A Glimpse

“A contemplation on passing over.”

Photo image above and at bottom by: Rebecca Cygnus

A Glimpse


at the sorrowing hour
in the bleak grey
stir of morning
as nightmares flock

I dream

sculpting visions
that strip bare raw emotions
exposing full my troubled soul
to stare deep
at last
into what it is
that so frightens me

and in this harrowed
grief of secrets


if but for a moment

the sacred release
that will set me free


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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  • 13 thoughts on “A Glimpse”

    1. I do think in the dreamscape we are able to see glimpses of what bothers us deep inside. Thank goodness for the sweet releases that can set one free. Some days, I just want to drift off into a lucid dream where there is a deep awareness and a sense of some sort of control. Does that make sense?

      1. I believe control of our personal situations is what all people, to one degree or another, long for. Sadly, I believe it is unattainable regarding the larger scope of life — and we therefore deal daily with the unexpected on many levels. But we can control what we do, and how we react moment to moment — in every moment. Not sacrificing our ownership of our actions/reactions in the “now, is how we eercise control in our lives — and remain at the “active effect” of our life, and not at the “passive affect” of our situation. That’s my humble opinion True.

        1. Rob, it is a fine humble opinion and one I can resonate with. Thank you for taking the time to engage in a bit of conversation. Time is ‘now’ and in the ‘now’ we can still hold on to hope.

          Peace and good dreams

    2. “As nightmares flock” Dreams can expose our deepest fears and sorrows for sure. Love your dark and deep poem Rob! As always it is a pleasure to have you join us at the Muse!

      1. Thank you Carrie! I really enjoy writing to visual prompts. A number of years ago I participated for quite a few years in Tess Kincaid’s “Magpie Tales” visual prompt site. It was a wonderful time, and many, many fine poets contributed their interpretations of the images each week. You have some wonderful images that are put forth here as prompts. I am very surprised that so few poets contribute poetry here. I have been writing poetry for over 50 years, and have participated in online poetry communities since 2003, having hosted and moderated my own open-writing poetry/prose prompt site for 4 years, “Writers Island”, offering mainly visual prompts, with the occasional one-word prompt. I have just started writing again just over a year ago, after a nearly four-year sabbatical — the result of failed health. Maybe in that time since 2014 visual prompts became passé — but I love them. They are my favorite stimuli to which to write. Keep posting visual prompts and I will continue to respond! 🙂

    3. Sometimes in dreams, when our guard is down, we face–at least until we turn away–the things we don’t want to deal with awake.

      Other times, of course, we might dream of a purple giraffe playing badminton with Emily Post for who knows what reason! 😉

      1. Lately I have been dreaming ecstatically Shay. They feel personally prophetic. Different in the sense that they seem visions from beyond, in time and place. Of course, they may simply be the flashbacks I was promised in the 60’s… 🙂

      1. Your words to the poetry book gods ears Bev – and thank you for such a gracious compliment. I would love to put out a book while I am still alive. My son and daughter-in-law want me to fo do, and want to help me self-publish. I don’t know how to do that, and they have my 6-year-old grandson, and they both manage their own businesses — so will it ever happen?

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