


how I do desire
the damp dreary days
of february

when my forlorned
fallen face
is commonplace

when no one intrudes
to question
what’s the matter

because all around
are caught up in the blues

oh if only
you could find it
in your heart

to forgive
this sadly lost
and broken man

who much too late
he was a fool

and in his sorrow
why you refuse

but how I wish
ill-tempered weather
would ensue

to drive the joyful
all around me
to indoor spaces

so I’d be spared
the pain
of smiling faces

and the bitter
bitter memory
of losing you

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2011

  • Image above entitled “Red Umbrella” by: Christopher Shay
  • This was originally linked to Tess Kincaid’s “Magpie Tales”


    How Poetry Comes to Me

    by: Gary Snyder

    It comes blundering over the
    Boulders at night, it stays
    Frightened outside the
    Range of my campfire
    I go to meet it at the
    Edge of the light

  • Already Vanished




    and he saw them leaving
    and he opened his mouth in farewell
    but only dust escaped

    and broken dreams

    and a spoiled promise
    from long ago
    left too long on the shelf

    so he raised his hand
    to gesture a wave
    but he was rigid
    and could not

    and they did not hear him
    and they did not see him

    for he had already vanished

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2011

    • linked at Magpie Tales

    Sneakin’ Up On Breakfast

    “One of my former band members, who was with me in the band in the 1960’s, that inspired this poem from 2011, came to visit me a couple months ago. I had written a haibun at the time in his honor, which I shared here on dVerse. That haibun was inspired by this original poem. I just learned that he died Monday in Geneva, Switzerland. In his memory I am sharing this original poem today, August 22, 2019.”

    …originally written for Day #19, NaPoWriMo 2011…

    Sneakin’ Up On Breakfast


    our final set was 3:00 am
    the gear’s broke down and stowed
    now here we sit
    with smuggled single malt
    and the crusty sunrise special

    me and my bles-sed band
    bliss’d out from giggin’
    bleary-eyed and blasted
    mixin’ with fellow players
    who’ve now
    laid down their last licks
    for this night

    among willing groupies
    the loud hangers on
    and my sad friend Joey
    just back from Viet Nam

    we’re sittin’ and chattin’
    with the steel-heart working girls
    and sweet soul-bruised painted strippers
    they love us ‘cause we’re brothers
    in this family of the night

    all in the flesh parade
    of burnt drink slingers
    and tired cocktail mules

    hipsters grifters drifters
    and slick gamblers
    from behind the sealed doors
    of those private upstairs rooms

    swell perfumed boys
    and sisters of the leather
    queens and trannies
    pimps pushers and the cops

    huddled stark as morgue mates
    hidin’ from those cruel first rays
    like a pack of squandered vampires

    ready to scurry off
    to well-curtained rooms
    or other dark holes of despair

    it’s time to make that final score
    whatever gets you through
    ‘till sundown strikes up the band again

    I’ll tell ya
    ain’t this show biz grand
    it’s cirque du morning madness
    all sneakin’ up on breakfast

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 4/19/11


    This photo below put me in mind of the 60’s when my band played the all-night R&B clubs in Newport Ky — the ‘wild’ night-world just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati. It sparked this poem.

    …originally linked at Magpie Tales


  • Click below to read other poems at dVerse:

    Open Link Night #249

  • Poet In Arms



    abandon vague image
    do not weave a fabric of myth
    or speak to us in grand verse
    telling of the song of the spheres
    or the days before this dark time

    you see many things poet
    but you talk in riddles
    you avoid the cold hard way
    for the soft path of platitudes
    of metaphors
    of meter and rhyme
    but this is not the time

    look poet
    look into the flames
    the fire of human suffering

    feel it burn your eyes
    char your soul
    tell us how that feels

    tell us how to see
    with our own eyes
    help us see the real place of light

    you must tell us poet
    in the power of plain language
    in the clear voice of truth
    tell us what is real

    we will listen

    with a pure heart of justice
    raise your shield of words
    lift your pen poet
    like a sword

    show us the grip

    we will save the beauty
    celebrate the wonder
    protect the unique splendor

    or we will join the battle
    to strike down imbalance
    to drive away sorrow

    lead us poet
    we will follow

    rob kistner © 2011

    Written for: Magpie Tales

    Poetry at: dVerse

    Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers

    Poetry at: earthweal

    Evening Grace

    Evening Grace


    as dusk descends
    my stride holds steady
    buoyed by the gentle embrace
    of the downing golden sun

    early shadows fall soft

    vesper’s velvet blanket
    drapes ’round my shoulders
    envelops me in calm

    there is still road to travel

    eager to keep the journey
    I’m drawn by the beauty
    of the rising moon in sunset

    coaxed by a soothing breeze
    I venture on toward my love

    rolling amber fires the lane
    spreads warm ‘cross the horizon

    mist begins to rise and waft

    nestled in the valley
    I see my hearth & home
    guilded copper in this eventide

    my heart quickens
    stirred by this gorgeous vale
    the ribbon of its brook
    entwines my soul in wonder

    my smile sweetens
    my pace livens
    I hum a quiet evensong
    in the grace of this splendid day

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2010

    …artwork entitled “Evening Glory” by: Steven Mitchell

  • click below to enjoy more poems at dVerse:

    Open Link #277 – Live edition

  • Kisses Crimson-Gold


    Kisses Crimson-Gold


    the stir of autumn
    enwraps my heart
    as summer slowly wanes
    riding the early fallen leaves
    on the current of october waters
    whirling and bobbing on crystal ripples
    round and past the river rocks
    over rip rap in the stream bed
    carried vividly away
    into the setting sun

    days shorten
    shadows lengthen
    a quiet melancholy
    settles upon the valley
    as nature prepares itself
    for the slumber of renewal

    but not before the crackling
    joyous dance of harvest
    and a crisp crimson-gold
    kiss goodnight

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2010


    Brightly coloured fall leaves in a forest stream

    Final Sentinel


    Final Sentinel


    I watched
    as generations
    moved forward
    as civilization
    set foothold

    I observed
    the millenniums
    of human endeavor
    as they awakened
    to self-reliance
    less dependent
    on hive mentality
    mastering machines
    eliminating conflict
    striving for truth
    ever evolving

    I saw
    the world

    I stand tall
    thrust skyward
    closer to heaven
    than any living thing
    a perpetual presence
    the constant sentinel
    a witness to triumph

    that all that
    were true

    I watched helplessly
    as generations receded
    as empires crumbled
    greed ran rampant
    wisdom ebbed

    I observed
    of human folly
    misguided logic
    flawed reasoning
    as they flailed
    to a cold


    from one another
    from the environment
    serving their machines
    serving their avarice
    perfecting violence
    racing to ruination
    becoming aliens
    in a mad eden

    they were
    no more

    I watched through tears
    as the natural world
    slowly declined

    toxic air
    burnt terrain
    to far horizons
    and now I stand
    thrusting skyward
    in this decaying hell
    praying for a heaven
    the only living thing
    the pitiful survivor
    the final sentinel
    time’s witness
    to tragedy
    the end

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2010
    (revision © 2018)

  • Author’s Note: let’s strive to see part two never happens…


  • What Do You See

    Too Still

    This piece is offered in response to prompt Mag 26 at Magpie Tales



    it sits
    atop the corner
    of our garden wall
    just where she left it

    how many lilies
    did it nourish
    how many fuscia
    and morning glory
    did it quench

    it dispensed its
    life giving waters
    so gracefully
    in her hand

    such a delicate hand
    gentle in its task
    of planting new growth
    but rugged on the weeds
    that threatened her beloved garden

    she was the giver of life
    and the guardian
    of her realm

    but she could not
    stop all that threatened
    and I had not
    her gift of life giving

    and so it rests
    atop the wall
    no longer is it lifted
    by her tender
    hand of nurture

    that hand now
    is still

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    “Went digging through some of my older poetry to find this piece I wrote 9 years ago, March 2010. I remember being inspired to write it watching Hermione’s love potion scene in ‘Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Price.’ I had just purchased the DVD at the time. My grandson was watching the DVD last night, which put me in mind of this poem. Wanted to share it here for dVerse OLN #252. It contains very minimal revision and a slight upgrade in graphic embellishment”





    you cannot change
    a heart of iron
    into a heart of gold

    no precious warmth
    will manifest
    from something hard and cold

    a love that’s locked
    and set in cast
    can never be set free

    there is no hope
    nor magic spell
    not even alchemy


    you cannot stop
    the hands of time
    from spinning ever on

    when the sand
    is through the hourglass
    those days are ever gone

    you cannot bring summer back
    when the leaves
    are off the tree

    there is no hope
    nor magic spell
    not even alchemy


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2010
    revision © 2019


  • Click below to check out some fine poetry at dVerse:

    OpenLinkNight #252

  • Inner Moonlight



    Inner Moonlight


    you let lose the madness
    of your inner moonlight

    you and Jack

    suckling life’s sweet underbelly
    in the nocturnal neon zoo

    both of you
    and Neal
    groin deep in human wallow

    swilling full the brain-drug flesh festival

    spewing forth
    to fill all fertile ears
    with the siren song of sacred dissatisfaction

    your fingers burned
    from dancing with the fire-whores
    of truth
    and indignation

    you put your queer shoulder to the wheel
    and rolled out the new truth
    crushing apathy
    to run down ignorance

    you torched the darkness
    with a blinding light

    igniting bohemia
    in a rolling demon’s fire
    illuminating the night

    while you danced
    with every devil you could find

    howling mad
    and mind expanded
    you ranted

    you flamed

    a combusting carnal fireball
    for all of life’s deliciousness

    ferocious appetite

    longing to consume
    every forbidden morsel and crumb

    to gorge upon
    life’s smorgasborgadelic mindfeast

    in gluttonness conspiracy
    with Neal
    and Ken

    gut full of insight
    kindled by the new freedom
    it was flashpoint

    each blaze burned so brightly

    madder men the world will not soon see

    but one by one
    each burned out

    now a flicker
    in the eyes of angles

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2008

    photo above is Allen Ginsberg (1926 – 1997)


    Through Time & Space

    …the following is an short story I see as the premise from a science fiction novel/novella I hopeto write before I’m dead and gone.

    ”I have watched
    golden fire clouds,
    hanging in pale green skies,
    over the azure seas of Toluras”

    I have seen the copper leaves
    of the parmus fronds
    flashing from indigo mountains
    in the crystal mists of Gemin.”

    I have beheld exquisite beauty
    in my rich, full life
    but none so beautiful
    as your eyes tonight”

    Artheo whispers these bewitching words, his breath warm on the tender lobe of my ear. Searching the depth of my eyes, plumbing my very soul, he presses his lips softly to mine, and with gentle passion — bids me farewell with a kiss.

    The exchange of poetry, at times of high emotion, is a longstanding tradition on our planet, and my lover’s words were especially moving as we parted tonight.

    This intimate moment now three hours past; I linger in the bittersweetness, still tasting his lips, smelling his hair, feeling the heat of his body — I ache for him.

    But here I stand on the aft deck of the Thadius, hurtling through space, gazing into star-clustered blackness, cherishing the pleasures of our parting embrace.

    A sudden chill shocks me sober. I’ve been here, done this, precisely this in every detail. But I know that is not possible. It is my first time aboard this particular ship.

    I am gripped by foreboding. I shiver as I watch the sapphire-jade orb that holds my fascination, grow smaller, being slowly swallowed by the eternal night of space. It continues to recede, its form becoming softer, less clearly defined in the carbon-composite observation bubble, as zero-g frost clouds and obscures this breathtaking view of this lush planet, our home planet, Gemin.

    Some now on board will not again see this precious sight for fifteen years, if they are counted among the fortunate who do return.

    We race, exceeding light-squared, toward a distant call for help, an unknown destiny, in the far reaches of uncharted space — with no idea what we will encounter. The call made it certain that no good lay ahead for those aboard who now rush to respond to the enigmatic distress signal.

    I am Sephias, on an ecological research mission, to return home in a year’s time. My team and I disembark at Topiarus, the first stop on this voyage.

    Although I am off-ship before we reach the origin of the urgent summons — I am nonetheless distraught. It is the anxiety of separation. It is also the result of the intense stress that permeates the crew who are going the distance, to the edge of space, to answer the cry for help. The pressure is palpable, contagious — I feel it to my core. It terrifies me.

    It is common for me to feel disconcerted, ungrounded each time I choose to leave my home to go on mission, each time I leave my soul mate, Artheo. Our love is solid and deep; it has withstood many of these separations.

    We understood when I joined FarWorlds that separation came with the program, part of the deal. However, knowing this makes it no less difficult. And this time out, my sadness and anxiety is heightened further, given this mission’s chilling uncertainty, the sense of threat, of impending danger, significant danger.

    At FarWorlds Corp we are involved in new-resources exploration. We are scientists. We are not trained spacetroopers. Our expertise is not military. This ship, the Thadius, is a solar-wind powered space schooner, a research vessel. It is fast and agile, not suited for space combat. The security force we have on board is generally suited to our needs. They’re trained to defend, not to attack. They do well protecting us from the typical threats we encounter on our journeys through known space.

    This mission is different. The unknown makes this extremely dangerous. The Dextorium was an advance ship sent to reconnoiter 9 months ago. The Dextorium did in fact carry a battle-trained spacetrooper force. It has now fallen silent, no contact for over a month — not a word.

    To take my mind off these things disturbing, I drift to Artheo — to our last kiss. He presented a calm, brave face at our goodbye, but I knew better. Together now two wonderful centuries; rest assured, I know my man. The concern was set deep in his eyes.

    As decorated Primests of the Science-Sect Elite, we are privileged with three birthing cycles to improve the gene pool of our species. A 40-year no-birthing period, our second, now nears its end. Soon we will enter our third free-birthing cycle.

    During the procreation cycle, we are relieved of our career responsibilities, so that we may raise, and mentor our offspring. Artheo and I both welcome the sabbatical of twenty years this period affords. We’ve begotten families in the two prior cycles and love them both, cherishing the bonds of love that develop.

    We now dream of this newest family our near future holds in store. This coming family is so very important in our lives, Artheo’s and mine. State edicts dictate that the children of 3rd cycle Primest’s families caretake their honored lifegivers as their vitality declines, prior to rejuvenation.

    As my betrothed and I move closer to our time of stand down and our revitalizing cryogenic hibernation; this, our new family, will be our comfort and support as our current life-phase draws to its close.

    As I reflect, I am disrupted. A sudden chaos erupts, a panicked commotion on the foredeck. There is great alarm. I rush forward in time to see a startling scene begin to unfold. There in front of our speeding ship a menacing field of strange devices appears, seemingly from nowhere.

    They begin to methodically spread, with apparent logic, to form a grid blocking our path — acting intelligent, with a single mind, as though the whole is a sentient living thing.

    They are immense, and they are many, as they assemble in a net-like maneuver, fanning out as far left and right as one can see. They are there, top to bottom, reaching ominously to apparent infinity — spread far too vast to travel around.

    At their advancing speed we cannot outrun this threat. As we approach the steely web they accelerate exponentially. There is no doubt we are on a collision course.

    Suddenly my senses are jolted sober. Hyper-alert, I stagger back in shock and awe, in abject terror, and cruel realization! It is now quite clear what fate befell our advance party on the Dextorium — and it appears many others. They’ve been, well, they’ve been absorbed by this horrific electronic death-mesh.

    We are defenseless. We on the Thadius can only stare, terrified — but spellbound. The crew’s emotions now run the gamut. Shock is registered on every face. Tears fill most eyes as hell approaches.

    It’s then I see it, in the grey-green carbon and cold blue steel closing upon us; the captured life-energies of the Dextorium crew, and countless others that have passed through this quadrant of space before.

    It’s inconceivable! Their vital essence has been consumed by this entangled nightmare that now besets us. Their entities flicker in and out of focus, trapped in the grid, held fast, and hopeless.

    The chilling, vacant look of utter surrender on their bewildered faces. They are living ghosts!

    This thing is coming closer and closer — this host of evil. Terrified to my bones, I feel helpless, confused, and so completely alone.

    In a moment of clarity, I rush to my solarcomm, “I must send a message to Artheo” I sob to no one in particular. holding a Droon orb of light bravely I begin first sharing poetry as is our custom.

    “we have walked quietly hand in hand
    in the emerald meadows of Telma
    sharing its golden angelfruit
    sweet as our stolen kisses

    we’ve heard the haunting call
    of the coral winged Lellurt
    in Droon’s platinum skies
    over teal Darpin Bay

    now fate deems we part
    see this Orb of Light
    it is my true heart
    when I am gone
    it will shine on
    sweet Artheo
    it is my love

    “right now,
    I want to hear
    your soothing voice
    my precious love.
    I would give the world
    to hear your voice.”

    I am speaking in a controlled tone, yet laced with longing and trepidation. “I love you my dearest, but something bad is happening now, here where I am, There’s a chance”, beginning to break down, I must pause collect myself, to start again.

    “There is a chance I may not return to you again, to our sweet life”, here my voice quavers, and then it cracks as I struggle to add, “or, to our children.”

    Digging deep, grasping for courage I go on, “If this is to be my end, it falls to you to raise them now. Please let them see they’re loved forever. Protect them well, and keep them safe my love.”

    It’s now becoming a struggle to even form words, but filled with love, I press on, “Remember my eggs. They are safely stored at the FarWorlds Corp’s Reproductive Center. The surrogate we selected has been tested and she is bonded pure. You must see to it our new family is born, that Zenus and Rennar are born. Please promise me!”

    Choking back a deluge of emotions, I fight to conclude my message. This is the last I will ever send to my beloved Artheo — the last words he will ever hear me speak. “Our children, Zenus and Rennar, will be the final connection between you and I. Remember forever, they are a part of each of us my darling one.”

    Swallowing a welling sob I continue. “He and she will care for you and see you through your dimming years. They will love you as you will love them. Give them my enduring love. Tell them about me.”

    Voice faltering badly, I rise to finish. Leaning into my solarcomm, I share with Artheo my final words. “God, oh god, how I want you here in my arms. You are my heart, my life, my one true love! Goodbye my precious man. Remember, remember our love. Do not forget me.”

    With that, my heart breaks. I stare stricken and silent into the screen, teardrops streaming down my cheeks.

    12 hours later the message arrives on Artheo’s commstation screen. Gripped by disbelief at what he sees, at what he hears, consumed by horror, unable to move — he stands trembling, his face frozen in grief. He sees my message end, as my image flickers, and fades to black.

    Artheo falls to his knees without sound, silent for some time. Then, with fear and sorrow scarred into his ashen face; he throws back his head, thrusts up his arms straight and stiff, fists clenched in anger, clenched so tightly fingernails cut into palms and bring forth blood.

    Bloodied hands with ghost-white knuckles stab at the stars. He keens and moans, then begins to wail full voice; the guttural heart-wrenching wail of a man wholly bereft, soul-gored, devastated!

    rob kistner © 2008


    Reflections on a midday in the peak of sizzling summer.




    I inhale
    then stop

    nostrils singed
    by scalded air
    too hot and thick
    to breathe

    a heat to suffocate

    I fill my lunges
    yet again
    to bake them
    in sustaining breath
    this oven to endure

    skin weeps

    salted droplets
    baste my neck
    trace my spine
    to irritate

    to saturate

    to gather in the hollow
    of my labored chest
    hesitant in its struggle

    brackish beads
    bloom and seep
    from beneath the smother
    of matted soak
    atop my head


    to ooze their way
    down fevered slope
    into my eyes
    and sting

    bittering my lips

    glaring sphere
    in steaming sky

    bears down

    tasks at hand
    plans to make
    all will wait

    energy expired
    exhaustion’s odor

    thoughts sticky
    synapses coated
    in humid midday

    where are the rains
    of quenching april

    questions evaporate
    desires are vaporized
    even dreams are scorched

    life roils slowly
    simmering in august

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007

    The Patient Sea

    “I offered this post for OLN #250 to celebrate September on the Oregon Coast.
    This was originally written and posted in 2007.”

    Indian Beach, Oregon Coast

    The Patient Sea


    roaring in
    the chest of the wave
    slams the massive boulder

    the great stone rocks back

    with a deep thud
    more felt than heard
    it bumps solid
    against the face of the cliff
    to which it crowds

    as the spent wave recedes
    the hulking mass settles again
    immovable as bedrock
    defying the next swell
    and the next
    and the next

    but the sea is patient

    this steadfast giant
    in the ebb and flow of time
    will acquiesce
    becoming the grains of sand
    upon which it now rests

    Indian Beach sunset, Oregon Coast

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007


  • Click below to check out more poems at dVerse:

    OpenLinkNight #250


    More Oregon Coast September images.



    The two photos immediately above I captured years ago in the month of September. The top photo is the Heceta Head lighthouse on the Oregon Coast. I loved the powerful visual impact created by the tiny lighthouse, beside the vast Pacific Ocean. The bottom photo is of sunset at Indian Beach, also on the Oregon Coast. I digitally rendered both originals into giclée on dappled canvass. “Lighthouse” measures 36″W x 46″H and “September Sunset” measures 60″W x 24″H.
    NOTE: below are two tighter shots of the Heceta Head lighthouse pictured in the giclée above to give you a better sense of scale. The people pictured in the photo at the very bottom below enhance perspective of scale even further.


  • Remembering — Poems For My Family

    NOTE: I am sharing these poems today on OLN, so that I can remember. A significant family event occurred this past week, which I will not share here. It made me wang to be a fly on the wall to my own past. You can join me if you wish.

    Here is a suite of four love poems I’d written to my family. “A Clearing” is written to my wife, Kathy. “Remembered” is written to my daughter, Jennifer. “Tough Love” is written to my son, Justin. And “The Picture” is written to my departed son, Aaron. Click below if you would like to read this suite of poems.

    Authors note: I wrote this following piece in honor of my wife, Kathy, on the occasion of our 20th anniversary as a couple, our 18th wedding anniversary, which occurs next week. Kathy, like me. is an artist. Her discipline is contemporary fiber art. Her work is unique, and her craftsmanship is quite splendid. We are just beginning to set up a website for her Fibrations Studio.



    (For my wife Kathy)

    Often, when you’re away,
    a calm settles over me.
    I’m filled with a warmth, a peace,
    a joy that is my love for you!

    The fog of life’s distractions dissipates.
    The veil of pride and insecurity lifts.

    I see, with great clarity,
    how real – my love for you,
    how true – my bond of fidelity,
    how remarkable – our relationship,
    how certain – I would give my life for you!

    In these precious moments
    emotions overwhelm me.
    I vow I will share with you
    the depth of these feelings,
    holding nothing back – baring all!

    Then the fog creeps back.
    I am again shrouded by insecurity.
    Expressions of love falter – I fall mute.

    So, my love, see these words as a clearing,
    where you can visit and be nurtured.
    A private, wonderful place you can go,
    to know these treasures in my heart!


    Rob Kistner © 2007


    Author’s note: This following piece is written to my oldest child, my daughter, Jennifer. She lives in another city, in another state. I seldom get to see her. She is active in her financial career and travels the world. However, she always remembers my birthday. I genuinely appreciate the present she will send, but I look so forward to the arrival of the accompanying card — word’s can’t explain. It’s the card in which she takes pen in hand, and puts pen to card to write me some words of love. The note always starts with my most favorite word!


    (For my daughter Jennifer)You’ll Ii

    After all these years, she hasn’t lost the magic,
    to transport me through time and space.

    As I open the card that found its way
    across the lonely miles between us,
    I see it, the magic word,


    Like a brilliant sorceress,
    she’s cast her spell.
    I find myself in a wonderful dream.

    She floats into my arms,
    wrapping me in warm embrace:



    “Daddy!” She smiles into my eyes.
    She is my little girl again,
    my firstborn, my beautiful daughter!

    So I cry.


    Rob Kistner © 6/25/95


    Author’s note: This following piece is written for my youngest child, and only surviving son, Justin. It is my great joy to have raised him, and to know him now as a man.

    Tough Love


    (For my son Justin)

    Ours is a tough relationship,
    tough love, no room for timid.

    It is so easy to find fault,
    for there in you go I.

    Your imperfections glare at me.
    I have them all within, and more.

    Photos from my past, uncanny,
    they might as well be you.

    But it’s where we’re not alike
    that your miracle begins.

    You shine more brightly than I do,
    or likely, ever did.

    You care for people, honestly.
    I feign, in truth, I’m distant.

    Your strength in facing life,
    man — I just stand and marvel!

    You’ve accomplishments in hand, right now,
    I never will attain.

    I do envy you, my son.
    At times, I’m even jealous.

    It’s this acute familiarity
    that can cause the sparks to fly.

    We fight, but greater is my love.
    I criticize, but you make me proud.

    My love for you is true and deep.
    My pride is vast and lasting.

    It’s impossible with these words I craft,
    to tell you what you mean to me.

    But every word for love and pride —
    I feel in my heart!


    Rob Kistner © 2007

    Author’s note: This following tribute was written to my son, Aaron. He would be 30 years old today, but his life was tragically cut short at the age 18, when he was killed in a traffic accident. The individual who hit Aaron had fallen asleep at the wheel.

    The Picture


    (In loving memory of my son, Aaron Kistner: 11/4/76 – 7/3/95)

    It may be my favorite picture of you, son,
    the one I cherish most since your passing.

    A simple snapshot,
    taken at the airport,
    upon your return
    from having run the New York City Marathon.

    A gentle, triumphant smile,
    eyes beaming behind those “way cool” shades,
    jacket sleeves rolled in casual hip-ness,
    bag thrown so carefree over your shoulder,
    medal dangling proudly from your strong neck.

    The victor: gentle, cool, hip, carefree, proud, and strong,
    — fiercely handsome!

    How profound this captured moment proved to be.

    Taken just before the finish line of your 18 years,
    it said it all.

    Your race is run,
    your bag is packed,
    your reward’s in hand.

    Fly my sweet angel – fly!


    Rob Kistner © 7/3/05