The Turn of Time

Y esterday is the tear shed
the breath exhaled
the word spoken
the harvest in

today is the voice singing
the raindrops falling
the river flowing
a hand sowing

tomorrow is the unfolding dream
the gold dawn approaching
a new hope’s promise
the planted seed

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers


44 thoughts on “The Turn of Time”

  1. Nicely done, Rob! How is it that most humans can look backwards and forwards, but they can’t see the now, listen to the voice singing, raindrops falling or the river flowing? More focus on the now would surely yield a better tomorrow.

    1. The fact is Kim, I believe the art of being-here-now “mindfully” is the social element that is mostly missing in our society. Smell the flowers, feel the rain, watching the river run.

  2. Tomorrow is that planted seed, in so many ways. We can only hope that it bears kinder fruit than what we are currently experiencing. Wonderful, Rob.

  3. This is a great poem, Rob. Time is so fleeting, and in our sunset years we grow more and more aware of that fact! Yesterday is done, tomorrow is not yet, today is a gift…that’s why it’s called the present!

    1. Thank you Bev! We need to grab as much time as possible… 🙂 I had not heard the “present” statement before, or don’t remember? 😉

  4. Fabulous post, Rob! I especially appreciate the Byrds’ rendition of Ecclesiastes. This touched my grieving heart…thank you!

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