Father’s Day Surprise

Read what my wonderful son did for his old dad.

On Father’s Day, while at the Korean restaurant here in Portland, Oregon, where my son Justin had taken me, my wife Kathy, and his fiancé Christine — I enjoyed one of the true surprises I have ever experienced.  As I was partaking of some delicious appetizers, I became aware that someone had walked up, and was standing behind my chair.  I turned and looked up, and there was my daughter Jennifer — whom I hadn’t seen in two and a half years.

My son had planned this brilliant surprise for me. He truly caught me completely off guard, suspecting nothing like this.

At first I was stunned speechless, with just a big blank stare.  In about 10 seconds I finally came to grips with who this person was — I completely broke down. Huge hugs, big tears, and two glorious days doing nothing but enjoying my darling daughter, and the rest of my family — finally together again after much too long a time!!

When Jennifer finally left I was very distressed to see her go… but this was the best Father’s Day gift I can remember!  Family is such a blessing… 😉

8 thoughts on “Father’s Day Surprise”

  1. Sounds like a lovely collection.
    And what’s this nonsense about age. A sixty-year-old is just a six-year-old with plenty of added experience, taste and – hopefully – a little money to indulge in his tastes…

  2. Nathalie

    Yes — I am finally on the cusp of my second childhood… 😉

    I am still striving for the where-with-all to indulge my more involved fantasies!

  3. Someday you should post pictures of those toys. I bet it would be a very eclectic, interesting collection…I’m sure the men would drool at your treasures!

  4. I’m so glad you were reunited with your daughter. What a Father’s Day surprise! One never knows what life will present in a moment.

    Look forward to the sharing of your toys.

  5. Matthew

    It was wonderful — but far too brief… 🙁

    I am doing some photography right now, then I will compose the verse to accompany the photos — so the toys will be coming.

    Stay tuned!

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