Brash & Bold

A poem featuring slant rhyme in response to Grace’s request at dVerse.


Brash & Bold


this Spring stream runs crystal clear, snow melt cold,
here strong young trout stir restless in their lair
the chill of current makes them brash and bold

morning hatch has them eager to explode
up through ripples into the morning air
from Spring’s stream so crystal clear, snow melt cold

I walk the bank alert but stay composed
searching for the best stream side view, of where
the chill of current has trout brash and bold

it’s in the brisk slack water big ones hold
ready to strike the tempting air borne fare
as Spring streams run crystal clear, snow melt cold

soon a mountain stream drama will unfold
when a mighty rainbow engulfs its prey
‘cause chill of current made it brash and bold

oh what a mighty wonder to behold
a rainbow breaking water with a flair
when Spring streams run crystal clear, snow melt cold
and chill of current makes trout brash and bold

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below for more water slant rhyme magic at dVerse:

    Toolkit: Rhymes and Slant Rhymes

  • 16 thoughts on “Brash & Bold”

      1. I don’t fully grasp it, but I wrote a Villanelle with tight rhyme and rhythm, and then here and there substituted words that worked in the piece, but only sort’a rhymed.
        I also inserted one enjambment for hoots. Glad you like it Jane… 🙂 Gonna come check yours out.

    1. I love this time of spring, when we see the trout (and other fish) making their way in stream. And to see that rainbow breaking over the water is a wonderful sight.

      Slant rhymes give a poem a different sound & pattern and takes getting used to. Thanks for joining in Rob in our villanelle form challenge.

    2. The cycling of the form and the cycle of life work well together. I think you’ve created a great villanelle here. I like the playfulness of the rainbow – captures the curving motion and the colour of the leaping fish, but in another element altogether.

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