emerald eyes stare
fix me in their grasp
lift me into the realm
of unfinished dreams
strip me of fear
of inhibition
render me transparent
as I rise weightless
unburdened of care
an untethered being of pure moment
filled with universes within universes
a vessel of time and space
ever-expanding consciousness
aware of all
not as separate
but as the is – the was – the to become
with infinite reach
embracing the strand continuum
drawing it forward
reeling it back
in uninterrupted linearity
for no reason
but the being of its universal presence
its omnipotent here-ness
the infinite now
seeing through the emerald eyes
with crystalline gaze
I behold the beginning of the endless
touch what is not known
glimpse what cannot be now
but is forever
an epiphanal glance
at the mystery of fate
the why within the why
ever I ascend to realization
that the meaning of the mystery
is veiled in those emerald eyes
• • •
rob kistner © 2009
…photorendering at top entitled “Emerald Eyes” by: rob kistner © 2008
A BRAND NEW WORD: •Epiphanality – 1. The quality of transcendence and enlightenment that exists in something 2. the ability to transcend and rise above
…wonderful poems found at “readwritepoem”
Hi Rob
Thank you very much for your visit and the invitation to be here. I’m glad to be here. You do have a lovely place. The ambience is so very relaxing and yet full of energy feeding all my senses in ways so very right.
You have done a magnificent job of integrating the various creative tools. Yes, I’m speaking of the music, art and design into a delightful poetic collage that complements “Image to Verse”, poetry blog.
I find much pleasure in reading “Continuum”. You have captured so profoundly this theme in every line with compelling imagery. The ecstatic expression of thought and feelings drips from each crafted line and I like what this as done to me: given me moments of superb elation, thinking deeply divergently within a visceral jam, yes that’s it.
Yes, indeed I shall be back regularly. So much so that when I go back to my place I shall insert a link to this place.
Today as well, I’m going to list you among my guest poets on my site and I hope it is okay with you.
Thanks so much for the visit and the invite. I love your new site! And you can imagine my surprise when I started to read your beautiful poem and music from Bladerunner started! Awesome and it made the read so much better. The picture, the poem, the music, it all accentuated each other perfectly. I liked the imagery in the poem, I felt like I was floating, feeling and experiencing. Good job!
I didn’t realize you were a fan of Bladerunner. I also believe that Bladerunner: Directors Cut is one of the best sci-fi movies, defintely one of my favorites and I believe highly under rated. Thanks again for stopping by, I’ll be sure to keep checking in for more inspiration.
Words and music complement each other. Relaxing and enjoyable.
Beautiful poem…those emerald eyes are mesmerizing.
I love the peaceful music, too…
had a quick look at Image & Verse before i run off to the bus to work &c. was very favorably impressed with your various works (and the work of your wife). have added a link from my site [], and now i have to feed my son before he starves to death!!!
will talk again soon i hope.
& thanks for your support
Nice package, Rob. Whose eyes, pray tell.
Hi, this is a great blog you have got here! I love how you have integrated the poems with images and the design is very nice.
Thanks for stopping by my blog – let me know if you would like to do a guest post and/or link exchange.
Rob, thank you for your visit ,and warm invitation. I greatly enjoyed Continuum, and look forward to further exploring your site.
Very beautifully written
Your words are as smooth as silk!
Great way to launch your word. I can see this one going in the dictionary.