Play On

To the brave people of Ukraine — may your song play on forever!

Photography by Joseph Eid


A real pity it is to say…
but a person can lose their home
a person can lose their fine clothes
a person can lose their fancy trappings
a person can grow old, losing their vitality

and all that must be met
with courage
with kindness
a gentle greeting
and proper aid

even a brave person — to lose their *music
such a person would lose their joy — their mind
it would be the dark death of their verve their soul
and that would prove to be the true tragedy of their life

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


R.I.P. John Prine 1946-2020 — you are missed

A voice in Ukraine sings out – may it be just one in a chorus of courageous resistance!

* Music means many things — faith, belief, courage, optimism, joy, sanity, strength, humility, memory, wonder, creativity, sorrow, forgiveness, celebration, soul, patience, hope, love — this, and much much more, is all one’s “music”! All the things above and beyond the material. Music of the spheres.

26 thoughts on “Play On”

    1. Thank you Carrie, very much. It was Eid’s powerful photograph speaking to me. 🙂 This was biograpical in its essence. You know, if you ever discontinue your visual prompts, there is a good chance I will lose my joy, my mind, my verve, and my soul!

    1. Yes Sherry! 🙂 It is because everything around him truly spoke to his physical, his material, and that is terrible to lose — music speaks only to the soul, it nurtures the soul, the ability to see above and beyond the material. It gives us a passion to live. If one losed that, one loses all. ;(

  1. The music amidst devastation is both heartbreaking as well as inspiring. Luv your take on the prompt Rob.
    Happy you dropped by my blog today

    Much love…

    1. Music means many things — faith, belief, courage, optimism, joy, sanity, strength, humility, memory, creativity, soul, patience, love — this, and much much more, is all music! All the things above and beyond the material. Music of the spheres.

    1. Thank you. Sure as hell is to me Rall. It is all the things I commented to Ingrid. It opens our eyes to see beyond the fundamental base elements of life, the things that make life worth living.

  2. Dear Rob, I heartily agree! Without music I know my life would lose much of it’s luster, verve, inspiration, energy ….. and on and on. A really neat poem describing that emotion.

    1. Thank you Helen. Music, dance, poetry, art, is all, at its heart, music. It’s tempo, rhythm, balance, expression… It is the soul singing. What is the first act of love between a mother and a child — after holding, it is song. Universal communication..

  3. Life may have taken many things from this man but, it hasn’t taken his joy and appreciation for music that is what keeps his soul alive, even when the walls around him are crumbling down.

    1. Music feeds the soul, and the soul is always hungry True — as I see it. A starved soul makes physical survival much more difficult — and I ain’t speaking religiously. A person’s true spirit is what I refer to.

  4. Excellent in my book, Rob. Speaking of books, the russian president was shown on TV crossing himself for Eastern or russian Orthodox Easter. His Bible is like others? Those books have the ten commandments, the 5th is “Thou shall not kill.” Besides being a ruthless killer and a mad man, he now has been shown to be a hypocrite.

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