Leaving Home

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Leaving Home” by: rob kistner © 7/1/24


Turning to leave
she covers the distance
to the door
in a few sorrowful strides

she looks back
fixes her gaze
should she say something more

in that fading moment
nothing is said
no need

she lowers her eyes
turns her head
steps through the door
into the chill night rain

and is gone

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at:Whats’s Going On


8 thoughts on “Leaving Home”

  1. There is a story in this poem. The sorrowful steps to the door make me think of the story of my mother leaving home when she was seventeen, her parents crying in the doorway. Well done, Rob.

    1. Been there and done that myself Magaly. I never regretted it, but I still deeply rue the aftermath I left in my wake for others who were impacted.

  2. I have lived this scenario once in my life ~~ and regretted it since. See you in September when the summer’s thru. Taking a break, my muse and me!

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