Space Flower

Wow — it is so hard to believe
that it’s finally time to leave
the spaceport

last night I nearly opted out
lying in bed thinking about
this spaceflight

I am nervous — I’m telling you
I fear at blast off I might poo
my spacesuit

but it’s damned cool that of this crew
I am the one who gets to do
the spacewalk

is this to me a dream come true
yes — if they keep me tethered to
the spacecraft

all this really is so very new
who’d a’though it’s Helianthus that knew
Im’a spaceman

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


16 thoughts on “Space Flower”

  1. Cryosleep dreaming? Remembering practice sessions? I’m curious what happens after the last verse and where the speaker comes to ground.

  2. Sunflowers see all, know all ….. they dance facing the sunlight, settle down as night falls .. amazing flowers.

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