River Whispers

This is a 144 word flash fiction piece written in response to a dVerse prompt. This one is focused at the beauty and power of the Pacific Northwest, the land that I embrace, and dearly love — my home! You can click at the bottom of this post if you would like to listen to the soothing sound of the river while you read.

  • I highly recommend headphones for full immersion in the natural energy!

    CC BY-NC-ND Bruno Monginoux www.photo-paysage.com www.landscape-photo.net

    River Whispers


    I’m at peace wandering these mountains, spellbound by the vastness of their forests, searching their rivers, letting them carry my spirit over their boulders and falls. My soul hears ancient secrets whispered by their waters, echoed in the treetops by birds’ quiet songs. The tumble of their current is the lifeblood of my heart.

    These pristine mountains are breathtaking, unspoiled natural beauty. They ignite my imaginings. The fragrance of conifers and wild flowers blend to intoxicate the breezes, wafting all around me, as sun rays drift down dreamlike from their emerald forest canopies, sparkling diamond-like on the chill chop-waters of their wild mountain rivers.

    This special place is close to my heart. Here my spirit soars like the melody of a song. When I’m lost, the mystery of this magic place finds me. Here you will love again the stranger who was your self.

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    “listen to the river while you read”


  • Click below to read other’s self discovery at dVerse:

    Prosery #3: Love After Love

  • 28 thoughts on “River Whispers”

    1. A beautiful area of the country, for sure. I live near the Truckee river and find it so restoring when we are not in a drought situation. Thank you for the peaceful moments here.

      1. Love th Pacific Northwest, OREGON most especially — but much magic in Washington and BC too. You are welcome Victoria, I am happy to provide a bit of escape… 🙂 You certainly live in a soul satisfying part of our country.

    2. Clicked on the river sounds, and nearly fell asleep, brother. Just had a bone marrow biopsy today, so came to the Pub late; but these days the writing is more essential than garnering more comments. I never tire of your romance with our Puget sound Northwest. I still hear angelic choirs on mountain tops.

      1. Just a little nap Glenn, to help take the edge off that… WHAT THE FUCK!? A BONE MARROW BIOPSY !!?
        Dude, what the hell’s up!? C’mon bros, what’s the haps?

    3. I enjoyed the river whispers so much, and the confident songs of birds that are unknown over here in the UK; I love the phrase ‘the tumble of their current’. I was transported as I read your prose, Rob. How could anyone not be at peace or spellbound in such a place?

      1. I am so very glad that this piece touched you Kim. I wanted the ambiance to enrich my visitors and readers today. A little peaceful respite for just a bit to lift your day!

    4. “The tumble of their current is the lifeblood of my heart. So much beautiful imagery in this post…you take me there. But these words for me, perhaps best say how much this area of the country means to you.

    5. Oh … yes I do agree… nature can be such a blessing and we will find the best part of ourselves in such a world.

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