Bloody Sue
Gather close so you might hear
A tale of terror, a tale of fear
Of a vigilante from beyond the grave
Only justice did this spirit crave
You may choose to doubt my word
But know damned well this all occurred
A vengeful maiden dressed in red
7 men lured, 7 men dead
7 men drawn to this comely miss
7 souls lost to her lethal kiss
A modern legend is Bloody Sue
Her deeds of terror are bold and true
Was she from hell or heaven’s gate
It’s certain her victims earned their fate
The first, the banker, a crooked man
Stole dreams of others with his evil plan
To own the world, to possess the lot
Now all that’s his is a dead man’s plot
Found with coins choked down his throat
Clutched in his hand a bloody note
“You greedy bastards, this could be you
Remember well!”, signed Bloody Sue
The second, the lawyer, a prideful sort
Lied and cheated to win in court
And bragged of his dishonest way
Until violence marked his final day
Found one morning with bashed-in head
A bloody gavel lay on his bed
“Bludgeoned here for his lies and scandal!”
Read Sue’s note, wrapped ’round the handle
The third, the bishop, a man of lust
Molested innocent’s, betrayed their trust
Kept a journal of his lurid deeds
A trophy to all his prurient needs
Found on his pulpit with a bloody lap
His private parts in his bishop’s cap
“Beware vile predators throughout this land!”
Sue had carved in the bishop’s hand
Fourth was the baker, a gluttoness fool
Treated his workers horribly cruel
Paid wages that left an empty plate
While he gorged himself – he ate and ate
One day at the bakery’s opening hour
He was found dead in a vat of flour
Across the vat, bold and big,
In chocolate icing, Sue wrote “pig!”
Then the lazy chief of the town’s police
Unsolved cases filled his valise
Crime and violence everywhere
While he snoozed in his office chair
One day shots rang loud and clear
Sue riddled the chief from ear to ear
“Get another chief, get this damned work done!”
Said the note from Sue, found by the gun
The office gossip, and his jealous way
Spread lies and rumors on the phone all day
His envy the ruin of many good names
Destroying lives with his vicious games
Sue used his phone to strangle him
And left a voice mail dire and grim
“To all who ruin a reputation
You too will die from strangulation!”
Last… the radio talk-show host
Spreading propaganda, coast to coast
Pawn of a racist politician
Thought he was above suspicion
Electrocuted on his live broadcast
Sue dealt justice hard and fast
She was heard to say as hot sparks flew
“Beware you haters, I’ll fry you too!”
So that’s the story of Bloody Sue
Believe it or not, that’s up to you
A brutal beauty in scarlet cape
From her vengeful hands there’s no escape
She will draw from you your final breath
If she marks you with her kiss of death
Some say a ghost who haunts this earth
Others claim an angel, of heavenly birth
But all agree there’s one thing true
If you’re a son-of-a-bitch,
She’ll come for you
~ ~ ~
rob kistner © 2008
collage at top: “Scarlett Lady”by: rob kistner © 2008