• one free verse poem
• one haiku

the two red crests are busy
hammering away
peck peck peck
big chucks of the dead pulp
flying in all directions
the elusive couple has come
down into the yard
from the climbs
of the old-growth forest
that surrounds our home
to get their fill
of early-season insects
comfortable as two dancers
they circle each other
bobbing and weaving
on the old Douglas stump
peck peck peck
beautiful in black
bold scarlet topknots
vivid white to frame the faces
majestic in their size
and mystery
these life-mates
rule our woods
often heard
peck peck peck
seldom seen
save a passing glance
of red and wing
but here they are
resplendent in the Oregon sun
emboldened by mating season
and the spring bounty
they flit occasionally
in turn
to the nearby red cedar
centuries old
live and looming
but they return to the stump
peck peck peck
preferring the delicacies
in the decaying remains

with his crimson cap
and wings white on black
has joined them
in this supper hour
but he swings
and pecks quietly on the suet
dangling from the eaves
having been ushered indiscreetly
from the Pileated’s banquet
a gorgeous Northern Flicker
speckled and curious
observes at a distance
from the forest canopy
not partaking in this evening’s feast

and amazed
captivated by the glory of nature
being celebrated
just beyond our bedroom window
we join the celebration
grateful for the privilege
humbled by this spectacle
hopeful for our planet
• • •

each crest a new thrill
each fresh turn an adventure
hiking the forest
• • •
poem and haiku by: rob kistner © 2010
Quite right to be celebrating nature and I echo your concerns for our planet.
Haiku complements picture draws us into it, hungry to know what’s beyond.
I live in open country, but mainly fields; woodland a bit scarce.
yes lovely
and yes hopeful
That’s an awesome thing to celebrate, beautifully put.
Beautifully written, and such an amazing thing to celebrate! Nicely done!
Especially liked the idea of being as comfortable as two dancers.
Very nicely done. How you conclude the poem is wonderful.
beware of red heads!!!
Rob, I had a very deep comment until I read Carolee’s comment which is spot on. Seriously, as an Oregonian I can relate to this great visual – I think the cousin of your birds is outside my window working this morning. Nicely done.
So well done! I love the pics of the birds!
CELEBRATING…your words Rob…and all of what you say..hiking in the mountains here is just about a daily thing….so is that dam woooody woodpecker that wakes us many mornings…but we love him…thanks again for sharing…enjoy the day
Beautiful depiction of one of natures few percussion birds. I could hear them in the forest of my mind. Thanks for this vivid and aural celebration of nature!
The sounds and sights that settle around if you remain quiet and still are amazing. And yes, those woodpeckers can be damned elusive!
Delightful description and photography. A pleasure to read your poetry, and view both your photography and art work.