




a gentle zephyr
tosses my hair
brushes soft my cheek

hope stirs

the promised breeze
begins to freshen
gathering strength

anticipation mounts

building currents
draw taut the line

heartbeat quickens

with insistent tugging
my kite fills
sculpted against the frame


it rises

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below to see what else is rising at dVerse:

    Quadrille #78: Rise

  • _________________________

  • Following here are two videos about my two favorite kiting events, which I attend whenever possible. The first is in Lincoln City, Oregon. The second in Long Beach Washington. I used to fly my kites at these events when my health allowed. Now I watch my son Justin and my 5-year-old grandson Alex fly. My son Justin flies stunt kites. Great fun!


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 23

  • The Willow

    The Willow


    the old man came in April
    sitting quietly
    day after day
    hands resting on his knees
    day after day
    hardly moving

    save to raise his hand
    to brush his brow
    or adjust his cap

    day after day
    on the same park bench
    at the pond
    near the same tree
    same willow

    you could watch him come
    see him leave
    at dinner time

    day after day
    sitting there
    hands on his knees
    same bench
    same tree

    one morning
    as he sat there
    I left my office
    walked across the street
    into the park
    approached him
    and sat down beside him

    he said nothing
    so we sat together
    for a while
    quietly on the bench
    by the tree

    finally I spoke up

    why do you sit here old man
    sit here everyday
    day after day
    here on this bench
    quietly watching the pond

    he tilts his head
    speaks softly
    I’ve come here for years
    he says

    but how can that be
    I say
    these office buildings
    this park – they’re all new
    how could you have come
    to this park for years

    not to this park
    he says
    no – not to this park
    – to this tree

    me and all my friends
    came to willow pond
    every spring
    to this tree
    this old willow
    for years
    day after day

    I ask
    why to this tree

    quiet smile
    we played cards
    in its shade

    he explains
    we talked – laughed
    we listened at the pond
    in its wonderful shade
    day after day
    this wonderful willow

    where are your friends
    I ask
    why are they not here
    with you on the bench

    he hesitates
    they are gone
    he says finally

    gone – gone where
    I ask

    is all he says
    hands on his knees
    all gone

    oh – I see
    I say

    do you
    is all he says

    so why do you sit here
    day after day

    I ask

    he stares straight ahead
    and after a bit he says
    I’m listening

    I say
    listening for what

    he sits quietly for a while
    without changing his gaze
    without raising his hands
    from his knees
    he says haltingly
    for our laughter
    our beautiful laughter

    I still hear it
    on the breeze
    through this willow

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Click on “Toads” below for more tree poetry:Toads

    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 21

    April Trio


    April Trio


    wings flutter gently
    spring breeze bends full flowered stems
    meadow dance begins




    green leaves on blue pond
    float in golden springtime sun
    red bird softly sings




    buds burst forth through limb
    streams run fast beyond their brim
    April arrives strong


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Click on “Toads” below for more April poetry:



    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 21

    Hoping To Fly


  • Buller Shearwater gliding the Pacific Ocean, below the Ecola cliffs, Oregon.
    Author’s note: On the Oregon Coast, about an hour west of where I lived for 25 years, is a wonderful little artist’s village called Cannon Beach. The beach is vast and rambling and features an amazing natural wonder called Haystack Rock. Its name explains its shape, but you must see it to understand its incredible mass.


  • Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Oregon, on Oregon Coast.

  • Just north along the coast lies Ecola State Park, where you will find a beautiful meadow hugging the very top edge of a towering ocean cliff. From this lofty viewpoint you look over the vast ocean, waves crashing below you.


  • Ecola State Park Pacific Ocean cliffs, Oregon Coast.
  • The cliffs, with slivers of white beach at their feet, stretch left and right as far as you can see – broken occasionally by a widened expanse of sand. To the left, as you face the Pacific Ocean, tucked into just such a widened expanse, is the village of Cannon Beach. To your right is Indian Beach, mildly famous as the setting for the film, Point Break, which starred Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze.

    This cliff-top meadow’s vista is absolutely breathtaking — soul-stirring. It served as the inspiration for “Hoping To Fly”.


  • Indian Beach, North Oregon Coast – gazing west into forever.

    Hoping To Fly


    I stand at land’s end
    atop a soaring precipice
    jutting into the Pacific

    observing a seabird suspended in flight
    aloft on the sea breeze
    billowing up and wafting down the cliff

    I’m mesmerized

    stretching before me
    undulating azure blue
    falling away
    over earth’s edge
    into forever

    unfurling below
    a white ribbon of sand
    a breath between eternal sea
    and towering rock facades
    flanking left and right
    in sweeping panorama

    a breeze freshens
    tosses my hair
    I shudder
    bracing against vertigo
    swept up in a feeling

    oh to be un-tethered
    no longer earthbound

    my soul
    like that seabird
    takes wing
    soaring skyward

    the freedom of feathered wing
    over hollow bone

    riding the thermals
    climbing ever upward


    diving earthward
    wings tucked
    rocketing to the sea
    to sail out ‘cross wavecrest
    bank left to the boulderd jetty
    to flutter back in pull up
    glide down silently
    to land soft as a fallen leaf
    atop the mighty boulders
    of Indian Beach Point

    the true miracle of flight

    my heart drifts
    back to mother earth
    full – intoxicated
    rich with this experience

    observing a seabird
    suspended in flight
    riding the Pacfic Ocean cliffs


  • Indian Beach Jetty, North Oregon Coast – storm comin’!

  • ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007
    revision © 2019

  • Click below for more poems at dVerse:

    Open Link Night #241


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 19

  • Homeward Journey

  • This is a micro poem of 12 lines, 55 words.
  • 8AEBDC4E-96E0-4033-AED9-E7F594265CEE
    Artwork by M. C. Escher.

    Homeward Journey


    here by the boulevard
    arriving last night as rain
    we puddle on this empty lot
    nestled in these treaded ruts
    resting before our homeward journey
    when we’ll rejoin earth’s waters

    evaporating skyward
    penetrating the earth
    we are tenacious, persistent
    always seeking our natural level
    breaking beyond futile bounds
    returning to our azure mother – the sea

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Click on “Toads” below for more micro poetry:



    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 17

    Supple Soul

    Photo below entitled “Strange Fruit”, by Lucas Rocha.


    Supple Soul


    I am but a simple man
    caught in an insane time
    like you
    trodden under by absurdity
    expected to cow

    but I say
    rise up now

    clad in colors
    of a joyful life

    rebuke the strife
    do not bow

    tilt against convention

    the prevailing norm
    is a toxic storm

    buck the winds of brute rebuff
    stare down the face of ridicule

    if buffeted by cruel
    from the foolish
    sadly blown off course
    refrain from force

    be not inclined to fear
    nor falter
    choose instead
    to tame the dread

    to stay ones ground
    leaning hard on raw conviction
    steadfast bound

    be anchored bold
    and deeply hold
    to the genuine
    do not resent

    remain flexible
    to withstand the blows
    of frightened those
    who would see you swayed
    and have you bent

    your broken spirit
    for so to savor

    stand head high
    back straight
    don’t ever waver

    be never rigid
    prone to break

    do not forsake
    your heart song

    wisdom is a supple soul
    skewered through
    by true enlightenment

    pierced clean and strong
    by wonder
    bleeding hope
    and justice

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 15


    An imagined scenario of a randy little laptop whose spellcheck’s gone berserk.



    Spellcheck Gone Wild

    stranding at liver revel
    in this amassing george
    glazing upon this malificent wonderful
    cut by lime and curtains
    into the great cock of the girth
    I marbel at the powder
    at the booty
    at the degeneration
    of this repentantless liver
    scalping this malignent worm
    tumblering tumescently
    in cynical charity
    over bowlers and faults
    ever awkward

    Spellcheck Gone Right

    standing at river level
    in this amazing gorge
    gazing upon this magnificent waterfall
    cut by time and current
    into the great rock of the earth
    I marvel at the power
    at the beauty
    at the determination
    of the relentless river
    sculpting this majestic work
    tumbling timelessly
    in crystal clarity
    over boulders and falls
    ever onward

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 14


    Brash & Bold

    A poem featuring slant rhyme in response to Grace’s request at dVerse.


    Brash & Bold


    this Spring stream runs crystal clear, snow melt cold,
    here strong young trout stir restless in their lair
    the chill of current makes them brash and bold

    morning hatch has them eager to explode
    up through ripples into the morning air
    from Spring’s stream so crystal clear, snow melt cold

    I walk the bank alert but stay composed
    searching for the best stream side view, of where
    the chill of current has trout brash and bold

    it’s in the brisk slack water big ones hold
    ready to strike the tempting air borne fare
    as Spring streams run crystal clear, snow melt cold

    soon a mountain stream drama will unfold
    when a mighty rainbow engulfs its prey
    ‘cause chill of current made it brash and bold

    oh what a mighty wonder to behold
    a rainbow breaking water with a flair
    when Spring streams run crystal clear, snow melt cold
    and chill of current makes trout brash and bold

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below for more water slant rhyme magic at dVerse:

    Toolkit: Rhymes and Slant Rhymes

  • The Cast

    A nature poem in response to Linda Lee Lyberg’s “water” prompt at dVerse.



    The Cast


    cliff-climbing conifers
    stir in the brisk dawn
    as breezes waft the gorge
    rustle my jacket
    nip my cheeks

    across the casual rapids
    near the stony shore
    rainbows surface in slack water
    hungrily gulping morning hatch

    my most recent offering undulates past
    in the glinting chatter of spring flow

    I turn

    elbow steady
    I begin to rotate my lengthy bamboo
    behind to two PM.
    silently stripping the slender thread
    from current’s surface
    leaving a razor crease
    disappearing quick as it comes

    the lacquered rod bends forward as I lift
    then slowly flexes back
    the line arcs behind in flight
    trailing silvery spray

    backward pressure builds
    as line nears full unfurling
    but just before
    a smooth return
    slowly brings the shaft
    again to ten AM

    I feel the forward pull of the soaring mass
    as overhead the line recoils

    the glass-green fiber
    rolls out ahead
    over azure ripples

    the singing strand painting an “S”
    in the cloudless sky

    and quiet
    the line is re-wed to stream

    the feathered morsel at the tip
    offered yet again
    coaxing a ready trout
    to rise
    and strike

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below for more water magic at dVerse:

    Poetics: Water, Water Everywhere


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 11

    The Gift

    The Gift


    unworthy fool am I

    to ignore it
    to abuse it
    to mistreat it
    to misuse it
    to mishandle it at every turn

    no way am I deserving

    yet over and over
    you lay it at my feet
    to protect each step
    on life’s harsh road

    time after time
    you wrap it round me
    as shelter
    from sorrow’s storm

    again and again
    it nurtures and sustains me
    on my journey through
    the wastelands of the lonely

    this light
    this precious treasure

    no way do I deserve
    but forever will I cherish
    your soul gift
    of selfless love

    would I could give you
    such a gift in return
    it would be my purest
    my most unselfish gift

    a gift golden as the sun
    tied in a tinsel of stars
    to nurture you always
    to keep you radiant

    my most precious gift
    of a love supreme

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 7

    The Leap


    The Leap


    she need not be frightened
    she knows the moves
    sees the steps
    clearly in her mind

    she knows the stride
    the position of her body
    just before elevation

    she understands the speed
    the run up
    the lead foot
    the plant angle
    the knee bend
    the thrust

    she has done this
    literally thousands of repetitions
    no need for trepidation

    she knows the energy of the moment
    of the crowd
    as they anticipate
    as she anticipates
    the lift off
    the rise

    the glorious weightlessness
    the thrill of flying
    the feel of returning to earth
    to her toes
    her feet
    how to offset the momentum

    she knows

    to snap to a graceful stop
    come to point
    straight and strong
    arms raised and extended

    the applause
    that exhilaration

    she knows this all
    to her bones

    she can do this
    in her sleep

    she has this mastered
    she is a master dancer


    that flash of doubt
    what if I can’t

    and again
    she fails

    there is now one leap
    she fears she cannot master

    the leap
    back through time
    to her youth
    to her glory
    her invincibility

    she leaps

    she will always

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 6

    Land of Waterfalls

    I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The three states that make up this corner of our country are Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. These three states are very mountainess, and in comparison to the eastern part of our country, the Pacific Northwest mountains are tall, young, and rugged. Hundreds of beautiful, wild waterfalls can be found throughout the region. This is a land of waterfalls. Shown here are three famous examples.

    Multnomah Falls, Oregon


    Land of Waterfalls


    standing at river level
    in this amazing gorge
    gazing upon this magnificent waterfall
    cut by time and current
    into the great rock of the earth
    I marvel at the power
    at the beauty
    at the determination
    of the relentless river
    sculpting this majestic work
    tumbling timelessly
    in crystal clarity
    over boulders and falls
    ever onward

    Snoqualmie Falls, Washington

    Shoshone Falls on the Snake River, near Twin Falls, Idaho
    Shoshone Falls, Idaho

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below for more geographic poems at dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics: On Geography


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 5