’m no ones fool
    got a bad-ass human and we’re both cool

    we take no lip from no-bo-dy-no-way
    get on our radar and you better pray

    we’re tough as leather and we got no fear
    and I got somethin’ I wancha’ t’hear

    so sit back and shut up and don’t be rude
    I’m gonna tell you ‘bout my bad-ass dude

    he rolls with a finger-snap jazz-jive strut
    don’t mess with him ’cause you might get cut

    he wears silken, french-cuffed, ivory shirts
    they are soft as butter-sweet cream desserts

    got diamond cufflinks of pure white gold
    he’s high fashion treasure – precious and bold

    pearl stick-pinned, satin tie — it’s knotted tight
    lookin’ like Paris on Saturday night

    desert-tan gabardine three-pleated slacks
    euro-cuffed, steam creased — they are sharp as tacks

    soft snakeskin braces buttoned sterling bright
    hip — and killer as a rattlesnake’s bite

    black-patton striders with real ‘gator spats
    we step out classy as the coolest cats

    red pinstriped linen coat double-breasted
    pure uptown savvy — teal velvet vested

    sportin’ a full-blocked, rolled-brim, felt chapeau
    in the deepest red of a fine bordeaux

    we’re crisp and smooth as a dry martini
    he calls me Lil’Queen — his name is Ziggy


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Zoot Suit Riot – Cherry Poppin’ Daddies

    Digga Digga Doo – Big Bad Voodoo Daddy


  • Click below to check out what’s jumpin’ at dVerse:

    Open Link Night #247

  • Click to check out more cool cats at Sunday Muse

  • Read Lil’Queen’s WARNING!


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Moving On



    Moving On


    you smile so sweetly as you break my heart
    then you kiss my lips, set my soul aglow
    with a promise that we will never part
    saying you’ll never leave — then off you go
    can I trust you, love, I just do not know

    you say you love me, but are you sincere
    your credibility is weak my dear
    all the evidence points the other way
    i’m just not sure, the truth is so unclear
    so goodbye — I’ll be moving on today

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read more dizains at dVerse:

    Poetry Form: Dizain

  • 5 American Sentences

    “American Sentences are cool. Wrote my first one in 2009.”

    American Sentences were conceived by Allen Ginsberg (above) in 1984.


  • I wrote these 5, messin’ with American Sentences since 0 – 9.

  • To just try to fly will not work, unless you are expecting to soar.

  • Allen was howl’n, pal’n with Corso, but still long’n for Peter.

  • The one sure thing I’ve learned is, every day of life is a lesson.

  • If you are not going to do anything about it, shut your mouth.

    rob kistner @ 2009
    revised @ 2019


  • Click to check out more American Sentences at Sunday Muse


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Time’s Witness

    “This is only fiction if we wake up”



    Time’s Witness


    we’ve watched helplessly
    as generations receded
    as empires crumbled
    greed ran rampant
    as civilizations
    stumbled on
    so disconnected
    from one another
    so sadly out of touch
    with the environment
    as the natural world
    slowly declined
    as the
    toxic air
    burnt terrain
    to far horizons
    until now I stand
    thrusting skyward
    in this decaying hell
    one last dying thing
    one pitiful survivor
    one final sentinel
    time’s witness
    the end

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read more climate change insight at dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics: On Climate Crisis

  • Sunrise Magic



    Sunrise Magic


    enwrapped in golden sunrise
    your eyes blue as cerulean skies
    my yearning heart breathlessly thrilled
    beauty such to hypnotize

    bird songs carry on freshening breeze
    flowers awaken to the kiss of bees
    my soul to fullest measure filled
    splendor brings me to my knees

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out sunny new work on dVerse:

    Quadrille #83 & 8th anniversary

  • No Not Yours



    No Not Yours


    this heart’s no longer yours
    this sadly damaged heart
    this badly fractured
    bruised and aching heart

    broken in your cruel hands
    it was abused — then cast away
    like some cheapskate’s knickknack
    or worthless bauble with which to play

    it was not your shiny ornament
    to decorate your ego
    nor a piece of bric-a-brac
    to collect like some odd curio

    not a trifle toy or novelty
    this heart was so much more to me
    than some lowly dime-store tchotchke
    to be abandoned thoughtlessly

    no, it was not some silly whatnot
    to dingle-dangle in your hands
    I didn’t offer you some gewgaw
    because I’m not your doodah man

    I really can’t believe you’d think it
    was just some silly trinket

    I’ve now no need for this ruined heart
    so I plucked it from my chest
    to find a warm and vital heart
    this is now a lover’s quest

    I seek a fresh and vibrant heart
    one of a perfect size
    and a kind and gentle lover
    who will hold it as a prize

    No, I can’t believe you’d think it
    was just some silly trinket

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more trinkets at Toads


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Dance of Fire



    Dance of Fire


    he feels the weight of her hip
    pressing against his
    the flesh of her thigh
    soft between his
    the warmth
    as she responds

    a heat spreads through them
    a quickening of pulse
    as they ignite
    passion overtaking them

    he reaches ’round her
    firmly encircling her waist
    with his strong arm

    he pulls her to him
    with the power of his body
    she acquiesces fully
    folding upon him
    as they begin a dance
    of dizzying desire

    his pleasure
    red hot and husky
    on her ear and cheek
    her head tilts back
    her blue eyes close
    as slowly they turn
    together they churn
    building in lustful pace

    they dance and dance
    spinning and spinning
    whirling in a carnal fire
    a tempest of sensation

    they melt together
    in fevered bliss
    matching breath for breath

    his lips
    soft on the nape of her neck
    willingly offered
    as they’re overcome
    smoldering in love’s embrace

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019



  • Click to check out the colorful new poems from the Toads
  • That Far Horizon

  • This is inspired by an actual event, that occurred during a motorcycle tour I, and 3 friends made of the USA in 1970.



    That Far Horizon


    Leaning comfortably into the turns, breeze streaming through our long hair, we wind our way into the mountains, into the evening, alive with the two-wheeled freedom of the open road, not counting days, not keeping track. We’re just feet up and rolling – free!

    We glide between alternating shadow and light, as the sun reveals itself, from time to time, warming us from between the peaks, as it begins to settle behind the western slope of the Rockies.

    Four friends who’ve shed the structured mantle of life, to venture into the random, the unknown — to embrace the magnificent perfection of living in, and for, the moment.

    Up out of Boulder, down into Dream Canyon we scramble, each rider alternately surging to the front of the pack — enjoying the thrill of the throttle! Flying, without leaving the ground.

    Down we sail, twisting along the asphalt as it snakes its way. Upcoming curves often hidden from view, disappearing behind the rise of a slope. Mountain peaks soar, enfolded in clouds, that roll snd tumble through the brilliant blue sky.

    We charge onward, transfixed by the wonders surrounding us, filled with an exhilarating touch of danger, to season this awesome excitement of discovery!

    It’s five decades since those days of freedom. My days are not so carefree now. I’m rooted in responsibility, balancing the blessings and the burdens of life — bent by the yoke of worry, made heavy by the weight of loss.

    I now lean into life, feet firmly planted, braced against the changing winds of time and fate. Yet, occasionally, I still feel that longing for freedom stir, feel that 4-cycle vibration beneath me, feel that breeze on my face, once more tossing my youthful mane.

    A smile nudges its way onto my face, coaxed by those memories of freedom — of potent, visceral friendship. Someday, before it is too late, I would love one last time, to lift my feet, roll that throttle, and race toward that far horizon.

    engine oil changed
    handgrips cleaned — tire pressure checked
    the highway beckons

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out the fun the Toads are having Toads


  • Click to check out more far away poems at Poets United


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Victorious





    oh to be un-tethered
    no longer earthbound
    taking flight
    soaring skyward

    the freedom of feathered wing
    over hollow bone

    riding the thermals
    climbing ever upward
    warmed by the sun
    adrift in the heavens
    free as the breeze
    that envelopes me

    I dive earthward
    wings tucked
    rocketing down
    toward the crystal blue
    of a crisp mountain lake

    my vision
    piercing the clear surface
    penetrating to the bottom

    then I sail out
    racing purposefully
    a talon’s reach
    ‘cross the wind-blown chopwater

    and connect

    a slight tilt in my wings
    carries me skyward once more
    my prey in my powerful grasp
    lifting toward the treetop
    of a massive conifer
    towering at water’s edge

    reaching the peak
    my wings at full extension
    I flap them gracefully backward
    pulling against momentum
    the prize viced in my beak

    I glide down
    gently reaching
    to land soft as a fallen leaf
    in the uppermost branches

    the victorious hunter
    home again


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more feathered fantasies at Toads


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Harpin’ d’Blues



    Harpin’ d’Blues


    he sits here four years looking back at 60
    he’s known tragedy and triumph in his truths
    borrowed bought and sold his way survivin’
    leveraging his soul to play the blues

    hands of time now spin round so much faster
    life is carvin’ his journey in his face
    the backbeat pounds steady its insistence
    he wonders how long can he keep this pace

    a wiser man he sits here etched in spotlight
    he riffs his sadness but never he complains
    alone he plays his harp in contemplation
    was all he’s lost really worth his hard-won gains

    but sweet memories like candles softly flicker
    friends and lovers cherished — come and gone
    all the pain and joy forged in his blues harp
    so though the years are dimmin’ — he plays on

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    Below are two from Charlie Musselwhite — blues harpist.

    Below is Paul Butterfield — blues singer & harpist. Monterey Pop Festival, 1967

    Below is James Cotton — blues hsrpist.


  • JClick below to read about more poems at Sunday Muse:
    Sunday Muse 61


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • A Smidgen of Thought

    collage entitled “Essence of Thought” © 1999 — by: rob kistner


    A Smidgen of Thought


    why all this environmental folderol

    maybe we need look
    at all that plastic
    as just so much
    nautical bric-a-brac

    what climate change
    these rising seas
    are a realty upswing
    more ocean-front opportunities

    it’s certainly not like the world
    will just collapse
    and abruptly come
    to an instantaneous end

    what’s all this foolish fuss
    about momentary issues

    but is it all folderol
    are the issues momentary
    are the issues solvable

    we need to be more lucid
    in our creative thinking
    we need to tackle this
    with some genuine derring-do

    too many just pontificate
    nag annoyingly about their opinion

    yes — we need to think more green
    but — we need to think more clearly
    everyone need not be so damned smug

    all the extreme doom-sayers
    also the foolhardy naysayers
    each with their slanted
    and sadly sometimes manipulated
    statistical analysis
    or their too-often staged photo-ops
    conceived to prove their point

    all these conflicting facts
    and images
    pointing out the slipshod conduct
    by the other

    it’s like special interest hokey pokey
    each side putting their whole self in
    to try to put the other’s whole self out
    while each side fist pumps furiously
    to their righteous
    self-serving viewpoints

    not suggesting every group
    slink off demurely
    or lollipop their issues
    to downplay urgency

    and yet — we must all avoid
    being snookered
    rendering our important decision making
    dangerously misguided
    and we must avoid
    being spoon-fed bitter blancmange

    we must all use
    a smidgen of thought
    of informed common sense
    avoid the operatic trumpeting
    of self-serving zealots

    the world needs knowledgeable
    responsible individuals
    making truly informed
    genuinely useful decisions
    about our precious environment

    each of us must
    and realize the problems


    then react

    and rescuing
    this rare miracle
    that is our earth

    rendering entitled “Fragile Planet” © 2001 — by: rob kistner

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Written using this word list from Fireblosssom on IGWRT:
    hokey pokey
    fist pump

  • Check out more great list poems on Toads
  • Also check out poems on dVerse:

    Open Link Night #246


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Hope Walks


    Hope Walks


    he made a loud gaudy show of leaving
    hoping she would turn and stop him
    walking out the door he is hoping
    always looking back and hoping

    hoping it would matter to her
    hoping that an empty place
    would open in her heart
    that only he could fill

    hoping his leaving
    left such a void
    hoping deeply
    ever hoping



    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out the walkng on Poets United
  • Shrouded

    “Darkness came, full of moths and beetles. I was oppressed by the velvety emptiness…” – Laurie Lee





    the darkness of this night
    shrouds — choking in tight
    cold as an old tundra witch
    charred as sooted slag pitch

    the foreboding ice moon
    stabs a sliver of gloom
    through the heart of the trees
    where I tremble on my knees

    trapped in unanchored dreams
    my forsaken soul screams
    lost in a tangle of fears
    I am adrift on my tears

    smothered by this emptiness
    rigored by my loneliness
    this void smuggles my breath
    I pray for sleep — deep as death

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more haibuns on dVerse:

    Tuesday Poetics: : Literary Alchemy with Laurie Lee


    Tundra Witch


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.