secreted among the old-growth
nestles a serene forest clearing
/// \\\
soft filtered sunlight falls in rays
gently through the green canopy
enwraps golden the sacred space
/// \\\
a breeze stirs quietly overhead
rustling brightly in the treetops
whispering of nature’s memories
/// \\\
a downed Douglas Fir slumbers
snug centuries in its moss blanket
wrapped in earth’s final embrace
/// \\\
beyond to the left a hidden path
breaks subtly through the trees
offers a glimpse of rushing blue
/// \\\
the voice of falling water calls to me through the opening
I approach drawn hypnotically by unquenchable curiosity
there before me a powerful river urgently bounds and rolls
then it disappears over the horizon as though into forever
/// \\\
as I come closer I see the current of this tenacious stream
has with patience cut deep into this great rock of the earth
freeing itself to spill over – folding in misty layered curtains
into a roiling azure pool then over again to course further
/// \\\
I marvel so at the power at the beauty at the determination
of this relentless river ever sculpting this majestic artwork
tumbling timelessly in crystal clarity over boulder and falls
ever onward as if spurred by need to join all waters of earth
/// \\\
time suspends >> the world’s in balance >> life aligns for a perfect moment
Photo of a kayaker running Bridal Veil Falls, Oregon, the inspiration for this poem.
rob kistner © 2019
The concrete form of this poem is intended to mimic the double cascade waterfall as seen in the picture just above here in this post.