Stir Of Love
the horror of that night
holds the seal tight
the memory riveted
securely barring entry
none can pass
his bitter resolve
makes certain none will try
this is a dark forbidden place
cold and barren
a wasteland of the lost
inhabited by the dead
the gate grown over
by a tangle of grief and anger
any memory
of a once vital presence
of a living breath
of warmth
of joy
forever gone
brutal night has fallen long ago
that no sun can penetrate
the blackness soothes him
he retreats into its depths
embraces its lightless void
shielded from any possibility
of further pain or remorse
he is unfeeling
safely lifeless
but see
a shadow
falls across the threshold
someone approaches
a comely being
warm and alive
lays gentle siege
threatening to breach
his hardened fortress
this lovely creature
fair and fragile
can not possibly gain entrance
must not
he will resist
he must
this is wrong
this is trespass
this is cruel betrayal
of his lost beloved
he has no right
to leave this place of sorrow
to step into the light
no right
but it grows inevitable
all seems lost
his stronghold is succumbing
falling to this delicate advance
he is vulnerable
but it is useless to resist
searching with a patient heart
she has found it
the key
grasped in her loving hand
fingers tenderly enfold it
she slides it into the lock
turning with great care
he is defenseless
he feels his heart slowly open
the long forgotten
stir of love
begins to warm his soul

rob kistner © 2009
I am in awe. This is beautiful.
Just let me get my breath back and then I can comment …
beautiful, heart-stirring, engaging …
Beautiful Rob, this is beautiful poetry so tender and loving.
The American Sandwich
What a lovely old word …’comely’! It was all very moving. If based on an event I hope al’s well now.
Passionate, full of emotions.
As I was reading the first part I had a smile on my face. I love a man like this. He found it for two weeks. I fought it for a month after him LOL. After 19 months it’s hard to remember the people we were.
Most superb writing!
It’s so easy to build barriers after loss or hurt. You’ve have described beautifully how they can be broken down.
Now I want to read the story…that doesn’t sound like such a compliment I suppose, but left wanting more?
Such a human experience – to feel pain, back off and hide, and then find that another human will not allow it. A lesson we all learn over and over, thank goodness!
ah, the man in the cave afraid of the light. beautifully expressed.
what a beautiful use of language
I am not a huge reader of poetry, but this was beautiful enough to make me want to start. Excellent piece.