
Original digital surreal art: “Gentle Light” by: rob kistner © 10/14/24

There will come a time
on a distant knoll
in the gentle light
of a sunset drizzled mist
we will again
stand together


and we’ll tell each other
of the wonders
we’ve beheld

the truths
we’ve discovered

and we’ll know love again

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


12 thoughts on “Forevermore”

  1. Ah Rob, I am finding here the reassurance that this yearned-for kindness is possible, and that a man (a Very Special Man, methinks) can see it (relationship aka “just friendship” this way.

    You give me hope for my connection with another V S M.

    1. May hope remain always alive Kathy, and be the link you, and all of us, have to a sustaining love — what the world needs now, especially now, is genuine authentic love, my friend… 🙂

    1. It’s a bit like “somewhere over the rainbow” — but if I can’t see hope, then I will manifest it. It is the 1963-70 era hippy in me Björn, that stubbornly believes humankind can and must find peace and love… find our way back to the garden… 🙂 …if we are as fucked up as we are representing right now — then for the sake of the natural world, it is time to throw this model in the trash, and start fresh… 😐

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