Summer Dance

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Summer Dance” by: rob kistner © 6/17/24


We have reached Summer Solstice. Light has fully overtaken the dark. It is now when the sun’s arc reaches the peak of its journey. Each new day sunlight shines its brightest and lingers longest. The birds and animals are busy with new life. Fields of crop, orchards, and arbors are bursting forth in eager growth. This transition is a time of hope and possibility for all — animals, plants, and us.

Earth’s sprouted bounty accelerates its swell towards abundance. Hearts fill with a sense of joy. The long days and warm nights bring a spirit of freedom. Love, laughter and dance fill the air. Smiles blend with the toil and anticipation. It is a time of blessing, and an important time for personal gratitude.

dance in solstice light
it has overtaken night
days loll long — hearts bright

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry/prose at: Moonwashed Musings


28 thoughts on “Summer Dance”

  1. How much do I love the Litha you shared!!!! Tons and tons. Summer forever felt languorous and sexy to me. How my body felt, where mind wandered, long starlight nights, singing, dancing …. and on and on. Thank you for reminding me. I needed that little jolt of “feeling young/er again.”

    1. You are welcome my friend. Summer has a different magic to it when we are young. We were strong, swift, and beautiful once — now we are just beautiful… 😉

  2. Great. “This transition is a time of hope and possibility for all — animals, plants, and us.” Nice blend of the response of Creation and mankind to the shift of the season.

    1. Thank you very much, Dwight. I have worked in digital art for many years. My son and I started seriously creating digital work back in the 90s, but today’s digital toolbox is much more capable. It’s been trickier learning how to bring the AI bot into my toolbox, but I’m finally learning how to tame it better to use it much more effectively in the intermediate development stage — learning what command codes and URL strings it responds to best. I can get pretty close (approx 90%) to what I initially envision as the finished image. Then I just take it through final digital editing, primarily the Photoshop tools ensemble, but I also include Illustrator in the chain. Takes patience and time, but then so does combining sketch and painterly mediums and techniques — the arthritis has taken out of my reach. I loved working with acrylics, when I was still able to do so.

  3. A joyful celebration of Summer Solstice, Rob, and of the wonder of each new day. I love the way you compare the earth’s ‘swell towards abundance’ with human hearts filling ‘fill with a sense of joy’.

    1. I firmly believe the health and “happiness” of our planet is directly connected to the health and happiness of the human species. The struggles of human mankind right now reflect the struggling earth, and vice versa. There is a dangerous imbalance in both Kim, and that worries me, my friend.

  4. I think you would love a midsummer celebration in Sweden… exactly this type of joyeous celebration.

    1. I’m sure that I would Björn. I would love to see your country, would that I were able to travel. My traveling days are behind me, but would be a wonderful opportunity my friend… 🙂

  5. Lovely haibun expressing the joys of the Summer
    Solstice, and I love your digital art. Thank you so much for joining in, Rob.

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