Willow Tall



Willow Tall


Just beyond the garden wall, across the meadow, last night’s dew clings fondly to our willow’s cascade, wrapping it in a crystalline embrace. It shimmers, as if bejeweled with diamonds, that sparkle in the morning sun. A splendor befitting its sensual beauty.

This day has begun bright and crisp. Bird songs lilt gently, carried on the soft breeze. I see you afar, approaching on the garden path, backlit by sunrise. Your hair beams golden in dawn’s glow. I am a smitten lover beholding my beloved!

I watch you as you stop by the willow, head tilted upward, eyes closed, enjoying nature’s serenade. In this moment my love spills over, floods ’round me, until I am afire. When you fix your eyes upon me, your lips sculpt a smile. I rush to you, take you in my arms, swept up on passion’s wings, on this golden morning.

by the garden wall
shaded by the willow tall
I kiss your sweet lips


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


Here’s a little kiss from Joni…


  • Click below to check out more haibuns on dVerse:

    Haibun Monday–Lost and Found: Nature’s Magic


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Cruel Sea

    image by: Erik Johanson


    Cruel Sea


    sad she comes
    to this special place
    and in bitter memory
    paints this enchanted image
    of this deep cold sea
    keening quietly

    a sound of longing
    of a broken heart
    mournful for the one
    lost to these silent fathoms
    so very far away
    on that long-ago day

    now only they
    know where her lover lies

    so everyday she comes
    and paints this magic portal
    to this far off sea
    to seek its mystery

    and every night
    as darkness falls
    the enchantment breaks
    and her flood of tears
    washes it away

    and yet again
    her lonely heart
    shatters in the silence

    but she will return
    in the light of every day
    in spite of her sorrowed pain
    to paint this sea again
    and with plaintive call
    beseech this cruel sea
    to reveal its precious mystery

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019



  • Click below to read about more poems at Sunday Muse:
    Sunday Muse 61


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Summer Joys

    image assembly by rob kistner, 2019
    Summer Joys
    5 Tankas


    driving with top down
    hair blowing in summer breeze
    radio turned up
    singing to the top ten tunes
    fun joyride to get ice cream


    body oiled and tan
    sunning by the swimming pool
    sun glasses look cool
    stealing hearts this sizz’ling day
    breaking hearts this simm’ring night


    clothes drape grey boulders
    sun beats down on brisk blue lake
    summer skinny dip
    the joy of the naked plunge
    hot fun in the summer time


    mugs of cold gold beer
    baby backs on the bar-b
    backyard summer feast
    red potatoes with grilled corn
    it all smells so delicious


    soft sand warms bare toes
    love as fresh as ocean breeze
    summer at seaside
    kisses hot as sizz’ling sun
    send us over the rainbow


    rob kistner © 2019

    Stormy Eyes

    collage entitled “Stormy Eyes” © 1998 — by: rob kistner


    Stormy Eyes


    a typhoon of lust — you were exciting
    a wicked hurricane of love
    your kisses hot as lightning
    striking fiercely from above

    like a tempest was your passion
    I was swept up in its force
    but lightning has stopped crashin’
    this storm has run its course

    my thoughts grow cloudy grey
    my eyes are now steady rain
    my heart shivers cold today
    your bad weather has brought pain

    the warm winds may return
    as should the clear blue skies
    but my frozen heart will yearn
    for your wild and stormy eyes

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Check out more Quatrains on dVerse:


  • Check out other poems on dVerse:

    Open Link Night #246


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Fickle Muse

    collage entitled “Quandary” © 1997 — by: rob kistner


    Fickle Muse


    in wee hour’s agitation
    with the sane asleep
    this poet is steeped
    in conflicted inspiration

    no clever thoughts engage
    I am filled with doubt
    vague words tossed about
    the unyielding empty page

    frustrating consternation
    now I write — then do not
    I am clear — then I’m caught
    in merciless hesitation

    oh please fickle muse
    perhaps one small spark
    to light this barren dark
    why is it you refuse

    cruel muse — you outrage
    let’s be off with you
    so I might start anew
    free of quandary’s cage

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Check out more Quatrains on dVerse:



    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Piece By Piece



    Piece By Piece


    these pieces on the ground you see
    a broken heart that belongs to me
    it once was vital whole and strong
    ‘till one day beauty came along

    she reached in and stole my heart
    but fickle beauty did depart
    she’d found a better heart she said
    and left mine hanging by a thread

    my heart grew heavy with her farewell
    my heart-thread snapped and down it fell
    my fragile heart crashed to the ground
    these pieces shattered all around

    I’m trying to make it whole again
    but not sure how, and can’t say when
    I’m working on it piece by piece
    hoping soon this pain will cease

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Check out more Quatrains on dVerse:



    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Hat Of Red

    Artist is Jacquline Hurlbert


    Hat of Red


    I sit here
    in my hat of red
    feeling blue

    oh how I wish
    ill-tempered weather
    would ensue

    to drive the joyful
    all around
    to indoor spaces

    so I’d be spared
    the pain
    of smiling faces

    and the bitter
    bitter memory
    of losing you

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Check out more Hurlbert inspired poems on dVerse:

    Meet Jackie Hurlbert


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Miles’ Blues

    ”Oh man, I miss this titan’s genius, his magic — how I miss his soul!”

    Miles Davis


    Miles’ Blues


    Miles’ tone is velvet blue
    that cries
    sweet as angel’s tears
    that seeks
    the truth of a hidden heart
    that haunts
    the bruised soul of loss
    that frets
    the truths of life
    that kisses
    tender as a lover’s dream
    that burns
    with passion’s fire

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    Next 3 tunes are from 1988, Munich Germany. The brilliance of Miles LIVE!


  • Check out more frettin’ at dVerse:

    Quadrille #82 – Fretboard of Poetry


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Playin’ The Blues



    Playin’ the Blues


    cracked and seasoned hands
    reach with suffered care
    to wrap the fretboard
    in love

    callused digits
    yellowed by habit
    depress taut strands
    no longer catgut

    blood and bone
    sculpting emotions

    true life
    cries from pearled rosewood
    ride’n spiraled steel

    playin’ the blues

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019



  • Check out more frettin’ at dVerse:

    Quadrille #82 – Fretboard of Poetry


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Moth ‘n Junebug

    ”Summer Evening” by: Edward Hopper


    Moth ‘n Junebug


    how impertinent
    moth ‘n junebug

    what’s with all this buzzin’ chatter
    you’re bumpin’ and thumpin’ and all a’clatter
    frettin’ with the frontporch light
    steamin’ on this humid June night
    such racket over a minor matter

    while here below you
    my heart breaks in silence

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more frettin’ at dVerse:

    Quadrille #82 – Fretboard of Poetry



    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Hope Shattered

    ”A sad contemplation of the current undermining of basic human rights and human decency, as well as the blatant distortion of truth and the outright contempt for the rule of law. This seriously jeopardizes the hard-won freedoms for which many have struggled, even died, and which most in this country have long embraced.”


    Hope Shattered


    we cannot hide
    from the great orb
    of unquestioning fate

    that spins in the spaces
    of destiny’s light and dark
    days of falter and fear
    in this great void approaching

    that moves
    unsteady in orbit
    of unquenchable doubt

    what your mind must conceal
    from the spirit
    of joy and forgiveness

    that which is pure
    tested by time
    and the wanting hands
    of the waiting
    who cower
    yet smile

    singing truth
    through the hail and barrage
    ‘cross the bow mast
    of freedom
    seeking broad measure and berth

    as all that you seem to desire
    slips slowly away
    like rain down a spout
    and nightmares plumb deep
    the sphere of black dreams

    such is the slag-shattered
    glass orb of the future
    that moves slowly
    through the arc of the ages
    who’ve waited and watched
    ‘neath the promised moon
    of deliberate ancients

    that revolves
    in the void of the others
    that seek what we know
    to be ever
    the voice of the lost

    in the light of the dark dawning
    that heralds the word
    of this time that’s upon us

    that holds us fast
    in the fear of bleak visions
    and of longing
    for all that we desire to be
    here in our heart

    so elusive
    in this moment
    that slips
    like a squandered teardrop

    forever away from
    our loosening grasp

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more poems on Toads


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Faces

    You must scroll down and listen to bill frisell immediately arter you read!




    the eyes seem wise
    but the eyes are sad
    the eyes are tired

    yet the eyes are so familiar

    the nose
    the mouth
    the chin

    staring back
    the one I think I am
    want to be

    but a longer look
    deeper into the eyes
    beneath the transparent surface
    reflected subtle in the silver
    there is another
    one only I recognize

    caught in the looking glass
    is my other self
    inner self
    the one I truly am

    the weak flawed one
    frightened and unsure

    the pretender
    hoping that my guise holds fast
    that I’m not found out
    exposed in my glaring imperfection

    a shudder breaks the stare

    I blink
    and check my teeth
    my hair
    tug straight my collar
    making sure the mask is tight

    best face forward

    a final glance
    I smile away the doubt

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012
    revised © 2019


    This is the brilliant Bill Frisell, guitarist & cosmic seer.

  • Click below for more poems at dVerse:

    Faces to Ponder

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Bridge of Dreams



    Bridge of Dreams


    possessed of all it is I am
    I sigh a sigh of longing
    I wish for what it is I’m not
    across the bridge of dreams

    I lust not for kingly right
    nor scepter gold to rule a realm
    I seek to fill my barren soul
    across the bridge of dreams

    worldly wealth I do not need
    nor power over minions
    enlightenment is all I seek
    across the bridge of dreams


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out the bridges on Poets United

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Calypso Hearts

    ~ buying bananas at the market ~



    Calypso Hearts


    were there sun-stained souls
    with calypso hearts
    that carried this bunch
    through the magical sounds
    of the tropical night
    down to the shore
    and onto the banana boats

    all the while
    were they singing
    moving rhythmically
    thinking about the freedom of morning

    “daylight come and me wan’ go home”

    and me wondering here
    here in my favorite market
    midst the wonderful aromas
    surrounded by this bounty
    shoppers scurrying about

    me with my small shopping cart
    black wooden cane
    dangling from the handle
    eyeing three semi-ripe ones

    is that how these got here

    a little green
    like my wife Kathy favors
    so home they will go

    then up onto the “nanner-hanger”
    above the counter
    in the kitchen

    and she will eat one
    maybe just a half
    the other half on cereal
    maybe saved until later

    and one while gardening
    for that 3 o’clock lull

    wonder if those calypso-hearted souls
    dealt with a 3:00 AM lull

    wonder if they had the luxury of time
    while loading that boat
    to even consider a lull

    wonder if they are
    those calypso-hearted
    sun-stained souls

    but once they were
    who toted those banana bunches
    “lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch”

    and they sang
    “day, me say day, me say day, me say day-ay-ay-o”

    and they worked
    “stack banana ’til de mornin’ come”
    when they longed to go home

    they lived
    and they loved
    and they’re gone

    so I thank them
    I remeber them
    and their calypso hearts

    now I just wanna remember
    to get what’s on the list
    list says get bananas
    I get bananas

    then me just wan’go home

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


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    To market, to market!



    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.