Doo Wop Warriors

*Got a wonderful surprise text this weekend from a bandmate of mine from 1965. He’s coming to visit! Brought a flood of memories, condensed here to 144 words, from my crazy years in the 1960’s, when my blue-eyed soul band played the all-night R&B clubs in Newport Ky — the ‘wild’, anything-goes world, just across the Ohio River from conservative, hypocritical Cincinnati. His text sparked this piece, which is also inspired by an old poem of mine. Fluffed flashback, not fiction.

Rob on stage with duo partner Dave Oakley in 1965 at age 18.

Doo Wop Warriors


Our gig ended at 3:00 AM. Now here we sit with smuggled single malt, and the crusty sunrise special. Me and my band of doo wop warriors are bliss’d out from giggin’, mixin’ ‘mong willing groupies, loud hanger-on’s, and other players — when far away an interrupted cry distracts me. My friend Joey, back from ‘Nam.

I wave him over. We’re sittin’ with steel-heart working girls, soul-bruised painted strippers, burnt drink slingers, tired cocktail mules, hustlers, grifters, gamblers, pimps, pushers — and cops. A strange, wonderful family of the night, hidin’ from those cruel first rays, ready to scurry to dark, well-curtained rooms.

Joey’s diggin’ it, but time to make that final score, to get us through ‘till sundown strikes up the band again. It’s cirque du morning madness, all sneakin’ up on breakfast.

near sober sunrise
lookin’ for a place to crash
ain’t this showbiz grand

Gladiator Restaurant, Newport KY – 1965
“actual site of the all-night breakfasts”

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

The Casinos
Rob & Dave of the Brothers Royal were with this group, in the Casinos Review


  • Click below for more Proseries at dVerse:

    Prosery #1

  • Check out more poems on Toads


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Bakelite Blitz

    ~ examples of Bakelite (early plastic) items –

    Bakelite Blitz


    Bakelite was invented in the year 1907
    refined it’s known simply as plastic

    wonderful new possibilities were foreseen
    life would be more convenient with plastic

    heavy packaging and storage containers
    made lighter to handle with plastic

    food medical clothing and more industries
    would all benefit from this plastic

    in the enthusiam over this amazing material
    chasing miracles we imagined from plastic

    no one bothered ask how we would dispose
    of the many things we’d make from plastic

    dismayed we’re thinking it’s not so fantastic
    that our world’s becoming buried in plastic

    “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is 617,000 square miles!

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more Ghazals at dVerse:

    Poetry Form: Ghazal

  • There They Are

    *Famous quote in 1967’s “The Graduate”. Mr. Robinson speaking to graduate Ben Braddock, “One word, plastic! There is a great future in plastic.” …Perhaps then, but now the future is buried in plastic!

    “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is 617,000 square miles!


    There They Are


    watch them
    see them
    there they are

    dwelling in their shrines of excess
    lairs of self-indulgence
    altars to waste
    their temples of foolish disregard
    for our precious planet

    observe them hoist themselves
    to command positions
    in gluttonous drive-time dinosaurs
    dreaded treaded behemoths

    that bully across the face
    of our strained and crippled planet

    devouring resources
    like a herd
    of metallic mastodons

    a relentless forage
    of fragile fossil fuel

    to suck dry
    the paleozoic nectar
    300 million years
    in the making

    a fraction of that
    to plunder and deplete
    with frivolous toys
    of self-extinction

    that spew forth
    poisonous discharge
    fouling the choking atmosphere

    watch them
    see them
    there they are

    they worship convenience
    they shun the conscientious
    they create their chemical concoctions
    they create their plastics

    their plastic bags
    their plastic bottles
    their plastic packages
    their plastic values
    disposable and deadly
    that offer only moments of convenience
    but decades upon decades of destruction

    killing the beautiful
    the birds, beasts, and fishes
    that roam free this planet
    struggling to live in balance
    with arrogant careless humans
    who clog, poison, and pummel
    the frail ecosystem
    meant for all living things

    shoving earth closer
    ever closer
    to the brink of no return

    to satisfy a toxic desire
    for bigger, faster, easier

    the ever more lazy
    hungry to feed a caustic ego
    to assert perceived dominion

    the special
    the spoiled
    the outrageously dangerous

    watch them
    see them there
    they are —
    you and I

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    This is the brilliant Bill Frisell, playing the uber ironic Surfer Girl.


  • Check out the garbage on Poets United

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.
  • Arms Of My Angel

    This song by Sarah McLachlan, “In The Arms Of An Angel” always makes me break down. She was my son, Aaron Robert Kistner’s favorite vocalist. He listened to her “Fumbling Towards Ecstasy” album all the time. He said she had the most beautiful voice on earth. Hearing this song takes me deep into memories of my sweet angel. My son Aaron died in his 18th year, just prior to entering college to study music. He was a very handsome, kind, and gentle young man – and a fabulous singer. I miss him so, everyday. My arms ache to hold him close just once more. Here is a poem I condensed today, from a much longer version I wrote immediately following his tragic death in a horrible auto accident.


    Arms Of My Angel


    It may be my favorite picture of you, son,
    the one I cherish most since your passing.

    A simple snapshot,
    taken at the airport,
    upon your return
    from having run the New York City Marathon.

    A gentle, triumphant smile,
    eyes beaming behind those “way cool” shades,
    jacket sleeves rolled in casual hip-ness,
    bag thrown so carefree over your shoulder,
    medal dangling proudly from your strong neck.

    The victor: gentle, cool, hip, carefree, proud, and strong,
    — fiercely handsome!

    How profound this captured moment proved to be.

    Taken just before the finish line of your 18 years,
    it said it all.

    Your race is run,
    your bag is packed,
    your reward’s in hand.

    Fly my sweet angel – fly!

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    For more tears at dVerse:

    Poetics: Cry Me A River


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

    Hour of the Dragon

    Monstrous green dragon of greed & power-lust.


    Hour of the Dragon


    when our insanity of arrogance
    distorts our vision
    blinding us to reality

    when facts annoy
    and fiction comforts

    when we’re copulating
    with false gods
    of greed and power
    on forsaken altars
    of fear and prejudice

    then the hour of the dragon
    is at hand

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    The hideous Orange liar-breathing dragon of DC.

  • Click below for more dragon poetry at dVerse:

    Quadrille #81 – Here there be {poem} dragons 

  • Check out more poems on Toads


  • Click image below to read the original 2012 poem from which this Quadrille was condensed. WARNING: original is raw and dark.



    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Chat With A Tree



    Chat With A Tree


    Yo, humans, can we talk? You know, you guys used to be pretty cool. You were on a roll there for a while. But lately, I have watched your recent generations going backwards in some unfortunate ways. Some of your powerful nations seem to be coming apart at the seams. It’s as though your wisdom is evaporating. You are tending toward stupidity, not getting smarter. I’ve seen you make mistakes over the centuries, but really! You used to find a way to work it out, to be more tolerant.

    What I have been observing in recent times, is you moving to a cold, isolated existence, disconnected from each other. Hell, you are disconnecting from everything! In this fascination you have with technology, you have begun serving the machine. You are so enamored with the virtual world, you have lost sight of the natural world. All your video games, and really violent video game. It is as though you are fascinated with perfecting violence, like you are in some bizarre race to ruination?

    You are becoming aliens in this amazing eden, that so many have been helping create for you all, for many millenniums now. My fellow trees and I have invested our existence in providing oxygen for you, and cleaning toxins from your air. But I see you crippling the natural world, misshaping it, scarring it – you are killing it, and each other. Come on you guys, all my rooted friends, big and small, and all our animal buddies – we care about you! Give us a break! Pull your heads out of your collective butts!

    Look, speaking for us trees, if you humans wipe yourself out, most of us will likely still be standing here, thrusting skyward, reaching closer to heaven than any living things. We have been, and chances are, will remain perpetual survivors. We are historically rooted in perpetuity. We are the constant sentinels, the witnesses to your existence on planet earth. But we don’t want to be witness to your tragedy – we like you guys, in general.

    Listen, since I must stand here, watching you for generation after generation, what do say, you let me watch you move forward. Take that cleverness, and your technologies, and clean this mess up. Even if it takes your civilization painstaking progress to turn it around – start. Who cares if the reversal of of your fortunes unfolds slowly – just do it!

    I would love to observe millenniums of human endeavor awaken
    to real self-awareness of your responsibilty as one of the key stewards of this planet. Become less dependent on blind conformity, on a hive mentality of conflict. Become true masters of your machines. Look up into each others eyes. Stop stumbling around, staring down into your gadgets, like automaton zombies. Use your technologies to genuinely improve your lives. Use it to end hunger, end strife, strive for the light. Evolve as wise beings.

    Let me see the natural world reshaped positively by you, tempered with strength, made more productive and resilient – more beautiful. Let me see you find your balance with each other, with all the rest of us. I will stand here, reaching skyward, as long as you don’t screw it up for all of us. Please let me stand here proud, a witness to your eventual glorious triumph!

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more tree thoughts on Poets United

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Beautiful Being

    Image above by Eli Edward Evangelidis

    Beautiful Being


    I lived at the lightless edge
    that pooled in the night
    deep in the bleak backwoods
    of the sad brokenhearted

    I hid in the anguish
    of the loveless who cowered
    in the dark serpent’s shadow
    lost in the perverse nightmare

    I fed on the grief
    of the forgotten who wailed
    for their horrific loss
    in the ruins of despair

    this was my heartscape
    black as mid-winter night
    a lightless horizon
    no glimmer of hope

    trusting was toxic
    no foothold for love
    relations were carnage
    scattered lifeless and cold

    ’til you, beautiful being
    eyes brilliant and true
    approached from afar
    bearing tinder of love

    the graceful arrangement
    was deftly ignited
    and patiently tended
    the fire gently stoked

    afraid to come forward
    I held outside the glow
    but your kindness drew me
    we stood by love’s blaze

    with passion it roared
    its light pierced my blackness
    its heat warmed my soul
    my ice heart was thawed

    with you in my life
    I am darkness removed
    soaring and weightless
    radiant and rising

    vital and caring
    my spirit’s renewed
    illuminated wholly
    by a new dawn of dreams

    Her beautiful being.

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more poems on Toads


  • Click here to read my Peace Poem.


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Walking In Paradise

    This is a poetic capture of a real-time experience of one of my many 3.5 mile hikes over the years, around beautiful Lost Lake, situated in the high mountain Oregon forests, on the western slope of Mt Hood, in the Cascade Mountains. Truly paradise! I would give everything to be able to make that trek again just once more. But it’s wilderness, and my failed health prevents it from ever happening again. So, when I am blue, I go there still in wonderful memories.

    Mt. Hood peak, seen across Lost Lake, in Oregon Cascade range

    Walking In Paradise


    my footfalls
    drum the root chambers
    of the old growth
    each step
    cushioned by centuries of needle-drop
    in this ancient forest

    enjoying the rise and fall
    twist and turn of the trail
    I amble dreamlike

    my walking stick is smooth
    clutched comfortably
    in my right hand

    tensions dissipate
    by the audible stir of the wind
    in the treetops

    wafting down the western Cascade slopes
    it invigorates

    the steady rhythm of my footsteps

    rounding a bend in the trail
    brushing through waist-high fern
    I crest a knoll
    and stop


    filtered by the towering woodland canopy
    light drifts down dreamlike
    settles golden
    into the natural cathedral before me

    a presence is tangible

    a breeze enfolds me
    filled with the intoxicating scent
    of living earth

    an addictive bouquet
    of cascade red cedar
    douglas fir
    ponderosa pine
    and ionized mountain air

    my spirit rises
    my being grows weightless
    any sense of self floats away
    lifted into oneness

    I’m startled from my reverie

    a young doe
    bounds onto the trail ahead
    stands proud
    pauses in the golden light


    she considers me briefly
    then disappears
    quick as a stolen glance
    quiet as passing time

    darting my eyes
    here then there
    in a vain attempt to follow her
    I catch a glimpse of silver-blue
    reflecting resplendent
    where massive tree trunks part

    this is the reason for my trek
    into this mighty wilderness

    I step through the opening
    and climb a huge boulder

    I sit
    pull my legs under me
    and lean forward
    arms folded
    elbows on knees
    basking in the energy

    just below me
    an enchanting tangle of driftwood
    floats sculpture-like

    across the magical mirrored lake
    rising spectacular
    a chiseled mountain peak
    in the evening sun

    I grow very still

    I become this moment
    in touch with my soul
    with the eternal

    alone in pristine
    old growth paradise

    Huge old growth, Lost Lake Trail, Oregon

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Poetry at: dVerse

    Poetry at: earthweal


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, I was rob’s shih tzu. He misses me every day.

    Unfolding Fate


    Unfolding Fate


    this pilgrim’s lot
    is cast to wander
    in search of what
    is not quite clear

    step by step
    day after day
    uncertain fate
    unfolds this journey

    filled with wonder
    with joy and awe

    fraught with sadness
    with pain and tears

    it’s carried me
    ‘cross boundaries
    mass of lands
    ‘cross time and space

    it’s shown me mysteries

    good and evil
    the best the least

    it’s brought me pleasures
    fame and fortune
    only to claim them back
    with no remorse

    I’ve known satisfaction
    a woman’s love
    a child’s passing

    this journey’s been true
    faithful — genuine
    only to turn away
    and break my heart

    it’s been fact
    and contradiction
    and harshly real

    I’ve been ignored
    I’ve been betrayed

    even honored
    as a man of standing
    then shunned
    to stand alone again

    I’ve traveled light
    traveled fast
    I’ve stumbled burdened
    weighed with grief

    I’ve lead and followed
    lost my way
    regained direction
    to then lose the path

    I’ve walked hand in hand
    with fear and death
    stared down depression
    just to be consumed

    then arose again
    to venture forth
    without a clue my destination
    with no regard the fated outcome
    nor consideration of my plight

    I long ago abandoned worry
    having learned it’s of no use

    came to realize
    despite our difference
    at the core
    we’re all the same

    this realm we entered all alone
    and here we’ll leave alone again

    but all of this is of no matter
    foolish so to dwell upon
    of no concern
    of no regard
    most certainly not worth the measure

    in reflection
    one sees far too late
    it is this journey
    that is the treasure

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more journeying at dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics: On Wandering & Observing

  • Summer Song


    Summer Song


    At last fair summer has arrived, just in time to rescue my sense of humor. The winter rains held stubborn this year. But now the sky is sunny and clear, as is my lifting mood, rocking summer memories in the golden warmth. I’m thankful for this season of plenty.

    The seeds push sprouts through the rich warm earth, as nature cycles to this time of birth. New buds pop forth through ready limbs. Mountain streams run fast and clear as nature’s curtain lifts on this magical time of year — as the veil lifts on my sweet recall.

    Bird songs echo through the greening trees to serenade my reverie. The heady fragrance of summer carries on the gentle breeze, as the bold hues and rich sounds of this beautiful boisterous season fill my soul to bursting! Joyous is my heartsong!

    green leaf on blue pond
    turns in golden summer sun
    red bird softly sings

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more memorable haibuns at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday: Memorial

  • Had Not

    Had Not


    had not she appeared in that clearing
    so lost

    had not she crossed my path
    on that soft summer day

    had not her voice
    drifted like silk
    on the summer breeze
    to wrap sheer and sweet
    around my heart

    had not I been drawn
    like a new bloom
    to the morning sun

    had not I been captivated
    as a hummingbird
    by a drop of nectar
    crystal on a velvet petal

    had not my love come down
    soft as a rolling mountain meadow

    had not this dream been born

    had not my life begun again

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Check out more poems on Toads
  • Naked




    to feel our hearts surge with joy
    I want us to be naked

    backlit by the golden sun
    our bodies radiantly naked

    in the soft grass of a mountain meadow
    frolicking with you naked

    running silvery in a cool spring rain
    slick and slippery naked

    in the riotous colors of a flower garden
    our lips petal plushed and naked

    lying in the rolling summer surf
    waves breaking upon us naked

    walking in an ancient forest deep
    awed, spellbound and naked

    smiling on a crisp autumn morn
    leaves falling ‘round us, naked

    curled in sweet peaceful sleep
    both breathing gently, naked

    in the copper glow of desert redrock
    our wild spirits naked

    in the frothy roar of a waterfall
    standing in the cascade naked

    in the wafting of a gentle breeze
    we dance and whirl ‘round naked

    silhouetted against a sterling moon
    our skin a satin sheen and naked

    with our secreted souls laid bare
    fully exposed and naked

    all our dreams and fears revealed
    hearts trembling and naked

    our every pretense stripped away
    finally truly naked

    enfolded here in each other’s arms
    both vulnerable and naked

    we gaze into the vast night sky
    we marvel, breathtaken — and naked

    I’ll rob the stars from that night sky
    to twinkle in your eyes so naked

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more ghazal poetry at dVerse:

    Poetry form: Ghazal

  • Light





    lightless ignorance
    cannot vanquish absolute
    seek the light of truth


    truth can penetrate
    the pitch black of ignorance
    wisdom is the light


    even the smallest light
    of wisdom
    burning in the pitch black
    of ignorance
    casts its glow far-reaching

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more light on Poets United


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Seeds

    A grief portraiture of a dear friend I lost.

    digital collage “Friends” by: rob kistner © 2007


    For Memorial Day


    there are those days
    I still can feel
    the breeze of youth
    gently stir my soul

    those days remembered
    of graceful lightness
    when faith in truth
    sparked splendid dreams

    those days of us
    when all we touched
    was fresh and new
    and the world
    was full of wonder

    those carefree days

    when we were certain
    we’d live forever
    strength made each day
    a great adventure

    but not these days

    I am bent
    by the yoke of sorrow
    I am heavy
    with the weight of loss

    I am haunted
    by the ghost of memory
    the painful days
    when I think of you

    these empty days

    how can this void be filled
    when one so vital is gone

    so much wit and wisdom
    robbed from this world
    kindness and love
    lost when you passed

    one who understood
    the need for giving
    in a careless world
    darkened by greed

    a tender heart
    truly unselfish
    whose warm embrace
    included all

    I will not forget
    I will remember you
    and all those days

    that’s how I’ll fill this void

    with the seeds of friendship
    planted deep
    inside my heart
    now filled with grief

    may they grow
    to make the memories
    richer and more precious

    grow to make me gentler
    and more grateful
    for the loved ones
    still in my life

    good-bye my friend
    I will not forget

    I will tend these seeds
    and think of you

    I will not forget

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Check out more portraiture poems on Toads