Soon Summer



At last fair summer soon arrives, just in time to resuscitate my sense of humor. The winter rains still stubbornly linger. But soon the sky will remain sunny and clear, as will my lifting mood, stirring summer dreams in the golden warmth. I celebrate this season of plenty.

The seeds push sprouts through the rich warm earth, as nature cycles to this time of birth. New buds pop forth through ready limbs. Mountain streams run fast and clear as nature’s curtain lifts on this magical time of year — as the veil lifts on my sweet recall.

Bird songs will echo through the greening trees to serenade my reverie. The heady fragrance of summer will carry on the gentle breeze, as the bold hues and rich sounds of this beautiful boisterous season fill my soul to bursting! Rockin’ my Adirondack — joyous is my heartsong!

green leaf on blue pond
turns in golden summer sun
red bird softly sings

rob kistner © 2022

* Some bonus summer tankas >> HERE

More poetry at: dVerse


20 thoughts on “Soon Summer”

  1. Ah … summer in the Pacific Northwest! You describe it well. (I am second from top. My Aunt Helen at the top of course! She could do anything and was my favorite relative.)

  2. Wonderful haiku. We’re getting those colours here, but in the autumn leaves and winter blue sky. Nice to be reminded summer will come back. 🙂

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