Goin’ Down

~ existentially speaking ~

Abandoned from the beginning
turned loose alone
down the slide of life

no preparation
no explanation
no true identification

just — baby go…

off you sailed
mini mr tieke

enduring and surviving
each unexpected turn
each unseen bump
each unsettling drop

faster and faster
as time flashed by
in a hurry
kinda blurry

as you picked up speed
you picked up vague images
collecting them
clinging to them

embracing them desperately
turning them to realities
at least
to the best of your abilities

lil’man alone
you made them your own
you made them your life

you smiled
you shed tears
you just held on
battling fears

a real dad stepped in
got better then

you made time
you lost time
you made love
you lost love
you made no excuses

and now
here you are lil’ lawrence
very near the bottom

squeeze those dreams
if ‘ya still got’m

soon it will end

how will it end

only the verse of poets
or the dogmas of priests
dare venture a posit

and they got no clue
no more than you
little freefall lad

but soon you will know
if you end up glad
or if you been had

you might just find

as perhaps
it is meant to be

we’ll see
won’t we

well now
hope the hell now
you enjoyed the ride

the terror
the thrills
the speed

in the end
my friend

the ride
is all that’s

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: earthweal

bottom picture by: Robert Doisneau “The Ghost Train,” 1953


is it this,

or this,

who really knows?

30 thoughts on “Goin’ Down”

  1. Those last lines tell it all Rob! Yes, so we might as well try to enjoy the ride. I like how you merged the two images into your life experience. I was looking at your side bar, and really like those designs. I especially love the name of your old prompt site, Matinee Muse. That is so cool!

  2. There is a beginning and an end but, life is about figuring out the riddles in the middle. Enjoy the adventure.

    I love those serenity totems, they catch my eye every time I visit here. How long does it take you to make one?

    1. Yes, enjoy the ride, regardless of what the destination may of may not be.
      Regarding the creation of Serenity Totems, the middle size pictured in the grouping seen in the sidebar (26” tall x 8.25” circumference), from concept, through design, to materials measuring/cutting/ and edge prep, then fitting and application to cylindrical fiberboard substrate, then trim and accent wrapping, hand painting of the crowns and base cap, finally the design/selection/assembly of the “found” multiple elements of the unique “Peace Talisman” that embellishes the front of each Serenity Totem — the total time over 2-3 days averages 26-34 hours, depending on overall complexity of each. The small size of 20”T/7”C takes a little less time, and the largest at 36”T/9.5”C takes longer. I am able to do 2 at a time, keeping them overlapped in different phases of completion.
      The guad-frame photo below the grouping shows some of the post cut & align, pre fit & assembly stages of a large size Serenity Totem. You can also see some main elements selected for this particular Peace Talisman.
      In the sidebar, you can also see mounted and shadowbox framed Peace Talismans, which I also sell separately.

    2. Rob, i will be sending positive energy your way on Tuesday. Wishing you health and calmness.

      Thank you for the explanation on the making of the totems. They are truly amazing.

  3. Little guy raised by his own lonely self. Sort of like me but I’ve had a boost here and there now and then. I.e., like your guy I can fend for myself.
    Still pulling for your procedure. Got a date and time?

  4. There is only one guarantee in life – the rest is up to us. Beautifully expressed Rob.
    Lovely James Taylor video – what a wise man: ‘everyone knows love is the only road’

      1. I am pleased Marion that it will finally be here 5:30AM Tuesday. The three different sets of tests Mon/Tues/Wed this week, and then the waiting ‘til Friday to get the time for the operation — was tying and exhausting!

  5. The ride… a free fall.
    But in the end you bounce on the ground and you can look up…

    Best wishes for the surgery.

  6. Indeed our life is all we have to live. Luv the inspiration of your closing line. And also luv these line resonating your poem throughout
    “how will it end

    only the verse of poets
    or the dogmas of priests
    dare venture a posit”

    Happy Sunday.

    Much love…

  7. Oh this speaks such a universal truth – one hopes we enjoy the ride, because it’s all we’ve got. Wise words, Rob. Such a good poem, which could also be a song.

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