In the fog of time
I was the singer
at joe’s diner
any friday night
at the sorrowing hour
as the broken shutter
swung ungainly askew
I’d say
hello wind
you are love’s
beautiful rescue
for that child
who has captured the moon
looking beyond the branches
into a night sky of stars
her hands of creation
are more precious than gold
we must protect her life
rob kistner © 2023
More poetry at: dVerse
Fist lines of my first poem of each month, its title, and its month of publication:
…you are love’s beautiful rescue… “Love Drenched” — December 2022
…I was the singer… “I Was the Singer“ — November 2022
…the fog of time… “Further” — October 2022
…looking into the branches… “Shine On Me” — September 2022
…a night sky of stars… “Starman” — August 2022
…that child has captured the moon… “Capture the Moon” — July 2022
…the broken shutter swung ungainly askew… “Shooo” — June 2022
…at the sorrowing hour… “Facing Truth” — May 2022
…joe’s diner any friday night… “Joe’s Juke Joint” — April 2022
…hello wind welcome… “Oh Wind” — March 2022
…more precious than gold… “Golden Ko” — February 2022
…hands of creation… “Daily Miracles” — January 2022
…we must protect life… “Ever Present Threat” — December 2021
This worked out really well, Rob! Well done.
Thank you Dwight…
I love your found poem, it’s magical and mystical…why am I not surprised you could compose this gem. I love the closing lines.
Thank you True, product of fate…
This flows well. I especially liked the last two lines: “her hands of creation are more precious than gold.”
Thank you Tzvi…
So ethereal and divine – love the new found poem.
Thank you Grace. I am imagining in this that the being that has come to earth to overcome the negative, is a woman — and this is her as a child. This child is in sync with the atmospheric elements.
Beautiful! And it flows really well.
Thank you Kate…
A super new composition.
Best Wishes for 2023 Rob.
Happy you dropped by my blog.
Thank you Gillen, best in 2023 to you my friend… ???????????
a lovely lyrical piece Rob especially that first stanza
Thank you very much Laura. This exercise was quite surprising.
A story or a song, your found poem is lovely, Rob. I can image you as the singer at Joe’s diner. I especially love the second stanza, so poignant.
Thank you Kim. Fate provided a reasonable collection of lines to create a piece that seems comprehensible.
Works so well
Thank you AJ…
Rob, I love this, especially the introduction. You build a fantastical place in that little diner <3
Thank you Lisa…
I think this is wonderful Rob. Our ‘found’ poetry has turned out to be such a wonderful gift for all of us. It pieces together fragments of our thoughts making such a beautiful tapestry of poetic verse.
Thank you Christine, very much…
These fit together beautifully Rob. But all your verse is lyrical, so it makes sense it would.
Thank you Kerfe, I zm pleased this worked for you…
I do fedl it falls together nicely.
This flows like a dream, so beautiful and etheric!
Thank you so much Tricia…
Love how it flowed… with the first stanza setting the scene and then going into the story…
Thank you Björn very much…
This is amazing! I would never know it’s a “found poem” except I know you wrote for the prompt! AND how did you find this illustration??? It’s PERFECT for the poem. Beautful in every way! A joy to read….and I’m not usually this effusive in my replies. LOVE this!
Thank so very much Lil. The image came from 20 years of creating images znd surfing the internet for free use images. I have thousands I have cataloged over the years with brief 3 and 4 word descriptions, so sometimes I get very lucky.
This is incredibly poignant, Rob! I especially love; “you are love’s
beautiful rescue for that child who has captured the moon looking beyond the branches into a night sky of stars.”
Thsnkyou zsanas…:)