
~ The music of Klergy here is so intimate and important to the experience ~

the salt of lies
that proselytize
false reality

I see truth
bound and blinded
stumbling as a wraith

conflicted sides
to fear’s cold stone
by the rough rope
of disinformation

battle’s here
we must fight
smite deceit
blaze truth’s light

rob kistner © 2022

NOTE: Yesterday, 2/21/22 De, from dVerse Poets asked that we include the word salt, or a derivative, in a poem.

NOTE: Today, 2/22/22 Lillian, from dVerse Poets asked that we include the adage here to which this poem responds: “The truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

Salty inspired poetry at: dVerse

Adage inspired poetry at: dVerse


72 thoughts on “Blinded”

  1. Shackled to stones of fear and rough ropes of inflexibility…
    This seems to be a good description of where we are as a country. Very sad indeed. Love is something that must be relearned it seems.

    1. Love is the root mean of most religions, and by those of common sense. Though all these fevered right-wing christians, that worship Trump-almighty, don’t seem to grasp even the basic fundamental principles of tolerance and charity Dwight — much less of love. Hate they know well! Insane stuff!

    1. The shit that is fucked up in this country, and around this world, ain’t gonna get better with a good nights sleep Lisa, no matter how hard we might wish my friend.

        1. I intend to hang in at least until I have at the first battery change in my Pacemaker. That happens in 2026 my friend. I will be 79. Hope I get at least a bit of use out of that new battery. If I cross 80, I will be thrilled Lisa!

  2. I think the quadrille’s word limit made your message more powerful, Rob.
    I SO agree with what you said here. I’m angry, sad, and horrified at seeing our democracy falling to the authoritarian right (as well as seeing it elsewhere).

    1. It is a horror the proportion and impact of which will not be fully realized until the great experiment of democracy fails — snd that may not be as farr awat as we wish it were Merril?

    1. And so it is Jane. Now Pumpkin Head has his own “Truth App” on AppleTV. Disgusting! He and his X-treme Repubs keep making strategic advances for their cause (voter suppression now on serious rise) — the Dems seem not to know how to make the most of Dem White House… and Putin and his lies prepare for war to reestablish Russian Red Empire… time for more fovused militant approach focused on the bullshit in this country snd the globe. Ukraine’s democracy seriously threatened. We need to get focused on reality in this country.

      1. You will be fine, Rob. Keep writing to vent but keep your heart free from anxities. We need oices like yours.

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog Rob.
    My prayers and wishes; in the name of Jesus, for kindness compassion and mercy to journey with you to days of feeling better

    Much love…

  4. You had me with the first stanza. Someone once said, if you say a lie enough times, you’ll begin to believe it. You’ve laid it on the line here…..24/7 news/disinformation makes it even worse.

  5. Hey, Mr. Popular–our minds (once again) plowed parallel poetics; I also wrote something for the Quadrille as well. You nailed your outrage so eloquently. I liked “the rough rope of disinformation”.

  6. I am learning I cannot make anyone love, and I only can control my actions. When I just love without expectation, or reciprocation, then I enjoy my life more and yours too. It isn’t that I don’t care, I do care so strongly but I can’t let my caring destroy me. I protest someone else’s hatred with silent love not for what they do but for who they are as a soul because I can’t change the world. I can only change me.
    I find more peace in me and can think clearer when I focus on this.

    1. I hear and understand Mary, really I do. But I have a grandson. I cannot abide this madness, snd just leave it to impact him. I am angry as hell, and getting more angry every day. I cool down just enough to keep my blood pressure under control, but I can’t just turn a blind eye. I occupy my mind with music and natural beauty, because I find both miraculous. But I never turn my mind away from this chaos for too long — I can’t. There is just too much at stake.

  7. Have you ever read “The Man who was Thursday” by GK Chesterton? I tried to read it 3 times and could not finish it (because of my lack of understanding). The second time I got a little further and actually recognized the humor and metaphor. The third time a little further but still the story seemed to venture onto a path I could not follow. Then one day, quite recently while talking with my son I realized the intent of the author. The book is about anarchy. I have yet to finish it but it is a goal. I think you may understand it. I think that our world right now is in the midst of anarchy and no one knows how to handle it, no matter what position they claim.

    Is it worth you going insane to try to protect your grandson?

    I see and understand your conflict and share it!!! We are more alike than different.

    1. I have no doubt this planet, on many fronts, especially the USA, is in the unfocused, poorly organized, extremely dangerous throws of anarchy Mary. And yes, it is worth the final years of my life to rail against this purposeless rise of the abusive trappings of anarchy.

      Anarchists are generally committed against coercive authority in all forms, namely “all centralized and hierarchical forms of government (e.g., monarchy, representative democracy, state socialism, etc.), economic class systems (e.g., capitalism, Bolshevism, feudalism, slavery, etc.), autocratic religions (e.g., fundamentalist Islam, Roman Catholicism, Pentecostal Christian, etc.), also against coercive social structuralization (e.g., patriarchy, heterosexism, white supremacy, imperialism, etc.).”

      Anarchist schools disagree on the methods by which these forms should be opposed. The principle of equal liberty is closer to anarchist political ethics in that it transcends both the liberal and socialist traditions. This entails that liberty and equality cannot be implemented within the state, resulting in the questioning of all forms of domination and hierarchy. This lack of focus leads primarily to chaos even violence — accomplishing only disruption, leaving nothing solved.

      This is at thd heart of why I do not espouse anarchy. I embrace a nonviolent, meaningful, and inclusive change in our social and governmental structure, sans fundamentalism, with the well-being of all, and the rejuvenation of the planet at the core purpose. Namely, I am and have been a meaningful, left-wing, non-violent, logic-based restructuralist — namely, what in my days of the 1960-70’s, prior to the culturalized infestation of addictive drugs, was a hippie. Sadly, the term later became derogatorialized and marginalized by pop-journalist and the movie industry — who only focused on the glorification of the negative, and immobilization of the positive core of the movement… effectively killing the movement before it could mature into a meaningful vehicle of change. The sad fact is, never before have we do needed a return to the positive elements snd essence of that movement. IMHO

      1. Rob, I agree with you on many levels and I believe in a God who does also. The only reason God descended to man’s estate, was to transcend above man’s estate, and place us, not equal with Him but heirs to Him and all He is.
        He brought a sword, not to destroy humankind, but to destroy evil of every kind. Oh yes, I believe in evil.

        Despite my uneducated background, learning disabilities, elementary, unpolished vocabulary, severe dyslexic behavior, my lazy, spoiled, entitled American mindset, and my unfailing, uncanny ability to screw things up and look like a fool, (such as engaging conversations too smart for me) I embrace someone greater than all of these and to me, after all is said and done, I guess it is worth it.
        He considers the frail and weak as well as the strong and mighty. I believe “Whosoever wills” is God’s equality.
        I look forward to reading your stuff, seeing you on dverse live (And looking up your words)
        IMHO ????

        1. You express yourself well Mary. I appreciate that you visit and comment, thank you. I align with many things that you believe, your perspective on god is different from mine, but I respect everyone’s vision of love, provided it is not violence based. I screw things up all the time Mary, so no need to feel like a fool. You are engaging with the world, so bravo my friend! 🙂

  8. Hoping this was a powerful purge Rob … you nailed our current world situation with such insight!

    You claim you are not feeling well, yet your writing is super sharp! Take care young man

    1. Thank you very much Kate. I have so many heart health, diabetes, and hand arthritis issues, I seldom feel satisfactorily well physically, and I am always fucking exhausted. But at times my head clears and l get a little surge, so I chase the spark and write, until I can’t any further at the time. Then I nap, until I can go again. It has made writing, editing, visiting others to read, then commenting on those other’s sites, and replying to others who have visited my site — an undertaking often beyond me. Plus, I frequently go back and continue editing my own pieces several times after I have posted them, until they are to my liking — which they seldom are. I am actually never “finished” with a piece Kate — I nearly always find something to hone in a little tighter. This has all become more than I can handle effectively – but I love it, and I’m driven, so on I go, best I can… unsatisfied with my own work, and guilty because I am unable to satisfactorily visit and/or respond to other poets. Ain’t it all just a grand life!? 😐

    1. I am pleased these both touched you Xan. My takes on salt and adage evolved into two separate pieces, so I combined them on a single post, because they both coincidentally overlapped — and each were authentic writes. Each my truth. I enjoy when you visit, thank you… 🙂

  9. Blazing truth’s light is what we must do for certain, Rob. I really feel the depth of pain in your blues song – an appropriate song for this world flirting on the edge of the unthinkable. Hard times. I am thankful for poetry – somewhere to put our pain – and frustration.

  10. You have an amazing talent of getting to the gist of the angst that surrounds us. “Blaze Truth’s Light” there is so much disinformation circulating that it disturbs my equilibrium.

    An excellent poem that speaks and seeks truth. Spoken with eloquent wording, a much needed rant….

    need I say more….apparently yes, there is an old saying …

    there is a battle of two (wolves) spirits inside us one filled with love and kindness the other hate & evil, the one that wins is the one that is fed most…I fear humanity is feeding too many evil spirits in the world. sigh…

    as, you can tell my heart is heavy….sorry for the the long comment….

    Here’s to better days, my friend…let us follow the light of the sun and stars….shining on through the darkness…

    The fire of hope is waning…we must rekindle it….

    1. I am aligned with all you say here True. I feel a negative balance in the world energy right now. I have too out a couple love poems recently in hopes of reinforcing the yang, and moving the energy back to balance..

      1. I feel love can reset the positive connection cable and hopefully spark the needed energy to defuse negativity.

        I am happy you ate aligned in my thoughts and that of the universal plan.
        For each of us in a dot of creative change.

        Ok now, i feel a poetic channel flowing.

        I feel your heart is strong…. Just sayin’

        1. All we can do is our best possible True. If my best isn’t in me that day, I still keep pushing my “can do”, as far as I can, to hopefully insure a positive day. 🙂

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