• one free verse poem
• one haiku
• one onomatopoeia
• one noxious fume

fueled by the freedom of the open road
we race our way into the sunset
leaning tightly into curves
wind whipping our hair
our knees tucked
heads down
we rocket
thriving on the thrill of the throttle
embracing the magnificence
living in the moment
not counting time
or keeping track
just being
• • •

engine oil changed
grips cleaned tire pressure checked
spring’s highway beckons
• • •
kick down — kick down — kick down
kick down — kick down
rev rev rev rev
• • •
poem, haiku, and onomatopoeia verse by: rob kistner © 2010

who knew lovemaking would end
with my lover breaking wind
oh god did that foul stench offend
we’ll not soon make sweet love again
here’s one thing that I’ll be hope’n
if we do the windows open
no refried beans next time we’re flirty
‘cause on a scale of ten that fart’s a thirty
(in tanka form)
our loving did end
when my sweet lover broke wind
a stench to offend
no beans next time we’re flirty
ten scale – that fart’s a thirty
I love them all. I love the last one especially… cabbage can be a mood killer
Stinks so sweet
Refried bEans i think (feel awkward for that)
Is that 30 on the Richter scale? 🙂
Bikes are not my friends anymore.. can’t remember why… got a hospital report… somewhere – my memory blank for a 2-3 week period.
Make that 7 of the best!
I loved your response to the prompt; it made me laugh out loud.
Oh, love the last one!! That is hysterical…though I guess that’s only if you’re reading about it!!!!
Hi Rob,
That’s when you know what love truly means!
You’re killin’ me with this. Hilarious!
I had to laugh!
You are unafraid, it seems, to take on anything.
Stan –
Thanks man, I must have run out of “E’s” in the early morning hours. Hey, I’m trying to get published — would you like a position as an editor, you proofread better than my SpellCheck… 😉
Thanks all for visiting, reading, and for the kind words, and Maureen — it’s not so much courage as it is a lack of good sense, and an ineffective social filter… blame it on my Adult ADHD… 😉
This is hilarious! Much more funny than mine.
nicely done Rob….got a few smiles for sure
Dead good Rob, and a fart like a six fifty Norton!!
Hilarious. Especially the last poem. You have quite the way with words and creating a scenario.
Well done!
They are all so good! But the last is hilarious! I think we have all been there at some point in time.
These are good , Rob. God the way you are belting out poems, so prolific. April is the month you are inspired, is it?
Rob, thank you so much for reading my poems. I guess you have some problems leaving comments. Just leave your comments and they will show only after I moderate them.
Happy writing.