In Darkness

“This is my poetic expression of what the “night terrors”, I have experienced all my life, feel like to me. My “night terrors” are actually traumatic, ‘imageless’ dreams, that fill me with so much deep dread that I often wake up moaning loudly. It is a type of nocturnal madness from which I wake completely disoriented and terrified. Once awake and composed, I am usually unwilling to attempt to quickly return to sleep. It seriously scares my wife when they happen to me.”

“Descent Into Madness” by: Rob Kistner

In Darkness


In darkness I’m down, with drum-thrummed head,
steep-steering the black nocturnal nest,
perversely born fantazury,
fresh hatched night’s mad menagerie.

Scream-bringing hoard of twisted truth,
zoom-zooming in this blue-black world,
called forth to gorge in ghastly feast,
first stir, they roust — then gore the beast.

Dark distressing visions overflow,
madness stabbing with a brain-jolt pierce,
disgusting curiosities,
brute-flung to hideousity.

Jerk and lunge these soul-cleaved demons,
death scratch-scratching through doomsday’s door.
Perverted serendipity,
they swarm in crazed horrorifity.

Flaying bone-toed my synapses,
hell’s fleshless hounds devour my peace.
Mind-ghouls shake and shiver me.
Oh gentle morne, deliver me.

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more “mad” poems at dVerse:

    Tuesday Poetics: Making much of Madness

  • 14 thoughts on “In Darkness”

    1. Your dark poem pounded in my head like a bass drum, Rob! The steady pace and rhythm together with the rhyming couplets (fantazury / menagerie!) gave it the feeling of a dirge. For those of us who suffer insomnia and nightmares – night madness – your lines ring true.

    2. From one insomniac to another – darkness is for sleep but it has that other meaning of ‘the black nocturnal nest,’ – a very gritty response to the prompt and one that leaves the reader longing for the morning too!

      1. Sorry to hear Laura, that we both share the sleeplessness night can bring. This is my poetic expression of what the “night terrors”, I have experienced all my life, feel like to me. My “night terrors” are actually traumatic imageless dreams that fill me with so much deep dread that I often wake up moaning loudly. It is a type of nocturnal madness from which I wake completely disoriented and terrified. It seriously scares my wife when they happen to me.

    3. The poem felt like walking into the hell of Hieronymus Bosch.. all those growling words felt like beasts eating my flesh… visions like this would drive me mad too.

      1. This was my best effort Björn, to capture the madness of the “night terrors” that I have experienced all my life, though fortunately much less frequently as I’ve grown older — but they still occasionally wake me up panting, sometimes moaning, unwilling to go quickly back to sleep.

      1. We have learned to live with these occasions Linda. However, the first time it happened was 32 years ago, shortly after we met. She ran to the living room and was ready to either get a neighbor or call 911. I had forewarned her of the possibility, but it still freaked her out. She came back in the bedroom as I was becoming lucid. We laugh about it now.

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